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Postby MAZURSKY » Wed Apr 25, 2012 13:05


Prawdziwe imię: Grzegorz
Nick: Mazursky :)
Twój wiek: 14 lat
Kraj zamieszkania: Polska
Hobby s / Zainteresowania: Granie w piłkę nożną z przyjaciółmi
Zwierzęta: No masz. Fav. Game (s): Wolfenstein ET Fav. film (y): Electro Taniec Fav. film anime (s) / animowany (y): Pinky i BREIN Fav. TV kanał (y): Diskavery marzenie życia: PS Bądź na Fun serwerze i obj. Co lubisz: Zwierzęta Czego nie lubię: Pij alkohol informacji PC: Player History w Enemy Territory (ET): Jak grałem w (ET), miałem 100k exp na Fun serwerze i obj. Fav. ET klasa / broń (y): Weapon Medic: MP40 i Thomson Fav. ET mapa (y):. Wenecja i Goldrusch i Parisbastille
Thx na przeczytanie mojego posta.

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Postby FALBIK » Wed Apr 25, 2012 13:31

MAZURSKY wrote:Real name: Grzegorz
Nickname: Mazursky:)
Your age: 14 years old
Country you live in: Poland
Hobby's/Interests: Playing football with friends
Pets: No Have.

Fav. Game(s): Wolfenstein ET
Fav. movie(s): Electro Dance
Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s): Pinky and Brein
Fav. TV channel(s): Diskavery
Life dream: PS Be on the server Fun & Obj.
What you like: Pets
What you don't like: Drink alcohol

PC info:
Player history in Enemy Territory (ET): How I used to play in (ET), I had the 100k exp on server Fun & Obj.
Fav. ET class/weapon(s): Medic Weapon: Mp40 and Thomson
Fav. ET map(s):Venice and Goldrusch and Parisbastille.
Thx at Reading My post.

finnaly read & find good place for presents own short infos :P

welcome PS forums & servers

cu in Fun&Obj

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Postby Luki27 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 14:12

welcome see y on ps servers :beer:

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To the Falbik

Postby MAZURSKY » Wed Apr 25, 2012 14:18

Falbik and Luki thx to help Avatar :) and welcome to server .

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Postby TalibKweli » Wed Apr 25, 2012 15:11

welcome mazursky :) enjoy ya stay!

btw falb when you do a nice signature for me :?

greetings talib

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Postby davies » Wed Apr 25, 2012 15:18

Welcome Mazursky!

You don't like drinking alcohol? I have to tell you you are an endangered kind of player in this community :p

See you on PS#Fun&Obj (and maybe PS#1) :)


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Postby Daghel » Wed Apr 25, 2012 15:52

Hey Mazursky.
Nice that you found a way to forum.
See you in game :)
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Postby BOWDOWN » Wed Apr 25, 2012 15:56

Welcome to our forum :wink:

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Postby dmg_arg4el » Wed Apr 25, 2012 16:25

ELo Mazursky! Do zobaczenia w grze!
/hiho Mazursky, see you in game

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Postby Oxyg3n » Wed Apr 25, 2012 16:31

Welcome in here Mazursky!

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Thx all.

Postby MAZURSKY » Wed Apr 25, 2012 17:11

Thank you all for me is that you support and please help in the further part of the investigation to the PS.

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Postby BigOgr » Wed Apr 25, 2012 20:38

Welcome to the forum

Cu @ PS1 and PS Fun&Obj


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