[MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

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[MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby AgentHani » Sat Jan 21, 2017 0:02

Therefore, There are some maps that actually doesnt have Spawnpoints, How are we going to create or add one? , Easy..Just have a look on the video.

Tutorial By Hani & Dominator56


In Theory:-

1)Download or find a map that doesnt have spawnpoints
2)Open its .pk3 file and inside you will find the "map" folder
3)Open the "map" folder you will find the (mapname).script file.
4)Open the (mapname).script file with notepad and u will see something likes this

(The .script file inside the map shows you how the map is controlled or i can say how the map is working and how is it making it run according to the objectives and the teams itself)

Code: Select all
                wm_axis_respawntime     3
                wm_allied_respawntime   3
                wm_set_round_timelimit  30
                wm_set_defending_team   0
                wm_setwinner    1
                setautospawn "Allies Spawn" 1
                setautospawn "Axis Spawn" 1
                wait 1000

-Sometimes some maps with more objectives and stuff have more codes..like this one.

Code: Select all
      wm_axis_respawntime      5
      wm_allied_respawntime   5
      wm_set_round_timelimit   25
      // Stopwatch mode defending team (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
      wm_set_defending_team   0
      // Winner on clock 0:00 (0=Axis, 1=Allies, -1=Nobody)
      wm_setwinner         0
      wait 100
      setstate sroom_1      default
      setstate sroom_2      invisible
      setstate sroom_3      invisible
      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s1      default
      setstate sroom_s2      invisible
      setstate sroom_s3      invisible
      setstate sroom_s4      invisible
      setstate sroom_teleport   invisible

      trigger door1 open

      trigger door2 open

      trigger door1 close

      trigger door2 close

      accum 0 set 0 // whether the door is open or closed

   trigger open
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 1
      playsound sound/movers/doors/door2_open.wav
      gotomarker door1_down 640
      accum 0 set 1
   trigger close
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 0
      gotomarker door1_up 480
      accum 0 set 0

      accum 0 set 0 // whether the door is open or closed

   trigger open
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 1
      playsound sound/movers/doors/door2_open.wav
      gotomarker door2_down 640
      accum 0 set 1
   trigger close
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 0
      gotomarker door2_up 480
      accum 0 set 0

      setstate sroom_1   invisible
      setstate sroom_2   default
      setstate sroom_s1   invisible
      setstate sroom_s2   default

      setstate sroom_2   invisible
      setstate sroom_3   default
      setstate sroom_s2   invisible
      setstate sroom_s3   default

      setstate sroom_3   invisible
      setstate sroom_4   default
      setstate sroom_s3   invisible
      setstate sroom_s4   default

      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s4      invisible
      setstate sroom_teleport   default

      setstate sroom_1      default
      setstate sroom_2      invisible
      setstate sroom_3      invisible
      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s1      default
      setstate sroom_s2      invisible
      setstate sroom_s3      invisible
      setstate sroom_s4      invisible
      setstate sroom_teleport   invisible
      setstate sroom_timer   invisible

5)Somehow if you want to add a spawnpoint, You Should make sure you start adding it after the "Spawn{" Code Like this..

Code: Select all
         scriptName "allies_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "alliesspawn_obj"
         origin "-10853 -2036 6"   
         spawnflags 2   

6) This is the Main(Starting Code Spawnpoint) For Allies, You must Put this Code at first if you want to start creating a spawnpoint for Allies Team.

Code: Select all
         scriptName "allies_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "alliesspawn_obj"
         origin "-10853 -2036 6"   
         spawnflags 2   

7)After adding the first code for creating spawnpoint for allies, You want to lets say add amount of 5 spawnpoints for allies, so u will put it in this way..

