Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

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Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby landser » Sun May 04, 2014 4:12

After noticing the dramatic decline of active ET-Players on PS1, we are attempting to keep PS alive by spreading towards other games.
One of these games will probably be TF2.
We already tried to have a TF2 server two years ago, but it failed because of some server issues - which are ofcourse fixed now.

there is already a PS steam group, join it for keeping in touch with PS players and members:

and of course: Join our normal TF2 server:
or our TF2 MvM server:

or our CS1.6 server:

if you dont have TF2 yet, download it for free from steam: ... o+Play_203

Also: Feel free to suggest other, preferably free, popular multiplayer games which you would like to see in PS.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby SpyCow » Sun May 04, 2014 10:40

Sounds like fun. :P
Will we still be fighting bots though? xD
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Toup » Sun May 04, 2014 21:12

Come have some fun Jimmies, killing Landser and bots over and over again gets boring!

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby DonaldDuck » Sun May 04, 2014 21:29

Any more realistic free games around? :)

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby dmg_arg4el » Mon May 05, 2014 0:35

Hmm, what about Counter Strike? Maybe its not free, but actually its not very expensive on Steam ( i'm talking about 1.6 or Condition Zero here ). Just a few Euro/Pounds and probably most of PS ppl have that already.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Troyan » Mon May 05, 2014 10:40

dmg_arg4el wrote:..... and probably most of PS ppl have that already.

Well, tbh iv got only ET.................................................... Fifa and solitare xd Ahh and Europa Universalis :D
So for me every new game is ... new :D


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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Smadje » Mon May 05, 2014 14:58

It's quite embarassing but my prehistoric laptop can't handle tf2 properly. :P
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby icefrost » Mon May 05, 2014 15:43

i also don't think i would participate on TF2. maybe we should have a brainstorming about a possible new game which we could play, run and adminstrate, but there will always be different opinions i guess.
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby GoldenBullet » Mon May 05, 2014 17:56

While I am no member I still would like to contribute a cent to this discussion.

While PS is a ET-community in it's blood, sticking with the FPS genre and especially TF2 is pretty shallow choice. First of all TF2 isn't the newest game in the genre, while arguably the closest relative to ET being free and objective oriented. Also there are already A MILLION vanilla servers to choose from, so if you want to stick out from the mass you need something else like a deathrun server besides your normal one. Aside from TF2, here's a couple of lists of free FPS games you might want to try out: ... erson.html ... oters.html ... oters.html

If you are free-minded enough to break out from the confines of FPS chains, there are many other free games to choose from. Dota and LoL are very popular and community like PS could help people to get easy 5-man queues. There are also free MMORPGs like fish in the sea (though I'm not personally interested in those games).

In the end I'd like to remind you it's not the amount of players you got. It's the amount of fun you are having playing with them. I'd play ET with five people I just love rather than thirty 13-year-old brats.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Daghel » Mon May 05, 2014 18:25

Hmmm, i don't think we approach to this from the right direction. I think we should try to get players to ET, coz moving they from ET into other game will work only with small percentage.

TF2 could work, but two years ago. Im not sure if there are now enough ppl to fill both PS#1 and TF2 servers. TF2 was cool for some time, but i get bored preety soon tbh, player base of it i think it's smaller than it was before. Similar was with BH:

Even if big banner is screaming "Free" there's always some hidden payment. All those Free-to-Play are nothing more like demo version.
I tryed once World of Tanks... but my adventure last like 30 min, super boring...
Don't know all those Battlefield 18 and Call of Duty 46, don't know if creating private server is even possible.

When i look at xfire, most of ppl from my friend list play League of Legends, but it's far from ET, and there's not possibility of changing servers (east/west europe) without paying.

The specification of shooters is: usually servers are in general view far less populated than other not FPS online games. And even if there are, it's getting messy very fast (remember PS#8 with 64 slots? :mrgreen: )

Well, friend of mine owned World of Warcraft private server some time ago, and he told me it's preety good business. It had 2000-3000 players on evening, and it was only PL (not much comparing to the official server, but for sure more than any ET or TF2 ^^). The game is still very popular, and there are ways to get ppl on it (and in future from WoW to ET). For example, there are many sites with "top100 servers", where You can vote. When You vote for one server, You earn some points You can spend for some cool equipement/fun stuff. And in WoW is always SOMETHING You can do to improve Your character. I know some of You don't like fantasy or RPG but i think You'd like it if You'd try. Anyway if we want big player base - MMORPG is the best option imo.

EDIT; ok, i've done my post in same time that Goldy did his..
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby pompidom_23 » Mon May 05, 2014 19:20

I only play ET and Pinball, so I don't think I gonna start a new game :)

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby landser » Mon May 05, 2014 19:59

thanks for all the opinions, gonna check the games, provided in the links posted, later tonight.

i choose TF2 because it still got a huge player base and will continue to have it for some time.
its - allthough very commercialised by steam - more or less free.
and its a FPS shooter.
but the main reason: anybody can easily host a server and still attract new players. unfortunately not as good as it used to be in 2012 - back then we could fill the vanilla 24 slot server within a day with new players. now its basicly empty. unlike our new TF2 MvM server, filled within one day ... but only a max of 6 slots possible :/

so: i realy dont care which game we play, as long its a FPS and you can host a dedicated server for it.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby GoldenBullet » Mon May 05, 2014 22:12

EDIT; ok, i've done my post in same time that Goldy did his..


