Mafia Game 16 - Timemachine Subscription topic!

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Mafia Game 16 - Timemachine Subscription topic!

Postby GoldenBullet » Sun May 29, 2011 7:39

Hello again folks! Army has taken a lot of my time the past year, but I finally got enough free time to host you yet another MAFIA GAME!
As some of you might have noticed, the game number jumped back to 16 instead of going to 19. Coincidence? Hell no! But before I officially open the subscription, here are the rules and roles of the game.

And before that, bear this in mind:
Few more points I'd like to point out once again:
- You don't need to be experienced to play this game! This game is easy to learn and even a new player can rock the house.
- You MUST be somewhat active. Idlers and silent people WILL be kicked out of the game.
- You should also take time to read what people have posted and patience to analyze them, not just make a vote and go play ET. It makes the game interesting.

The Rules of Mafia game

Each participant gets their role assigned via private message (PM). Roles are random. Mafia players get to know who the other mafiosos are. Mafia players are permitted to interact with each other via PM or make a secret forum of their own, while innocents may only interact in public on the posted thread (exception: Masons). Mafia players will, of course, also post on the public thread as well.

The game has 2 phases, "night" and "day". Length of these phases vary; day phase might take 3 days!

During the "night" phase of the game, the mafia will write a name of innocent in red, indicating who they want to kill (this will of course happen on their secret forums, NOT on public one.) The mafia's victim will be selected by majority vote. If they are dumb/tactical enough not to have a majority in their votes, then no innocent will be killed on that turn. However it might happen that other roles actions will prevent mafia from doing their kill. For example: mafia will fail to kill somebody protected by the Doctor. Roles which can use their abilities may send their PMs both at night and during the day. Effects which should be shown to publicity will be included in stories/summaries posted at the beginning of every phase.

Once the Narrator has posted the results of the PMs, the "day" phase of the game begins. During the day phase, the players who are still alive discuss who they think might be a mafioso and vote for someone to kill. The mafioso are posing as innocents during the day and they also vote with the innocents. A majority of votes is required to reach a decision. If there are 15 innocents alive, then 8 people must vote for the same person in order to "lynch" them. When the person is lynched, the Narrator will reveal his/her role and the night phase will begin. This cycle will repeat until the game ends. Once a player is "dead", he can no longer post anything of substance to the thread. Exception is a Ghost role.

The game ends when the innocents have lynched all the mafia players or the mafia have killed enough innocents that the innocents can no longer muster enough votes to lynch any mafia players.

You should check the game as much as possible, inactivity for more then 3-4 days will be punished with a 'death from above' (= inactivity death.) More activity = More fun!

Posting PM's from the Narrator to you is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule will lead to direct elimination!!

Since this round hasn't got the whole variation of roles and mostly plain innocents, you are allowed to tell your role anytime you wish without penalties.

See roles for more info about their abilities and restrictions.

Roles of Mafia game 16

Side: Innocent
Story: Many times over, a single man has destroyed mafia's plans. As many times he has managed to slip past their fingers unharmed. You are the Detective, seeker of ultimate truth and end to mafia's dirty actions. Can you find out the identities of the mafiosos before they get yours?
Description: During each night you may select any one person to investigate and if you survive the night, the Narrator will tell you what their role is. You may send me your PM at any time during the day or night, but the Narrator must receive it by PM before deadline or you will investigate no one. Obviously, it is better if you can wait until night so that you can make the smartest decision.
Equipment: Magnifying glass and black list.
Mission: Find and investigate Mafia members.

Side: Innocent
Story: You used to pull a prank and tell people you could communicate with their dead ancestors. That was until you noticed that you really could. It freaked you out first, but you realized the advantages of such ability. Now you use it to squash the mafia by telling what the dead people think. But are they correct?
Description: You are allowed to contact with the dead people. Once a night you can send narrator a PM, where you tell him who dead person you want to give rights to speak that night. He will then send narrator a message, where he tells what he wants. This message will be told anonymously by the narrator to the public. You can also send the message from the dead yourself, but faking a message is FORBIDDEN.
Equipment: A crystal ball, which doesn't actually work. It's just for a show.
Mission: If detective dies, it is your duty to contact him and share his investigations with the public.

