Server changes

Our 54 man No Quarter house by Bowdown, Sebbel & *egglaf? IP:

Pick 4 most suitable options

1. Restrict heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns
1. Keep heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns as is
2. Landmines triggered by both teams
2. Landmines triggered by enemy team only
3. Lower engineer stamina
3. Keep engineer as is
4. Remove class changing
4. Keep class changing as is
Total votes : 124
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Server changes

Postby Ninjadeer » Fri Mar 13, 2015 19:45

There has been suggestions about server changes on our memberforum to make the gameplay better with less players as it isn't full server with horrible NQ chaos as it used to be. Now we would also like to hear the opinion of our regulars into following matters.

1. Should the amount of heavy weapons be restricted?
Currently for both teams there are available following weapons:
  • 1 mortar
  • 1 panzer/bazooka
  • 1 flamethrower
  • infinite MG
  • 2 shotguns
  • 3 rifles with grenades

Restricting some of these weapons might lower the amount of chaos in the game, but would also take away one strategy and therefore make defending/attacking harder.

2. Should landmines be triggered by both teams?
Quite self explanatory.

Making landmines triggered by both teams should make engineers think more about the place they plant their mines. Most often this would affect to the possibilities of defending team.

3. Should the engineer stamina be lowered?
There are few different ways to implement this. For instance removing some of following skills:
NQ Wiki wrote:Level 1: Additional Explosive Ammunition
Engineer can carry 8 riflenades instead of 4.

Level 6: Advanced Arming and Defusing
Arming and defusing of dynamite and landmines is faster.

Level 7: Advanced Construction and Demolitions
Constructing, tossing landmines, and tossing dynamite, uses less charge bar.

Level 8: Faster Rifle Grenades
Reduces the charge bar usage of rifle grenades.

Or following cvar:
NQ Wiki wrote: g_engineerChargeTime

The time in milliseconds it takes for the Engineer's recharge bar to fill up.

Type: integer
Default: 30000

This would lead into less dynamites, slower construction or less riflenade explosions. Again it would lower the amount of chaos, but it would also make being an engineed a lot tougher job and in worst case a bit underpowered.

4. Should the possibility to change classes by stealing clothes of dead teammate be removed?
Currently you can change your class without respawning by stealing an uniform from a dead teammate.

Removing this possibility would make impossible the rare last minute class changes in the middle of battlefield rescuing the objective from dynamite. It might benefit both teams as you could be sure no one is going to defuse your dynamite after you have killed their only engineer. It might as well make matches too easy and fast as there is absolutely no room for this little random possibility.

There might be possibility to dynamically change some of the settings according to the amount of players on server if Egg has time to alter his lua code, but lately he has been quite busy.

How to:
Pick the options that would suit our server the best, but please do not pick both options of 1 suggestion. We would also appreciate if you could leave a comment telling which options you voted for, if any, and explaining why you choose those options.

Please note:

The poll result may not lead into immediate change in server settings. All our players may not visit forum often or at all, so the result can not be viewed as a perfect image of the will of whole playerbase. The result however will be discussed in MF and the changes needed will be done.

-Added option to carry less riflenades
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Re: Server changes

Postby SpyCow » Fri Mar 13, 2015 20:15

1. Restrict heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns

3 rifles per team, 6 rifles in total... It's chaotic. Especially with our diminishing numbers these days and smaller, but good, maps.
This will also, without a doubt, lead to less ragequits, I'm positive. :mrgreen:

In regards to HW/shotgun restrictions, I don't see the point of having a change in this area, EXCEPT maybe the infinite number of MG.
But then again, not really... such a disadvantage using it, more often that not, and it's relatively easy to kill someone using MG. :wink:

:good: :good:

2. Landmines triggered by enemy team only

As Ninja mentioned, having the landmines triggerable by both teams would be a huge advantage for the attacking team.
However, for the opposing side it would be catastrophic... and defending on certain maps is already difficult enough as it is. :P

:good: :good:

3. Lower engineer stamina

Again, would make defending so much easier, as you'll only have to clear the area and defuse 1 dynamite instead of maybe 3.
Of course it would also make attacking more difficult. Kinda self explanatory!

I only voted this due to the very possible decline in random, or just really annoying, bombardments of riflenades wherever you go... :roll:


4. Remove class changing

Yeah... Annoying when you just killed the opposing side's last engineer and you're all hyped up and ready to scream "VICTORYYYYYY"
just to have your parade shat on by a class change. One could of course argue that this doesn't occur very often though. :D


P.S. Okay Ninja, it wasn't 300 words long but ~260 is close enough! 8)
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Re: Server changes

Postby RyukinOmega » Fri Mar 13, 2015 20:53

1. restrict heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns[[/b]

i dont really think anything should be changed in the amount of weapons but that of maybe less riflenades of the rifle. from 8 to maybe 5?