To make a short sidecomment I too tried Battlefield Heroes a time ago. I found it very toned down and boring compared to ET/TF2. Also getting weapons in it is much more tedious for "free-to-player".

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Death » Mon May 05, 2014 23:00

I know of quite a few games that Goldenbullet posted and quite frankly, except for TF2 , Battlefield Heroes and perhaps Warsow i see little to no potentional in the other games, a lot being dominated by cheaters too.

Daghel's proposition of hosting a Vanilla WoW server doesnt seem bad as an addition to our community but would get an entire different playerbase then the one PS has from playing W:ET, which is to be expected when adding different games though.
Personally i might play some more WoW if some guys from PS are playing it, especially when it's a free vanilla WoW server. (only problem is setting up, last time i tried it, it didnt work and was kinda hard. Dont know i might have just failed back then)

If we keep looking however for a Free game and not a Free 2 play game (with 12049412409 buy options) i think that we will be done very quick.
Maybe it is time to differentiate PS into multiple player bases however.

League Of Legends is very popular, get a sub-forum for league and 1 or multiple seperate League teamspeak channels. Get some league players to promote it and try to create some (ranked)teams with them.

The same goes perhaps for dota2, thought i personally am not a fan of it, i know there are a lot of people who are.

Free WoW server seems a good idea too, create a guide on PS on how to get to it and make sure there are players, guilds, etc. (and in my opinion keep it a Vanilla server)

Battlefield Heroes might not be the most interesting option but doesnt mean it's an option that should be overlooked, afaik it still has a good playerbase and the possibility to host private servers etc.

Same goes for TF2, good playerbase and you can host your own server. Attracting a new and wider playerbase if done correctly.

About other games like Warsow i cannot say a lot because i haven't played them or played them enough, nor am i aware of options to host your own server etc.

If options like these are not good there is always the possibilty to look towards non-free games like Counterstrike series, like Killing Floor etc etc.
Games which are cheap but do have the option to create and host your own servers.

My 2cents :)

Edit: probably still have overlooked some good and awesome games, but hey im drunky and cant think of everything ^^

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Daghel » Tue May 06, 2014 0:39

Death wrote:Daghel's proposition of hosting a Vanilla WoW server doesnt seem bad as an addition to our community but would get an entire different playerbase

Ofc, but between those hundrets of thousands of WoW players, there are some who would like to try ET.

Personally i might play some more WoW if some guys from PS are playing it, especially when it's a free vanilla WoW server. (only problem is setting up, last time i tried it, it didnt work and was kinda hard. Dont know i might have just failed back then)

By Vanilla You mean version 1.0.0? To be precise i was thinking about Wrath of the Lych King/Cataclysm server, coz afaik those expansions are the most popular.
There are some guids on yt about setting own server. Or perhaps buy an old, once popular server that is now empty for like nothing, rename it to PS, start from new with already existed sripts, change it into our desires etc, well it's just a wild idea.
Lands wants only FPS games, gengre im not a fan at all, ET is an exeption, and all those TF2, BH adventures were quite short. :?

If we keep looking however for a Free game and not a Free 2 play game (with 12049412409 buy options) i think that we will be done very quick.
Maybe it is time to differentiate PS into multiple player bases however.

My dream is to make a PS an multigaming community, with many games and many members but i know im romantic here. :P

League Of Legends is very popular, get a sub-forum for league and 1 or multiple seperate League teamspeak channels. Get some league players to promote it and try to create some (ranked)teams with them.

That's an exellent idea in it's simplicity! A good start. LoL, WoW, TF2, DOT2 subforums. Change on frontpage from "Enemy Territory Community" into "multigaming community" could help also.
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Death » Tue May 06, 2014 4:23

League Of Legends is very popular, get a sub-forum for league and 1 or multiple seperate League teamspeak channels. Get some league players to promote it and try to create some (ranked)teams with them.
That's an exellent idea in it's simplicity! A good start. LoL, WoW, TF2, DOT2 subforums. Change on frontpage from "Enemy Territory Community" into "multigaming community" could help also.

I agree with that idea, but i know some people here also don't. Which is understandable and respectable but maybe not good if we want to keep PS going in the long run.

About the WoW part, didn't entirely mean that though, bad wording of me. I mean a natural server (with expansions) but that you cant just get level 90 accounts etc. Imo it kinda ruins the fun in the game, but maybe that time has just gone xD

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby landser » Tue May 06, 2014 5:19

PS becoming a multi-gaming community: Yes.