Code: Select all
              scriptName "allies_spawn1"
                   classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                        targetname "allies_spawn"
                        origin "-4288 384 72"
                        spawnflags 2   
                        angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4288 468 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4287 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 380 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

7)So All Together for an allies spawnpoint will look like this,

Code: Select all
         scriptName "alliesspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "alliesspawn_obj"
         origin "-4288 384 72"
         spawnflags 2   
         description "Allies Spawn"
              scriptName "allies_spawn1"
                   classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                        targetname "allies_spawn"
                        origin "-4288 384 72"
                        spawnflags 2   
                        angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4288 468 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4287 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 380 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

8)Same For Axis But there will be just difference in their script words like the scriptname,classname and the targetname.

Code: Select all
         scriptName "axisspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "axisspawn_obj"
         origin "-1408 384 72"   
         spawnflags 2   
                       scriptName "axis_spawn1"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1408 384 72"
                       spawnflags 2 
                       angle "-179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 298 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 479 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 383 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 303 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

9)So All Together Axis & Allies Spawnpoints together should look like this :-

Code: Select all
         scriptName "alliesspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "alliesspawn_obj"
         origin "-4288 384 72"
         spawnflags 2   
         description "Allies Spawn"
              scriptName "allies_spawn1"
                   classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                        targetname "allies_spawn"
                        origin "-4288 384 72"
                        spawnflags 2   
                        angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4288 468 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4287 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 380 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"
         scriptName "axisspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "axisspawn_obj"
         origin "-1408 384 72"   
         spawnflags 2   
                       scriptName "axis_spawn1"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1408 384 72"
                       spawnflags 2 
                       angle "-179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 298 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 479 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 383 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 303 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

10) And now Lets add this code in the map's ".script" (MAPS THAT DOESNT HAVE SPAWNPOINTS)

*It Should look like this after all, Both Allies and Axis have 5 Spawnpoints now*

Code: Select all
         scriptName "alliesspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "alliesspawn_obj"
         origin "-4288 384 72"
         spawnflags 2   
         description "Allies Spawn"
              scriptName "allies_spawn1"
                   classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                        targetname "allies_spawn"
                        origin "-4288 384 72"
                        spawnflags 2   
                        angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4288 468 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4287 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 281 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"

                       scriptName "allies_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
                       targetname "allies_spawn"
                       origin "-4381 380 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "0"
         scriptName "axisspawn_obj"
         classname "team_WOLF_objective"
         targetname "axisspawn_obj"
         origin "-1408 384 72"   
         spawnflags 2   
                       scriptName "axis_spawn1"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1408 384 72"
                       spawnflags 2 
                       angle "-179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn2"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 298 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn3"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1407 479 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn4"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 383 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

                       scriptName "axis_spawn5"
                       classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
                       targetname "axis_spawn"
                       origin "-1322 303 72"
                       spawnflags 2   
                       angle "179"

      wm_axis_respawntime      5
      wm_allied_respawntime   5
      wm_set_round_timelimit   25
      // Stopwatch mode defending team (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
      wm_set_defending_team   0
      // Winner on clock 0:00 (0=Axis, 1=Allies, -1=Nobody)
      wm_setwinner         0
      wait 100
      setstate sroom_1      default
      setstate sroom_2      invisible
      setstate sroom_3      invisible
      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s1      default
      setstate sroom_s2      invisible
      setstate sroom_s3      invisible
      setstate sroom_s4      invisible
      setstate sroom_teleport   invisible

      trigger door1 open

      trigger door2 open

      trigger door1 close

      trigger door2 close

      accum 0 set 0 // whether the door is open or closed

   trigger open
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 1
      playsound sound/movers/doors/door2_open.wav
      gotomarker door1_down 640
      accum 0 set 1
   trigger close
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 0
      gotomarker door1_up 480
      accum 0 set 0

      accum 0 set 0 // whether the door is open or closed

   trigger open
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 1
      playsound sound/movers/doors/door2_open.wav
      gotomarker door2_down 640
      accum 0 set 1
   trigger close
      accum 0 abort_if_equal 0
      gotomarker door2_up 480
      accum 0 set 0

      setstate sroom_1   invisible
      setstate sroom_2   default
      setstate sroom_s1   invisible
      setstate sroom_s2   default

      setstate sroom_2   invisible
      setstate sroom_3   default
      setstate sroom_s2   invisible
      setstate sroom_s3   default

      setstate sroom_3   invisible
      setstate sroom_4   default
      setstate sroom_s3   invisible
      setstate sroom_s4   default

