Idea for a little ET youtube videos project

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Idea for a little ET youtube videos project

Postby assblow3r » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:56

I just came from PS1, while everybody left the server i was thinking about one thing:

Me and my m8 (meanmachine), We got this feeling that ET game is slowly dying as a lot of nice servers and communities is gone after all this time.

So the main problem is that there is not a lot of people expecialy young people who knows what kind of action ET game can offer.

So Im thinking about filming some movies about ET action on each map (like what objectivec you have to do in order to win and I want make it attractive to that level that we might get new people.

So what I need to ask you is If i got a perrmission to record those movies on your server and invite viewers of thoose videos to try ET if they like it on your server?

And its also one thing about people regulars on the server that they would be able to help newcomers with ET knowledge if they will be any.

So This is all teoretical and its posible to realize if the videos will be attractive...

So what do you people think about this IDEA?

Some suggestions maybe, disagree, agree ? :D :lol:

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Postby assblow3r » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:03

Ow and about video idea:

1. Quick presentation of ET
2. Presentations of each map through gameplay
3. Regular gameplay with action on the server
4. Teamwork videos

5. How to get ET video (if its legal) (game links, patches, descriptions etc.)

At the end of each video i want to make short invitation on Prime squadron servers and community...

I belive that ET is very good game and it deserve to be preserved :D

More details on video contents in future if you ll be interested... :D

Ass Out

P.S. Anyone with good ideas is welcome....(Toghether we will preserve our satisfaction) ... I miss all these noobs who are killed so easy

Ow yeah and today i found this HD version of ET and i think I should be able to make some good quality movies.. or not?

EXAMPLE of good ET movie:

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Postby simson » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:24

First of all, an interesting idea. Kinda like movie trailers to get the croud pumped up, and it might not be such a bad idea.

I currently work in the Communication department, and seen the current activities on the market Video Promotion holds the future (together with other social media) I guess making the video won't be the problem since PS already has some ET Video's posted on Youtube.

The biggest problem you have to face is how u gonna bring the video to our targets. Simply Youtube won't do it anymore, trying to compete with other users on youtube and actualy get a high rated are almost inpossible. So im just wondering how u gonna overcome that obstacle.

For the rest i like the idea, and i think it has potential. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start promoting PS a bit more, and maybe even extend to a small base of merchandising.



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Postby Method » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:48

First of all.. the link posted above is not that great because the quality sucks.


I tried to make those kinds of videos a few times.
Actually it is not that hard to create them..
As sims mentioned the biggest prob gonna be to publish it and to make it famous in any way..

For the software stuff...
The best recording-programm is xfire.. There are a few other good ones but xfire is the most usefull.. For example Fraps, which is another programm, causes a lots of lags and it is also no freeware in the modern versions.
Playclaw is known as a pretty good programm to record as well but it is also not for free... I mean there is no problem to make it free if u know what I mean but it is not legal at all :>

So my suggestion would be xfire..
It is easy to handle and you get a video which has at least the same quality as a playclaw video.
You also have to know, that utube only plays 30 fps video..
For a 30fps-video xfire is also the best solution in my opinion.
Some time ago you could count the pixels in an xfire video but nowaydays the video function is way better as some other 'regular' recording-programms.

For the video editing afterwards I would propose Sony Vegas.
Even through it is also charged there are always opportunities ;)

Also, u need a special video config to optimize all et settings.
I have got 2 I think..

I would help you but I guess I will not have much time in the following weeks and months.. *beep* realife.. :D

add me on xfire If u want to talk to me..
My ID is probarly given below my post ;)


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Postby wuju » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:03

I can be main actor in that movie :)

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Postby Death » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:33

wuju wrote:I can be main actor in that movie :)

Thought we wanted to attract people? :> not scare them away ^^

Anyway this is also a recent review made on PS5 by Johnei and someone else.
Maybe not the best review ever but maybe you can learn something from it or ask them for help or something.

Also it's in Dutch, if you wan't to make it attractive for a large crowd definitly make it in English if you add comments.

furthermore if it works that would be great :) Good initiative anyway!

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet

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Postby Sidor » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:34

wuju wrote:I can be main actor in that movie :)

hehe main victim actor:>

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Postby assblow3r » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:03

So the main problem you see is publicity. So with that its is as I said main problem with attraction of the videos and also what self iniciative for information sharing it can create among people.

As I see this thing I would like to make a series With combinations of everything what makes et nice game.

So in other word a man who will open the video it will be attracted enough in first seconds of video that he will watch it till the end and maybe also comment it...

But as I see first difficulty which I have to pass is this video quality problem,.. I will try to record with xfire as also with some good hd camera to see what gives better results...

I would like to have videos properly audio or text commented and other Idea is Like making parcial story which will connect in whole with other videos

Like I dunno parts or smth... If we can show the game in proper light I belive that it will attract people who ofcourse would like to try it and they would be able to learn everything they know from the videos..

