Exhumed_Final is ready.

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Exhumed_Final is ready.

Postby Necromancer » Sat Apr 02, 2011 23:00

Hi all,

I am very busy actually i can't play on server and hard to finish the map, but the map is yet ready to play.

History from map :

In the second world war Hilter need to find the mummification process for his death. One troup from german army go to egypt to find one mummy and the process for mummification.

Axis Objective :

Axis need to steal the mummy and the papyrus and escape from city.

- Escort Tank for destroy temple door.
- Secure the mummy and the papyrus to the truck.
- Escort truck and exit the city.

Allies Objective :

Allies need to protect the mummy and the papyrus.

- Destroy tank
- Destroy truck
- Protect the mummy and the papyrus.

Stuff from map :

- Teleporter for axis and allies
- You can damage and repair the tank and the truck

Screenshots from map :






Link for download the map :


Have fun.


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Postby Ajit » Sat Apr 02, 2011 23:36


7.0 MP is decent size, should fit for ps1 :P

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Postby Nemesis » Sat Apr 02, 2011 23:49

hmm reminds me of serious sam :mrgreen:

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Postby deep » Sun Apr 03, 2011 0:18

Nice textures :P

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Postby Necromancer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 0:34

Affirmative is serious sam style . :D

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Postby Toup » Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:21

Looks cool, nice job ;>

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Postby SpyCow » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:51

Nice job Necrom :P

Let Sebbel download it to PS#5 first please :D
Image :wth:

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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:18

uploaded to PS#3, so it might be available to vote from time to time
Image thx for diamond :D

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Postby Viduus » Sun Apr 03, 2011 14:08

Pics look great. I am curious to play it!

Great job again!

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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 14:38

we played it twice in row, as players asked for it
seems pretty interesting, and to quote one player:
i didnt understand a thing - but funny

landscape could have bit more shapes and places to hide, though atm its not that bad rushing around and shooting heads.
felt kinda easy for axis with about 6 players on boths sides, but it could be its totally different with full server and more artillerys & nades etc.
for ps#3 i thought about modifying map scripts for shorter time (atm like 30mins) to make it bit more challenging with less players, but need to see how it turns out as it has been played bit more and we gain more experiences about this map.
axis made obje pretty quick so i didnt have time to run in every corner of map, but it seemed - at least for me - totally lag free, solid 100fps all the time which is good thing.
i wish you could have more free time so we would more interesting new maps

anyways, great job necro! :D
Image thx for diamond :D

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Postby Puputti » Sun Apr 03, 2011 15:26

Yeah, already played this.
Very cool map imo. It's lag-free like deer said.

While repairing any vehicle i noticed you gain about 10x more xp than normally. Is it supposed to be like this?

Anyway nice work Necro :good:

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Postby Evil » Sun Apr 03, 2011 16:04

Another nice map made by Necro...
keep it up such work mate its rly nice.

maybe if u have alot of time in future to make a map wich is specialised for our community with some ps logo's site url etc.... would be fun :D

Puputti wrote:While repairing any vehicle i noticed you gain about 10x more xp than normally. Is it supposed to be like this?

guess its not dependable by the map itself but server settings.
if iam right?

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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 16:25

puputti wrote:While repairing any vehicle i noticed you gain about 10x more xp than normally. Is it supposed to be like this?

evil wrote:guess its not dependable by the map itself but server settings.
if iam right?

hmm at least there arent such settings on server configs if my memory serves, but in map scripts stere was something like "constructible_constructxpbonus 50" for tank as in goldrush value is 10. dunno then maybe necro knows more :)
though big deal if you get bit more xp in some map than in some other ^^

just wondering how the hell someone notices something like xp you got from repairing tank :? XD
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Postby Necromancer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 19:53

Nice to see as your satisfied from my map.

For the time from map 30 minutes is too big need to reduce ? 15 minutes ?

For the constructible xp bonus yeah this is one special stuff, i decide to send more xp in my map as on other why that 2 teams more use the tank and the truck (destruct and repair)

I finnaly have make my first really no lag map. :D

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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 20:04

For the time from map 30 minutes is too big need to reduce ? 15 minutes ?

i guess we could collect more experiences and see then, ofc it can be totally different at ps#1 for example than it was at ps#3 with less players.
and anyways if it seems that it should be less i think every server owner, at least here in PS, knows how to make separate map scripts to change time limit :)
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Postby BOWDOWN » Sun Apr 03, 2011 21:26

Great job again Necro and the map looks pretty nice. Will first try it on PS3 and maybe put it on PS1 rotation as a test on a full server :wink: .

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Postby DMG_Kowi » Sun Apr 03, 2011 21:34

I appreciate your work. I also tried to do some ET maps, but neaver had enough patience and motivation to work. BUT, imo huge-open-space maps, which you design aren't best for ET. However I'd like to check it out and prove my judgement wrong.

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Postby DMG_Kowi » Sat Apr 09, 2011 20:19

Oke man, I like the map. But 2 things:
- too much time (30 minutes); it should be maximum 20 minutes
- why engy gets such insane amount of xp for reparing the tank?

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Postby Evil » Sat Apr 09, 2011 23:57

DMG_Kowi wrote:Oke man, I like the map. But 2 things:
- too much time (30 minutes); it should be maximum 20 minutes
- why engy gets such insane amount of xp for reparing the tank?

Hope there is nothing wrong with ur eyes
as necro alrdy explained why

Necromancer wrote:For the constructible xp bonus yeah this is one special stuff, i decide to send more xp in my map as on other why that 2 teams more use the tank and the truck (destruct and repair)

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Postby Necromancer » Tue Apr 19, 2011 19:29

Ok i job on the revision 1 from map.

Map time limit reduced to 20 minutes, and the xp to construct and destroy truck and tank is reduced to 20.

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