2. Landmines triggered by enemy team only

would be best to keep as it is. this will result in way more tks from badly placed landmines etc.

3. Lower engineer stamina

i don't really have a problem with this, sounds ok. kinda annoying when team has to defuse 1000+ dynas and have riflenades launching all over the place trying to defend those 1000+ dynamites. if stamina is lowered then maybe won't need to lower amount of riflenades one can carry. or maybe both on same time?

4. remove class changing

really like this idea. as mentioned it will be easier to defend. you don't know how many times i stick around to blow up corpses in fear of this :D

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Re: Server changes

Postby pompidom_23 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 21:15

For me, nothing need to change!

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Re: Server changes

Postby Troyan » Fri Mar 13, 2015 21:28

And what you think about adrena changes?

Maybe adrena is avi once after respawn..... or more time have to wait to use it again ?

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Re: Server changes

Postby DMG_Kowi » Fri Mar 13, 2015 21:41

For me, in order to give the game more balance, would be to make both teams trigger landmines. Rest can stay as is.

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Re: Server changes

Postby davies » Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:50

For me lowering engineer stamina is the only thing that needs to change. If it doesn't have enough impact, we can incrementally make more changes. But let's try with this one first.

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Re: Server changes

Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Mar 14, 2015 14:19

My 2 cents:
1. Heavy/Special weapons are already quite restricted. The only restriction I would give is limit R.nades to 2, but that's it. I would also like if you could still pick up the rifle and shoot it normally even if people already have too many rifles in use, but I do not know if that is possible.

Voted no restriction.

2. Would this result in less frustration for attacking team? Yes, by having less mines to deal with.
Would this result in accidental TKs? Yes, leading less mine use or putting them to completely obscure places where no one ever steps on them.

If mine detection wasn't on 24/7, friendly fire mines would be viable. Now the mines NEED to be placed where the biggest traffic happens since everyone would otherwise dodge them like the engineer's teammates would. Hate it or love it, FF would make mines way too trivial to deal with and eliminate lots of movement control from defending engineers.

Voted no for FF mines.

3 and 4. If multiplanting is not an option, 2 sec defusing shouldnt be either. However since this would restrict other stamina use aswell, like mines and riflenades, it would further weaken the engineer. I'm not saying engineers would be weak class; rifle nades would still deal damage and mines would be placed.

What I do agree is the suit swapping. It makes dynamites way too easy to defuse.

Voted no for stamina nerfs, voted yes for suit swap removal.

Extra point: Riflenade/sniper medics are B.S. Restrict medic weaponpicking to SMGs if possible.

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Re: Server changes

Postby carebear » Sat Mar 14, 2015 21:46

1. Restrict heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns :good:

2. Landmines triggered by both teams :good:

3. Keep engineer as is :good:

4. Keep class changing as is :good:

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Re: Server changes

Postby fUNky-MoNk » Fri Mar 20, 2015 20:52

Voted no changes to all, IMO settings are quite ideal atm, engies are not excessively powerful here. Besides, those who play mainly med with fragging tendencies will keep on complaining no matter how weak you make 'em. 8)

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Re: Server changes

Postby Polaris » Mon Mar 23, 2015 16:37

Get rid of the panzer and we're good to go :P

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Re: Server changes

Postby Marcco7 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:34

Restrict riflenades to 2 per team, and engy to 6 nades instead of 8, and no class change!
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Re: Server changes

Postby DMG_Kowi » Tue Mar 24, 2015 14:11

About topic of mines triggering: Siwa Oasis!

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Re: Server changes

Postby Troyan » Tue Mar 24, 2015 14:15

DMG_Kowi wrote:About topic of mines triggering: Siwa Oasis!

Yea, Oasis is only most popular example. There is more maps where is similar. But now i cant remember where...

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Re: Server changes

Postby SpyCow » Tue Mar 24, 2015 16:03

DMG_Kowi wrote:About topic of mines triggering: Siwa Oasis!

I fully agree on this example, but not in general. Reason is, I think it's most severe here, on Oasis. :)
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Re: Server changes

Postby Ninjadeer » Tue Mar 24, 2015 16:43

Goldenbullet wrote:I would also like if you could still pick up the rifle and shoot it normally even if people already have too many rifles in use, but I do not know if that is possible.
I think this option was removed in either 1.2.5 or 1.2.7 for some reason.

Marcco7 wrote:Restrict riflenades to 2 per team, and engy to 6 nades instead of 8, and no class change!
As far as I know it is only possible to limit the amount of nades per engineer to 4 or 8 (as it is now). :wink:

Troyan wrote:Yea, Oasis is only most popular example. There is more maps where is similar. But now i cant remember where...
Probably Pirates? sometimes the defending team can be quite a pain in the ass with all those mines.
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Re: Server changes

Postby Troyan » Tue Mar 24, 2015 17:04

Yea Ninja, Pirates at flag and at truck also. Mines in doors are bit sick... you cant avode them... you can clear it but ur dead. You can spot them, but ur lucky if you end spoting them before you get killed.

