A suggestion --->

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A suggestion --->

Postby Siamat » Mon Feb 16, 2009 0:10

Heey i got a suggestion for the PS level system. Why not create a system that gives you exactly the same level you got on other PS server.

Like for example:

If you got level 4 on PS#5 you got automaticly level 4 on the rest of the PS servers.

It would be better in my opinion because if you decide to go play on PS#1 because PS#5 sucks, you got to start all over again with gaining the levels you had on PS#5.

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Postby nick » Mon Feb 16, 2009 0:22

once the admins think you deserve the levels, you'll get them. and whenever they think ur worthy of becoming member, you'll get those levels on every server.

and why would you have a lvl on a server you never played at?

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Postby deep » Mon Feb 16, 2009 0:24

it would be good for players, but hell for admins.

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Postby Buuust » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:36

the lvls are limited .
some ppls play only for lvls?

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Postby Samuraii » Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:21

one point: After you gained lvl 7 admin.

You can get those on all servers with asking the Highadmins/Server owner. Just ask nicely and not much times :D or it would give a bad thinking about you. 8)

And just let it overcome you(so think not about the lvls just about playing good or bad or something :P). Not think: Why the hell i don't get and others do?!? Well. Your time is still coming, or you are not playing fair and/or whining to much :P.

Greetz, (I think told something filisophic :o that wannabe me :lol: )

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Postby Smadje » Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:15

nick wrote:and why would you have a lvl on a server you never played at?

Maybe it will stimulate people to visit other ps servers. I think players who play for earning levels, will stick to only one server. And when they have the same level on other servers they shall travel more around because they can get them everywhere.

But ofc i think that in all those years ps exist they did hear this question like million times. And when its not changed i think it also wont change in the future.
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby deep » Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:52


Samuraii wrote:And just let it overcome you(so think not about the lvls just about playing good or bad or something :P). Not think: Why the hell i don't get and others do?!? Well. Your time is still coming, or you are not playing fair and/or whining to much :P.
yes playing is 1 of the biggest factor, there r members who r more passionate about the game, than stopping rulebraking. but there r other factors too to follow (read below) which ppl seem to forget.

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Postby -Drag- » Mon Feb 16, 2009 13:29

Long Answer: Just no..
Shor Answer: No

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Postby kica » Mon Feb 16, 2009 17:15

lvl's that are same at every PS server:

7 - candidate
8 - member
14 - admin
20 - high admin

usually lvl are given to regulars of server so it will be not fair if someone who never visited for example server 3,4 will have higher lvl then regulars from that server
and lvl are given for players for their behavoiur, help admins etc. not via xp, stats or other things similar to this mentioned.
and usually lvl are given by server owner's - so they need to know ppl (even a lil bit) to promote them

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Postby Smadje » Mon Feb 16, 2009 18:23

kica wrote:lvl's that are same at every PS server:

7 - candidate
8 - member
14 - admin
20 - high admin

usually lvl are given to regulars of server so it will be not fair if someone who never visited for example server 3,4 will have higher lvl then regulars from that server
and lvl are given for players for their behavoiur, help admins etc. not via xp, stats or other things similar to this mentioned.
and usually lvl are given by server owner's - so they need to know ppl (even a lil bit) to promote them

You are right Kica, but i dont understand this:
candidates have level 7 over all servers, than they have higher than regulars from a server where they usually dont play. That also is unfair, when i copy in your words or not?
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby Samuraii » Mon Feb 16, 2009 18:34

Smadje wrote:
You are right Kica, but i dont understand this:
candidates have level 7 over all servers, than they have higher than regulars from a server where they usually dont play. That also is unfair, when i copy in your words or not?

Well, (im not kica ofcourse but this is my side of looking at this point :) )

To be candidate for membership you need to have it on all servers so HA's(high admins) and SO's (server owners) can see how you are using your commands, and or showing that your worth it the level.


I had something more about it in my head but i forgot it :D.

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Postby warren-the-ape » Mon Feb 16, 2009 19:37

Diamond wrote:but hell for admins.

Yes, kinda ;) It's already difficult enough to assign the candidate (7) levels at our servers.

Smadje wrote:candidates have level 7 over all servers, than they have higher than regulars from a server where they usually dont play. That also is unfair, when i copy in your words or not?

Well Samuraii is on the right track there. Just like a lot of players and regs; members, admins and high admins tend to group together at (a) certain server(s), well natural habit you might say ;) One of the reasons why we introduced the level 7 milestone is to give candidates more exposure and a bigger chance to get him/herself noticed by as much HA's as possible (of course not in an 'attention whore' kind of way, thats the candidate's responsibility).

In the end, giving everyone the same level at all our servers will be a big administrative pain in the ass. Not only will it be very hard to control but it would also divide our attention and would make it harder for us to focus on the things that really matter.
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Postby Smadje » Mon Feb 16, 2009 20:11

warren-the-ape wrote:In the end, giving everyone the same level at all our servers will be a big administrative pain in the ass. Not only will it be very hard to control but it would also divide our attention and would make it harder for us to focus on the things that really matter.

Thats right ofcourse :) Better catch some rulebreakers :P
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby CyberApe » Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:08

It would be better in my opinion because if you decide to go play on PS#1 because PS#5 sucks, you got to start all over again with gaining the levels you had on PS#5.

All lvl whore's want this. Keep playing for fun? :)
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