Side: Innocent
Story: Before the war between innocents and the mafia, you used to patch up members from both factions. But when you realized that most of the sad cases were caused by the evil mafiosos, you decided to side with innocents, putting yourself on the black list of the mafia in the progress. You might have lost your fancy office and cool X-ray machines, but all you need is bandage and stimpack to keep your loved ones alive.
Description: During each night you may select one person to protect and that person will not die if they are the target of the mafia attack. You may protect yourself if you wish. You can protect somebody from a Mafia/vigilante hit, but not from the town decision's kill. If you haven't sent a PM to narrator about who you want to protect, you will automatically protect yourself.
Equipment: Aspirin and duct tape (it fixes everything man!)
Mission: Protect Innocents. Find and protect Detective and Bulletproof the most.

Side: Innocent
Story: Since childhood you knew you are a bit different than others. Other PSville citizens never liked you. Always you heard comments like: "I see dead people" behind your back. You know that something must be wrong with you. Oh, crap! You just walked thru the wall again. You freak!
Description: Ghost is a special Innocent role, which can be killed like any other Innocent, on same rights, but after death he'll be back from the heaven/hell.
After death, Ghost can not vote in lynching or choosing Mayor, he can't be Mayor himself but his role is revealed. However he's free to post his toughs and help Innocents to win. Ghost can't be killed second time, even by Hitman.
Equipment: Nothing. In fact, I don't think you can even grab anything!
Mission: Sacrifice your life if there will be a need.

Side: Innocent
Story: Eye of the eagle and ear of the fox. As ex-military from special forces called Prime Sqadron you are always ready for the worst. Thats explain why you are always wearing your kevlar jacket and few granades in your bag.
Description: All the time during the game you are protected by mafia hit. Hovever you are not protected from Hitmans shot. But beware, you can be lynched as anyone else in this town, innocents are counting on you.
Equipment: Kevlar Jacket and a pendant (which seems to block bullets much more efficiently than your jacket.)
Mission: Survive at least one mafia attack.

Masons (2x)
Side: Innocent
Story: Masons are members of ancient group where every member knows each other. They protect each other by telling what is going on.
Description: Once in a game Masons have to decide together who will they invite into their group. Masons have to send PM to narrator to be able to get that person into their group they invited. But you need to be careful not to invite a mafioso because then you would reveal your roles to the Mafia.
Equipment: Clean clothes and an invitation card to coming Mason.
Mission: Invite an innocent into the group.

Side: Innocent
Story: Simple, dull and innocent.
Description: If only you had a special ability. Sadly you don't.
Equipment: Bills. Lots of them. Maybe you owe mafia something?
Mission: Survive and kill the mafia.

Side: Mafioso
Story: Every group needs a leader, which in this case, is you. You're a notorious fat cat, who has dedicated his life for crime and luxury. Everything would seem to be in your control, if there wasn't those pesky innocents ruining your world.
Description: Boss is a special role that can be appointed by the mafia on 1st night. Like Mayor, he has 1 vote more than the rest, but unlike Mayor, he has it in mafia's own voting who to kill. In other words, Boss's vote is counted as two when mafia plans a hit. The main idea of Boss is to make it easier for mafia to reach majority in what they kill. If mafia feel that someone is or will be rather inactive on 1st night, they can together appoint a Boss. Otherwise there will be no Boss in the game. Boss status cannot be ripped off and there will be no re-election after Boss's death.
Equipment: Signet and Cigar.
Mission: Be the most active mafia player so you will ALWAYS have the majority who to kill by the end of the night.

