Reload weapon ONLY with r-key

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Reload weapon ONLY with r-key

Postby Kermit » Thu Jan 14, 2010 22:30

Hello boys and girls!

I have the following question to you and I hope that somebody among yourselves can help me:
At the moment I can reload a weapon using the r-key OR the second mouse button (right button). And this I want to be switched off: I want the r-key to be the ONLY key to reload a weapon.
So I checked the control-settings in the options but there the second mouse button is bound to "switch to alternate" (and of course, the r-key is bound to "reload"). I reset these settings in the way I want them to be but ingame the behaviour is still the same - I still can reload using right mouse button.
After that I checked the etconfig.cfg and there the bindings are as follows:
bind r "+reload"
bind MOUSE2 "+attack2"

So this seems to be exactly the way I want it to be (the same as in the ingame options) but it isn't.

So, does anybody know how I can switch off this reloading on second mouse button? Thx for your help!

Greetings, Kermit[/i]

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Postby GokuSan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 23:13

This is NQ I guess.. attack2 = reload too.. (o:

EDIT: :x
Last edited by GokuSan on Fri Jan 15, 2010 0:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Aldaris » Thu Jan 14, 2010 23:30

Code: Select all
seta cg_weapAltReloads "0"

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Postby Kermit » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:34

Aldaris wrote:
Code: Select all
seta cg_weapAltReloads "0"

That's it! Thanks a lot!

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Postby Rainbow » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:37

The +attack2 is only a reload, when the weapon has no alternative function (scoped, riflenades, MG, mortar).
I find that very comfortable^^
You can turn it off with the CVAR "cg_weapAltReloads" set to 0.
As commands /seta cg_weapAltReloads 0 in the console.

edit: okay, i should not open a thread in a tab and answer it 3 hours later without reloading :D

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Postby Kermit » Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:44

Rainbow wrote:The +attack2 is only a reload, when the weapon has no alternative function (scoped, riflenades, MG, mortar).
I find that very comfortable^^

This is not quite correct.
For example take the FG42: It has an alternative function (scope) but if the ammo clip isn't full (e.g. 18/20 bullets) and you want to scope using +attack2, the covert ops short-time accesses scope-mode and then leaves and reloads weapon.... and THIS sucks.
With the M1 Garand, for example, it's all correct. If the ammo-clip isn't full, the engineer uses a riffle nade on +attack2 without reloading the clip afterwards.

So in some cases it is really comfortable but in that special case of scoping, I want the weapon NOT to be reloaded. And the cg_weapAltReloads setting is the solution to it.

Thank you

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