So Maybe The good way of doing it is story interlude, teoretical and practical presentation of game on maybe humoristic way of showing it.

I dunno, i am kind of person who want to make something different, as I get ideas and another ideas based on first ones.

I will try to get some software togheter and some people who can help me with technical stuff as I learn pretty fast, I ll also try to make scenario for the story and split in into concepts of whole video collection.

I got next three months free after this week when i finnish my exams and beside my iOs game project im working on...

So basicly we need:

- Concept
- Technical solutions
- Artistic approach

and some work :D

If you look it on that way there really is none of a series of viedos which can present ET in that way that it would be able to get attractive to anyone other than ppl who already play it... So as I see it our target group can be people of all ages probaly mainly male subject, but what matters that they are without any expiriences of ET, as also old player who forget on quality of this game's multiplayer gameplay, etc.

Ass out

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Postby simson » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:48

With the discription u just gave, it sounds like a big endeavour u are facing. I assume u cant do everything on ur own, and definitely could use some help.

Maybe it isnt such a strange idea to set up a "PR-Team" and work on such a big project in a teamstructure. Filling the team up with individuals with there own unique skills and area of expertise.

Maybe get a private topic where the team can talk about ideas, and discuss problems.

Well if u need any help with this project just let me know...



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Postby assblow3r » Fri Jun 17, 2011 14:04

Yes that is exactly what i wanted to do... You know i can only provide some structure or ideas, but for more good things more heads will be needed.

Ofcourse as for realization.

Ass out

I tried to record demo which I made with xfire, im wondering is there anyway to boost the fps, cuz i want to so what quality I can get with ingame recorders?

And im wondering if mac can make better fps while recording?

Oke and here is the first idea for the concept of video series:

Real soldier founds himself in ET game, and as he seek the way to return to the real life he explore ET and learn new Things bout it. :D

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Postby Evo » Sat Jun 18, 2011 16:46

I really don't wanna throw you're dreams away but your project is impossible.
First because as everyone said it, you won't be able to get enough views on Youtube or where ever.
And even if you can manage to publish it, do you really think you're video will be as good as this: ;
or even as the Fragarea video you posted below ?

I really don't think so. You see, the people who are making those kind of videos are already trying to attract people by using this awesome quality and editing.
Don't take it baddly, but it's not some noquarter community that will change anything ET's way to the death. You can't fight against time...
Nowadays, people are attracted by graphism at first, so no there's no chance that someone would leave COD, or CSS or even Battlefield for ET...

Oh well that's just my opinion... :-)

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Postby xochi » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:46

I hope that they make a new enemy territory not like quake wars come on Oh look monsters that's just f** b**s**t. But like this enemy territory ,but with better graphics and same guns maybe little modern. Think that would do much because I find COD and CCS pretty nice but i dont play it because that are games that you play for like a year and then your like BORING. But enemy territory you can play that for ages :D.
And you have a great Band with the people that play on it. I know these times I don't play that much but I still see people of the good old times and that I like about this.
Thx Prime Squadron.;)

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Postby egglaf » Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:12

Evo wrote:I really don't wanna throw you're dreams away but your project is impossible.
First because as everyone said it, you won't be able to get enough views on Youtube or where ever.
And even if you can manage to publish it, do you really think you're video will be as good as this: ;
or even as the Fragarea video you posted below ?

I really don't think so. You see, the people who are making those kind of videos are already trying to attract people by using this awesome quality and editing.
Don't take it baddly, but it's not some noquarter community that will change anything ET's way to the death. You can't fight against time...
Nowadays, people are attracted by graphism at first, so no there's no chance that someone would leave COD, or CSS or even Battlefield for ET...

Oh well that's just my opinion... :-)

Well I think this idea got some potential if we are able to convince people to look at the vid. Maybe social media can provide a solution? Facebook page about prime squadron and if members with facebook become friends maybe friends of them become curious.

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Postby xochi » Wed Jun 22, 2011 17:17

nice thinking egglaf ;). And with the movie are you going to make it when we have the fun war that would be best then you see much people with good skills, not like me :).

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Postby egglaf » Wed Jun 22, 2011 19:01

Well the thought behind it is that friends have generally things in common. By that way it might be likely that friends of players on our servers can be interested to play ET and to play it at our community of course. Then the only thing you need is good promotion material, such as the idea of Assblower.

Maybe an HA can give his thoughts about it, since I think a facebook page or something else is their decision.

Edit: I am stupid. PS has already a facebook account :)


Last edited by egglaf on Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:53, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby assblow3r » Wed Jun 22, 2011 19:34

U can check about what i was talking at the topic:

Ass, Out! :D

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Postby deep » Fri Jul 01, 2011 16:45

I want to know if anyone has any experience with video making here? And if so - how much? Coz atm I'm very skeptical about this being a success. :?

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