Side: Mafioso
Story: You are arguably the most feared of the mafiosos, at least your Desert Eagle is. You are highly respected inside the mafia, but you tend to be arrogant and have made some freelance hits when you have had the time.
Description: Once in the game you can make an extra kill for the mafia. To do this, you must send the Narrator a PM in which you tell who you want to kill. While you can do this at day time, the kill will occure at night phase. However you can't kill person protected by doctor, so choose wisely.
Equipment: Sniper Rifle.
Mission: Search and destory. Target - Bulletproof.

Side: Mafioso
Story: You are the last person which simple innocent would like to meet in darkness of the night. With ritual scars and eyes of a maniac you are definitely the most terryfing mafia member. Always liked to hurt animals huh? You bastard! Well, maybe you are not so evil.. just not understanded artist. That model of Titanic on your desk made from human fingers is quite pretty.
Description: Each night you are able to find one innocent as your new "toy".
Send PM to narrator with information which person you want to torture. Then you will know the identity of selected innocent. Use your knowledge good. Mafia is counting on you!
Equipment: Razors and needles.
Mission: Find all Innocent roles with abilities.

Side: Mafioso
Story: No one knows how you actually became a prostitute. Frankly, no one dares to ask you. However you're handsome enough with all those muscles and shapes that any woman (or man) will kneel at your beauty, but behind it lurks a horrible man with passion for blood and gore. You sometimes amuse yourself with innocents by exposing as woman, then infecting them with AIDS via butts- er... Well you get what I mean.
Description: Once in a game you can infect a player. Your victim will loose ALL of his roles. Use your power wisely. To use your power, send narrator a PM, where you tell who you want to use your ability on.
Equipment: A dress and a smile.
Mission: Find and infect an important innocent, like the Doctor.

Side: Mafioso
Story: Simple, dull and evil.
Description: If only you had a special ability. Sadly you don't.
Equipment: Guns&Knifes
Mission: Eliminate enough innocents to reach majority in lynching.

Side: ???
Story: You're a freshly elected mayor with power over the citizens of PSville. Such a charmer, aren't you?
Description: Besides your regular lynch vote, you can send the Narrator a PM, where you tell a name of the person you want to lynch as Mayor. The person you want to vote as Mayor doesn't need to be the same you are really are voting for.
Equipment: Tophat.
Mission: Helping your team/confusing opponents.

Side: Neutral
Story: You are a man of your own destiny. You have tried to stay away from all this mess between the mafia and the innocents, but I guess you are now in it for good. Now you're just trying to make yourself out of it alive.
Description: You are a team of your own. Unlike innocents and mafia, all you need to do to win is to be alive in the end of the game. Die, and you lose.
To compensate the lack of teammates, you have one extra vote to make daily. Send it via PM to narrator. In addition, you have protection against one mafia hit.
Equipment: Shady coat with hood.
Mission: Stay out of trouble. Use your daily extra vote wisely.

These roles are NOT final. It just gives you a picture of what kind of roles there are.

And that's that. Now about the subscription itself. If you are interested in joining, just post here topic your interest. I will (probably) add you to the player list and will notify you when the game is about to start. The minimum player count is 10, but more is of course preferred all the way up to 20. Then it becomes such a pile of mess its no longer fun. Believe me.

Here is the subscription list and it is now officially opened!
Code: Select all
- Saukko
- Timon
- Daghel
- Falbik
- Toup
- davies
- St-Shadow
- Death
- Spycow
- Icecream
- flow
- cKey
- lazy-lion
- blazing
- Leo_the_God
- Marcco7

Nice! 15 players so far! Room for a few more, but with this ammount it will be just fine :)

The topic will run all the way to 4.6.2011 Saturday. Join in and make this game an epic one!
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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Sun May 29, 2011 9:33

I will join but...? Mafia Game 16? Shouldn't it be 19? Oh I forgot... Ammz made 17 instead of 16. I got it. I am in anyway. :p

This will be very interesting. ;)

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Postby Timon » Sun May 29, 2011 9:48

School over, exams over...