      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s4      invisible
      setstate sroom_teleport   default

      setstate sroom_1      default
      setstate sroom_2      invisible
      setstate sroom_3      invisible
      setstate sroom_4      invisible
      setstate sroom_s1      default
      setstate sroom_s2      invisible
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*Important Notices*

~ The Map Should be without spawnpoints if u want to add one, if you are adding a spawnpoint on a map that has already one , then it might not work at all ~
~ Spawnflags means = 2(ALLIES) 1(AXIS), sometimes Most of the map's axis spawnpoint doesnt work if u add number 1 in the axis's spawnflag code so better for both teams add "spawnflag 2" in the spawnpoint codes ~
~ Sometimes Map will crash..the problem is that you have done some typo or missed some brackets in the .script , so becarefull and put the code properly as how i did ~
~If you want to increase the amount of spawnpoints, then continue the same code by adding a allies_spawn2..3..4.5..6 etc.
~It will not work if you test it with your Local Host, You should create a private server and test it there, or share it with your freind's private server.

~ All The Best.

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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby RyukinOmega » Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:53




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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby AgentHani » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:04

RyukinOmega wrote:what




Mapscripting Tutorial for creating spawnpoints in a particular map

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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby Ninjadeer » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:28

I really have to wonder: how many times have you come across with a map that is missing all the spawnpoins?

My first impression would be that the map is probably anyways way too poorly done to be played. If a map is having 0 spawnpoints the creator probably hasn't done any testing, and therefore the spawnpoints probably aren't the only problem.
Adding spawnpoints by coordinates sounds quite tricky as you probably don't know the exact coordinates where you would want that spawnpoint to be.

Also is this method adding properties by map script supported by all mods? Somehow I though only few mods like ETPro supports this, but I couldn't really find any source for such thoughts, so maybe you remember better?
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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Jan 21, 2017 13:05

Maybe he meant those maps, where everyone spawns into a single point, causing people to get stuck? So the players have spawns, but not defined spawnpoints for the said spawns.

Interesting tutorial, but I've never gotten that far when I've tried to make a map. I get stuck trying to make a walkable floor :d

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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby Ninjadeer » Sat Jan 21, 2017 13:38

Golden wrote:Maybe he meant those maps, where everyone spawns into a single point, causing people to get stuck? So the players have spawns, but not defined spawnpoints for the said spawns near by.
Behavior like this is most likely due to the fact that there aren't enough spawnpoints compared to the amount of players or just bug that happens despite the fact that there would be 10 unused spawnpoints. Anyways it should conflict with this statement:
AgentHani wrote:The Map Should be without spawnpoints if u want to add one, if you are adding a spawnpoint on a map that has already one , then it might not work at all

Golden wrote:Interesting tutorial, but I've never gotten that far when I've tried to make a map. I get stuck trying to make a walkable floor :d
If you are interested in this kind of stuff check out the 2bit ET Mapping Tutorial. His maps may not be the best ones, but this tutorial is top notch.
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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby ckEy » Sat Jan 21, 2017 13:51

GoldenBullet wrote:Maybe he meant those maps, where everyone spawns into a single point, causing people to get stuck? So the players have spawns, but not defined spawnpoints for the said spawns.

Interesting tutorial, but I've never gotten that far when I've tried to make a map. I get stuck trying to make a walkable floor :d

Indeed, I got stuck with openable door :d. As a result I tried to get a map without doors xd but my patience wasn't infinite lel

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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby AgentHani » Mon Jan 23, 2017 16:28

Ninjadeer wrote:I really have to wonder: how many times have you come across with a map that is missing all the spawnpoins?

