Admin commands level 0

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Admin commands level 0

Postby yourdog » Fri Jan 20, 2017 22:03

Today i was playing on the server and i saw the banner

"We have certain RULES at this server. Type !Rulebook for a summary"

But as a level 0 u don't have Permission to do this command.
i don't know if this was meant to be like this because there is a "Quick Rules" button on the -|PS|- menu ,
and the banner hasn't been removed yet, or that the command is missing in the level-system

[commands available]
help | site | resetmyxp | where-am-i | ip |
need-talk | site | thief | pizza | beer | kebab | bye

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Re: Admin commands level 0

Postby Ninjadeer » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:10

Good that you point this out. For some reason the !rulebook command seems to be available only for lvl 7 and above.
There may have been some command abuse in form of spam or bugs in the game and therefore the level has been set so high. But as I can't remember/figure out the exact reason the command has been set to be available for all levels for now.
Image thx for diamond :D

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