Thats why i think mines triggered by both teams is so fair. Then you can put mines where you want, even in doors, but you have to camp in 1 place, you cross your mines you r gonner. Its just fair then.

And then we can think about giving mines more damage power. Now always ppl puting 3-4 mines in 1 place to be sure some1 is dead when cross them. What for? Another reason is that mines could be disarmed with adrena+med packs and balls on fire, running fast (jumping) and mines pointles. And mines ofc would be much more effective with more power. You will have to put mines more wiessly so it should be more effective, otherwise mines might be forgoten...

But more power to mines only when triggered by both teams.


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Re: Server changes

Postby GoldenBullet » Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:08

Oasis, Pirates, Marrache, Paris, Goldrush (stairs)... they all have those kind of mines.

And the reason is it in a way eliminates the advantage of BS 4 (minefield spotting) and double jumps. Sure you now know where the mines are but you are forced to walk on them or spend your time defusing them. Too many times I see people just double jump over a clever little mine that would otherwise kill that hapless medic on it's tracks. It is also the main reason why those doorway mines exist. Doorway mines require some teamwork to overcome and are excellent way to stop rambo medics from capping the flag, who would otherwise just jump over your mines or move so fast mines wouldnt even hit.

But friendly fire will lead mines from being a viable defense to either major factor of teamkilling or a trivial nuisance. Adding more power will not help if you are forced to put your mines to weird, remote or easily dodgeable places to stop your teammates from killing themselves, the same effect will be had for the enemy team. It would also mean you can stop tanks (like on Goldrush) with even fewer mines than before, which already is bit too easy and brainless for the same reason doorway mines are. The only difference is tank mines need to be plentiful and leave no room for mines in other places, making it a tough choice whether to mine the tank or some doorways.

On one point I will agree about FF mines: it allows your own team to replace some old mines. On marrache for example many times 5-7 mines are left on the first section of the map, which while can be accessed can never be defused (unless some team switching takes place).

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Re: Server changes

Postby _biafra_ » Wed Mar 25, 2015 19:50

1. Keep heavy weapons/riflenades/shotguns as is
if the # of HW can be limited depending on the number of players (for example flamethrower is disabled if total # of players is less than 10) then it could be a good idea otherwise current is fine.

2. Landmines triggered by both teams
more TD but also much more realistic

3. Lower engineer stamina
=> can be removed:
Level 8: Faster Rifle Grenades
Reduces the charge bar usage of rifle grenades.

4. Remove class changing

quite well distributed results i must say. it will hard to decide on which way to go :)

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Re: Server changes

Postby pompidom_23 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 23:57

Don't change anything ;)

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Re: Server changes

Postby Allz » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:31

My opinion:

1. It is not needed to alternate the ammount of HW, although it might be a good idea to set the ammount of rifles to 2, since server isn't that filled lately.

2. It would be nice if we could try using the system where landmines could be triggered by both teams. Ofc it will result in much more TK, but makes game more exciting since there is more danger to look for. I know egg is busy atm, maybe its possible to let this TK mines thing run for a month on server, and collect everyone's opinion again?

3. Let the engineers as they are now, it is nice to have rnades if u know how to use them. IMO its the only thing that makes people want to be engi, since its the only class that doesnt really have other abilities (except for landmines) to make yourself stronger and kill other people. And ofc we need people to do the obj :D

4. I have never experienced the downside of classchanging like ninja described it. Maybe a bit annoying when u are a CO looking for some pants, and u got two bodies from different teams close to each other.

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Re: Server changes

Postby Troyan » Sat Mar 28, 2015 13:38

Allz wrote:........ maybe its possible to let this TK mines thing run for a month on server, and collect everyone's opinion again?.........

1 month isnt much time imho. People need to get used to it. I think there is posibility that mines of your team can be visable without spoting them... or im wrong about it ?

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Re: Server changes

Postby Ninjadeer » Sat Mar 28, 2015 13:55

Troyan wrote:1 month isnt much time imho. People need to get used to it. I think there is posibility that mines of your team can be visable without spoting them... or im wrong about it ?
As far as I know mines are allways visible for the team that has plant them.
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Re: Server changes

Postby Troyan » Sat Mar 28, 2015 14:12

Yea, so there shouldnt be problem. You just cant walk on any mines. Its only matter of time when ppl get used to it...

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Re: Server changes

Postby DMG_Kowi » Sat Mar 28, 2015 16:33

I'll tell you one thing: in many aspects, more strict settings usually fructify with higher level of game. Many years ago I used to play on server with no FF at all and what was happening there... everyone shooting everything without any spark of thought. Okay, it was NQ fun server, but really, players there had what it takes to be called by this four letter word starting with n and ending with b.
So I think, introducing landmines FF would benefit and bring more well-thougt, aware game and a little bit more skill to players.


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