My first impression would be that the map is probably anyways way too poorly done to be played. If a map is having 0 spawnpoints the creator probably hasn't done any testing, and therefore the spawnpoints probably aren't the only problem.
Adding spawnpoints by coordinates sounds quite tricky as you probably don't know the exact coordinates where you would want that spawnpoint to be.

Also is this method adding properties by map script supported by all mods? Somehow I though only few mods like ETPro supports this, but I couldn't really find any source for such thoughts, so maybe you remember better?

Well according to the past times.. yes ive encountered alot and alot of random/custom maps with missing spawnpoints, if i remember like since 2015, i used to upload alot of fragging and random maps and most of them didnt had any spawnpoints therefore many players were complaining about getting stuck at the spawn ofc.

thats true.. sometimes the creators of the map often forget to add spawnpoints.. especially on small/medium maps except campaign maps which imo campaign maps are completely well done.
Well the trick is obviously shown on the following vid ive posted.. the command on the console: "/viewpos" tells you the coordinates where you are standing at as well as the direction your facing..

I.E (In the spawnpoint script.. this line = [origin "-4381 380 72"] -> coordinates as well as [angle "0"] -> direction you face..

I am not sure but however ive tested it for jaymod servers and it works, idk about the other mods but this method is just in scripting method, people who are good in using GTK Radiant can make spawnpoints easily using that program(GTK Radiant) and as far as ive heard.. LUA has also an easy option to add spawnpoints instead of scripting a big stuff like this..

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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby Ninjadeer » Mon Jan 23, 2017 17:18

AgentHani wrote:yes ive encountered alot and alot of random/custom maps with missing spawnpoints, if i remember like since 2015, i used to upload alot of fragging and random maps and most of them didnt had any spawnpoints therefore many players were complaining about getting stuck at the spawn ofc.
This most likely means that there were spawnpoints, but not enough or badly placed. I think either Radiant compiler or game itself should crash if there are none. But thanks for defining the case bit more clearly. :)

AgentHani wrote:I am not sure but however ive tested it for jaymod servers and it works, idk about the other mods but this method is just in scripting method, people who are good in using GTK Radiant can make spawnpoints easily using that program(GTK Radiant) and as far as ive heard.. LUA has also an easy option to add spawnpoints instead of scripting a big stuff like this..
Yeah could be it works in all mods, and my memory failed me. It's been a long time since I've read about this stuff.
adiant is indeed the best way to add spawnpoints and surprisingly easy to use, but it requires all of the map files (not just ones in .pk3) to fully work. It should be possible to decompile .pk3 as well, but this might cause quite a lot errors and you might end up building the map from scratch.

Anyways the tutorial seems pretty good. :)

@AgentHani: Could you reduce the size of your signature pic please, currently it is kinda huge. We would prefer something like 500x150 pixels, or less. :wink:
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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby Bumble » Mon Jan 23, 2017 22:35

this look just chinees for me damn

those codes make me really really dumb xD



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Re: [MapScripting Tut] How to create spawn points..

Postby AgentHani » Tue Jan 24, 2017 18:47

Bumble wrote:this look just chinees for me damn

those codes make me really really dumb xD

Hehe ikr, Theres alot of other chinese stuff i did xD..

I was also in ur place when i didnt understood what all these codes meant etc.. but just incase, Modders/Decompilers and server owners atleast should have these sort/type of knowledge ;)..

Its the matter of understanding the concept.. its just easy if you got used to it or learnt how to edit/use them.

Its all about server/map/setting configs after all when it comes to being supreme/owner of the server..

Ive used to face alot of difficulties when i was a supreme/owner of the server but 5 or 3 months of research and learning & practicing with my mate(Dominator i.e ETLegacy Coder) and as well as communicating about config related stuff with Splashdamage/Fearless assassins.. (and other ET nerd communities) i just got myself into it :)

P.S : @Ninjadeer sure will do until i buy a new monitor.. these days im inactive cuz ive broke my monitor.. xD

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