Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

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Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby warren-the-ape » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:02

Happy Birthday everyone with the 10 year anniversary of our community!

10 years ago, in a time where there weren't any iPhones, no Android, no Instagram or Snapchat. When nobody had heard of Obama, Netflix was still renting out dvds and the Avengers only known to comic book nerds. Back then there was this guy, Landser, who thought about starting his own Enemy Territory community. And so, on April 26th, Prime Squadron was there!

We're actually cheating a little bit, cause April 26th was the first day this website (the forums) launched while the gaming servers were already up and running for a little time ;)

At that time Enemy Territory was at its peak even though it had been released 3 years before. The benefits of hosting your own servers and the game being free, which was pretty rare back then, attracted a lot of gamers.

At our peak we had about 11 servers which was more than we could handle and soon scaled down to 7; PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, (PS6) and PS7.

Today, only PS1 and PS7 are left but our die-hard core is still playing! While other gaming communities have come and go, we are still here!

And even though we've seen many new multi-player games over the years, nothing ever came close to OUR Enemy Territory.

Happy Birthday guys :beer:

When did you start playing on our servers?
And what was your funniest/craziest/best/most memorable PS moment?
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Swordfish » Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:15

Congrats to all!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Pancake » Tue Apr 26, 2016 14:51

Happy Birthday yall, great rememories on the servers :o)
stopped playing et. now lurking csgo. find me on steamcommunity with /id/pancookie1

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Daghel » Tue Apr 26, 2016 15:29

PS <3
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby SpyCow » Tue Apr 26, 2016 16:53

PRIME SQUADRON (#5) <3 :beer:
Image :wth:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Troyan » Tue Apr 26, 2016 18:25


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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby empy » Tue Apr 26, 2016 20:41

:beer: :banana: :party:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby pompidom_23 » Tue Apr 26, 2016 20:47

Happy Bday, I think I started playing 7years ago hero. Best moments on server for me were on PS#5. Laughing with Mici, Darkman, Lumpizupf, Jogy, Badbad.. What a time

Pompidom :)


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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby GoldenBullet » Tue Apr 26, 2016 22:56

In a few years people who were born the day PS was formed might start playing it, if they aren't already!
Cheers to the years gone by and to those still coming!

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby RyukinOmega » Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:00

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby DMG_Kowi » Wed Apr 27, 2016 21:03

Who's gonna tattoo the PS logo on own chest? :D

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Sebbel » Wed Apr 27, 2016 21:59

damn how time goes by....
im happy to read this.
right now sitting here with a glass of wine, taking some time thinking about those many good and bad, funny and sad moments.
im registered since september '06, so my first playing on ps (#4) might be in summer few weeks/months after the website was created.
landser himself, most time drunken by some cheap beer or sparkling wine from penny, explained and teached me much of the basics of the game.
in my youth (ye, long time ago) i grew up with the very first fps games that could be called the grandparents of ET: wolfenstein3d, spear of destiny, then doom, quake, quake2, duke nukem until finaly came rtcw and w:et ..... since i knew all this old school shit from some funny lanparties out of the middle 90s i could not wait to play w:et.. but had such a shitty internet connection i first had to move to a bigger city to play finaly online.

yep.. from then to now .. a few things changed :S

but hey, we're still here !
happy birthday.. lets go for the next 10 years :D
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby FALBIK » Wed Apr 27, 2016 22:13

PS ...surrvive ...im survive ...... wth :P

congratz old & new mates 8)
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby carebear » Wed Apr 27, 2016 22:48

WOW such a long time has gone by so far and this community is still up. :party:

Happy Birthday to all of you that made this possible!!!

Hope i can join the Event at the weekend, because many new good things happen currently in my real life...

Anyway hf & drink some beer :beer: :loller:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby icefrost » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:16

Happy B-Day PS! <3

i dunno where to start since i had so many funny / good moments on our servers which i won't be able to remember anymore since i was mostly drunk / stonded that time back xd. anyway, especially the beginning times with crossyard and monster as serverowners of PS 2 was a great experience. back in the time, when the little icy just turned 20 years and had no clue about the game or server configs at all. they teached me a lot and it was just a nice and good time back in the days, 2006 hey, i don't wanna miss anything of that time. thanks for everything guys!

what i also specially remember is of c the start of virtualorgasm (first psc. aka prime squadron clan) when we meet downtempo who teached us the competition stopwatch mode of w:et (etpro) with all the funky oldschool players like memnoch, nemesis, wenszhopper, downtempo, caej, ichi(hollow) / ryuuzaki, souly, para and of course the *beep* lisa (lady.lisa) <3 i miss this time and i miss you guys <3

thanks for the past 10 years, thank you ps for all the good memories. it was a pleasure to be a part of this community and to meet so much different people all around the world <3

much love <3
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Bumble » Sat Apr 30, 2016 13:49

happy b-day :D

My first start was at PS 3 i think :D best server ever :D ofc
dont know how i met there xD



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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby vulcan » Sat Apr 30, 2016 21:51

Happy Birthday -|PS|-!!! :D
I've been visiting your servers for quite some years now.
I started at PS2 or 3, then I went to PS5. After that, PS6 came into view and I played there until it closed, so I went back to PS5.
Then I made the switch to PS1 and I've played there for several years. That is until about 2.5 years ago, when my study became a bit time-consuming.
I didn't play for over 2 years, but at the start of this year I made my return, once again in PS1. And I'm glad to be back and to see PS1 and the PS community still standing!

Thanks to all of you for the great times at PS, both past and of times to come! :beer:


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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby dmg_arg4el » Sun May 01, 2016 10:41

Long live PS!

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby badbad » Mon May 02, 2016 21:58

pompidom_23 wrote:Happy Bday, I think I started playing 7years ago hero. Best moments on server for me were on PS#5. Laughing with Mici, Darkman, Lumpizupf, Jogy, Badbad.. What a time

:beer: Happy Bday :beer:
:beer: nice time Pompi well :beer:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby landser » Mon May 02, 2016 22:06

oh ya ... what a great time - with every server filled. PS1, way to crowded to play on - and great that way. PS2, either ETpro or some strange nq config i couldnt handle. PS3, way too much irc / stephan controlled ( :P ). PS4, etpub with allowing all .pk3 mod files for max. splatterladder domination - until it got empty and i dropped from the splatterladder top 50. and, of course, PS5, the server with perfect settings - for noquarter and sebb controll ...

overall great varity and outreach by that ...

unfortunately we couldnt keep the players - allthough we still can master some events with a huge participation-rate - and even some regular player joining during the day - but, of course, under the normal player average we had like 3 years ago.

glad - and even proud - to see some people active here, who were around many years ago.
if i had known, that 2016 were to be such a bad year for our player-server-ratio, i would have been way more active on the servers during 2006 - 2014 ... enjoying these crowded player experiences more.

overall: great times - never forgotten.

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby RapidHail » Thu May 12, 2016 12:12


ET, PS, Player, Admin, Family. Now life is going on. There is so much time stolen by ET and PS that I'll never regret. Go on guys for next 10years.
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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby carebear » Thu May 12, 2016 22:43

RapidHail wrote:Yanks, krauts, tanks, banks, trucks, gold! What will be the outcome? Only time will tell!

Ohh dear, my ears ring now :party: :loller: :party:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Ferocious » Tue May 17, 2016 16:20

Happy birthday PS! .. better late than never!

I miss the old days.


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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby bombino » Sun May 29, 2016 23:04

Happy Birthday al love you ps :hyper:

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Re: Celebrating 10 years - Happy Birthday!

Postby Samuraii » Fri Jun 03, 2016 13:35

"Better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."

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