I'm in!

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Postby Daghel » Sun May 29, 2011 10:50

Chaos is the only true answer.

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Postby FALBIK » Sun May 29, 2011 10:56

im here :wink:
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Postby Toup » Sun May 29, 2011 11:48

Cunt me in.

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Postby davies » Sun May 29, 2011 11:53

In <3

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Postby Dutchman » Sun May 29, 2011 12:16

Timon wrote:School over, exams over...

I'm in!

bah lucky you :D my exams start in 2 weeks so i wont be in this game :(

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Postby St-Shadow » Sun May 29, 2011 12:23

Once upon a time there was a Drum and a Bass, on first date they kissed, second date they planned to marry, then they married and became Drum'n'Bass. On they honey moon they had sex and after 9 months DUBSTEP WAS BORN !

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Postby Death » Sun May 29, 2011 13:06

Timon wrote:School over, exams over...

I'm in!


If timmy is in, i'm in too :D

has been a long time since i last played it, so ill probably need some time to get back into it but i think i'll manage ;)

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet

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Postby SpyCow » Sun May 29, 2011 13:09

I'm in!!! :D :D :D
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Postby IceCreamy » Sun May 29, 2011 13:09

Toup wrote:Cunt me in.

Whut :P

Anyhow, Im playing too ofc! But can we please change the Torturer role? :P

Maybe I can be mafia this time... :roll:
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Postby Diclonius » Sun May 29, 2011 13:18

I can't join this game, as I will be on a week of vacation from June, 6th to June, 10th. I wish all players a lot of fun and good luck :)

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Postby Toup » Sun May 29, 2011 13:33

IceCreamy wrote:
Toup wrote:Cunt me in.

Whut :P

Anyhow, Im playing too ofc! But can we please change the Torturer role? :P

Maybe I can be mafia this time... :roll:

At least someone who knows what it means :o

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Postby flow » Sun May 29, 2011 13:52

i'm in :)
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Postby ckEy » Sun May 29, 2011 14:28

I'm in, better luck this time I hope :P.

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Postby lazy-lion » Sun May 29, 2011 21:38

Well, I heard this is fun, so can you count me in?
This is my first time, so I don't think I'll get it all the time. xD
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Postby blazing » Mon May 30, 2011 0:06

lynch death

blazing reporting for failure :wink:

count me in ofc:)

thanks diamond:)

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Postby St-Shadow » Mon May 30, 2011 1:57

Plz lynch Scary even if he doesn't subscribe to the game.
Once upon a time there was a Drum and a Bass, on first date they kissed, second date they planned to marry, then they married and became Drum'n'Bass. On they honey moon they had sex and after 9 months DUBSTEP WAS BORN !

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Postby SpyCow » Mon May 30, 2011 6:59

lazy-lion wrote:Well, I heard this is fun, so can you count me in?
This is my first time, so I don't think I'll get it all the time. xD

It's a HILARIOUS Game! :D
You'll figure the game out sooner or later :P
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Postby Death » Mon May 30, 2011 7:03

blazing wrote:lynch death

blazing reporting for failure :wink:

count me in ofc:)

Don't hate the players blazing... hate the game ;)


<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet

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Postby blazing » Mon May 30, 2011 11:07

never said i hated you it''s probally the opposite
i give you a hint death
team up with me so i can fool you all:D

thanks diamond:)

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Postby Leo_The_God » Mon May 30, 2011 15:05

I'm in! with my bad english :D
GoD is DeaD

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Postby IceCreamy » Thu Jun 02, 2011 18:43

2 days remaining! Please subscribe all, it is surely worth it!
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Postby Marcco7 » Thu Jun 02, 2011 18:57

Count me in too.
I'm always outnumbered, but never outmanned!



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