Personally i prefer FPS games.
For PS i just prefer games which allow you to host servers, since thats how all of you landed on this forum :P

i just went through most of the suggested games, including posted links.
i only found three games which still got many players and available gameserver files:

Arma, Warrock and WoW. but probably only WoW beeing played by PS players.

since ET is the only common game we all got, i guess, the best thing to do, is getting a list of all the games you play and then deciding if and how PS gets involved in it.

for instance:
- there are five people playing Counterstrike => lets run a PS CS server.
- two people play WoW => lets try to get this WoW server running - if legal ...
- some people play Dota or LoL => let them play there kind of as a PS squad - since you cant run servers for Dota / LoL.

each game would get a subforum and in some weeks / months we could see, if we wanna draw back from that game or maybe get a 2nd server for it.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby blazing » Tue May 06, 2014 10:27

most of the list posted i never heard of,

well for me the most logic game to play after et will be Team Fortress.
i played a while back and enjoyed it though et is still alot better.

warrock i remember its full of cheaters back then when you spawn you got killed instanly by flying dudes with speedhacks xD

thanks diamond:)

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby davies » Tue May 06, 2014 10:30

I still believe in this post from 2012:

davies wrote:Hello guys,

Recently, we have talked a lot about the future of Prime-Squadron. How can we fight inactivity, how can we keep things alive, and how can we attract people. I don't have an answer on all of these questions, but I have atleast one idea I wanted to point out.

As we all know Wolfenstein is the base of our community. Mainly due the fact the game is old, people stop playing it and new people don't get attracted by it so much as it used to, ET is slowly loosing support. This is also very recognizable in our community. In my opinion we should focus on two things: getting the servers full again and gaining interest via other ways than ET.
Especially the last point is where I want to focus on in this topic. How can we, besides ET, attract players. We have ofcourse tried Team Fortress 2, but for me personally, this wasn't much of a succes. I didn't really know the game and eventually it turned out I didn't really enjoy it either.

Now when I look at friends (aswell online as in real life) I see a new game blossoming: League of Legends, a real-time strategy action game.

As you may know, League of Legends (also known as LoL), is not based on manual server hosting, as ET or TF2. This means we aren't able to have a particular Prime-Squadron server on this game.
Though, besides the servers, Prime-Squadron also has a website with a forum combined to it, as we all know. I've seen lots of different non-LoL communities running specific League of Legend topics and even creating some sort of Community/Clan/Network of LoL'ers.
For me this was reason enough to carry my minds ideas to the member forum. I want to hear your opinion about maybe introducing LoL to Prime-Squadron and introducing Prime-Squadron to LoL.
Besides this, I think we have enough support from the start in such a project, since everytime I start Xfire, I see atleast 5 five people (PS-members and (ex-)PS-regulars) playing League of Legends and those are firmly people I met from Prime-Squadron.

Please guys, I want your unbiased opinions and input on this.


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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Death » Tue May 06, 2014 15:51

Fk Davies and fk Minecraft :P
But maybe not a terrible idea ^^

For what options you see at this moment Landser, i'm not sure about the legality of hosting the WoW server.
Arma i don't know how the game is etc, won't run on my laptop afaik xD
And like already said, warrock is full of cheaters, won't be a good idea imo.

However minecraft might be a good addon too. (i don't see the fun in it but some people do :) )

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby DMG_Kowi » Tue May 06, 2014 18:38

My 9 cents about different options:

Counter-Strike - I'd be happy, but 1.6 or CZ preferred, not GO! Still nice chances to fill the server.

Battlefield 3/4 - popular, good chances to fill the server, good fun. However it's not free, besides hosting might be expensive, idk.

Call of Duty 4 and newer - no, thanks.

World of Warcraft - never played, said to be fun, but time-consuming for sure. Still might be able to find playerbase, but dunno if unofficial servers are legal.

World of Tanks - Daghel nab if you can't play it doesn't mean it's boring. Highy entertaining, addictive and time consuming - to get skill and higher tier tanks. Tons of players. But you don't simply set up WoT server (I understand that you want establishing own server), there are just several global servers - EU, USA, Asia, Middle East. Reassuming: not an option.

League of Lames - crap with 3 maps. Forget it.

Minecraft - smart suggestion from Davies. It think it might be a good idea. No skills needed. Exploring and building something together might be fun.

ARMA - if it's not too expensive, I'd gladly try it.

Tibia - let's establish Tibia open server and explore astonishing land of Tibia!

My bets: CS 1.6/CZ, Minecraft.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby CALLEJON » Tue May 06, 2014 20:42

avi for PS shootmania squad

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby PolygonWindow » Tue May 06, 2014 23:00

I would be happy with cs 1.6 =) But i do also like a round of TF2. Anyways, maybe some stats: stats Anyways next game should be a shooter imo.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby landser » Wed May 07, 2014 4:24

seems like we got some CS1.6 players, so i set up a testserver for CS1.6:

lets see how it goes.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby DMG_Kowi » Wed May 07, 2014 17:49

Installing my CS1.6...


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