Ridge message to Bumble

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Ridge message to Bumble

Postby Cahir aka Mitch :D » Fri May 14, 2021 20:06

Its not always easy to admint even to yourself that you've made mistake. Sometimes u need little more time and some advice of wise people to rethink something and make some properly move. But adult men should be able to admit their mistakes.
I know I made a mistake.
And I want apologize You Bumble for that. You dont deserve that and I never should act like this no matter of nothing. I Fu... up.

Im Sorry! For all. My opinion about You is different.

Know You can be angry at me and thats normal. I dont expect you will accept the apology but I want u to know that I regret it and if i got "time machine" I will use it. Especially when I see how bad it work on long distance and what happend after this...
But u cant act like homeless from pursuit of happines and think we can go back in time.
So again sorry.
Hope if we meet maybe some day on server there will be not "bad blood" beetwen us. Anyway from my site it's guaranteed.

I can private msg to Bumble but I want take opportunity to apologize all ppl from server which I destroyed fun that day. I tottaly understand that u feel uncomfortable with this. My act sucks and should never happend!

Sorry and wish u all good! I still got u in my heart belive or not! It was mooooore (even more "more" than Roger More!) years me playing on this server with u.

Ridge Forrester

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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby SpyCow » Fri May 14, 2021 20:21

We all make mistakes and overreact ... I am guilty of doing this more than most.
Ridge, shit happens - it is what it is.

We have all forgiven and forgotten what happened, just come back and play. :wink:
We all could have handled the situation better instead of hyping each other up.

No one here thinks we are better off without two of our regulars, and so you should put the tag back on and return with your brother. :coffee:

In case you don't want to come back because of me, don't worry. I'm not here anymore.

I quit. :wink:
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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby Bumble » Fri May 14, 2021 20:37

ridge dont worry! make fun back here!
sometimes it sucks but shit happens! :D
Everybody needs an other chance you dont need too worry about me. My skin is tough



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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby Ryuzaki:] » Fri May 14, 2021 21:59

Ridge everyone forgot, our only wish is that you are back with us! !psnews ridge I am missing this command :( :party: :party:
A year since she disappeared. One year since it no longer exists. Except in his own heart. 《Reality is a lie, The nightmare is a reality.》

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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby BigOgr » Fri May 14, 2021 22:21


cu u soon.

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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby pompidom_23 » Sat May 15, 2021 16:00

Hope to see you back soon Ridge, we miss you :)

Pompidom :)


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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby empy » Sat May 15, 2021 16:27

Hope to see you and your bro soon :)

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Re: Ridge message to Bumble

Postby Dr Zoidberg » Sat May 15, 2021 18:14

You guys just raised the bar in how we should resolve transgressions on PS. Well done =)
//Dr Zoidberg

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