lag.. :(

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lag.. :(

Postby tempo » Wed Mar 29, 2017 22:38

Hey guys,
as many of you know i can use teletrasport very well, but i want to try without it :o . in my opinion my connection just suck, and there isnt much to do with. i use a satellite connection called Eolo, and i had already try some cmds combination like /rate and other suggested by players, but the result is not so good. sometimes at least i can play (with 70 ping) and other i cant even write in console. if someone has an idea, i will appreciate.
should i send a foto of my cvarlist?
thx :oops: :oops:

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:10

Just to add smthing, after I told tempo to set /r_primitives 2 his ping went from 80-100 to arround 30-50, but he still has terrible warp.. :?

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby Ninjadeer » Thu Mar 30, 2017 17:11

'set /r_primitives 2' tells the gfx card how to draw the game. On some newer drivers some features have changed and the default value of '0' may not work anymore properly. This command should fix potential huge fps drops.

I've heard there are some quite horrible connections in Italy, so in worst case this might be something you just have to live with. But you could start with few quite simple things:
Lag-o-meter, this might give you some hint about what causes the lag. Whether it is about your PC lagging or your connection.
tracert, this built in windows cmd might tell you where exactly the lag appears in your connection. Whether it is your router, our server host, or just some random servers between you and our server.

But like I said, the most likely reason is that some random server lagging, or some bad cables, between you and our server. Unfortunately this is something that can't be fixed, unless you decide to move.
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Re: lag.. :(

Postby tempo » Thu Mar 30, 2017 19:35

Ok .. thank you for advices :) :) , i will check the link you wrote (im quite ignorant about those topics :| ).

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby tempo » Thu Mar 30, 2017 19:37

Oh and i have a gtx 970 so 'primitives 2' maybe is the best setting!

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby tempo » Mon Jan 11, 2021 23:21

Hello everyone, ive decided to reopen this my old post due to what im living these days :?
I took few shots of what the windows cmd tracert display (i've done 3 tries) and of my lagometer in a normal situation (sometimes i get bigger yellow spikes and big red square in the bottom part of it. I've also noticed big random freeze/huge fps drops. I just wanna make sure that this is a problem of my provider and i cant do anything with it, and some of you can maybe notice something that i cant. FPS are limited to 60 in the shot only because game was running in window mode. I will appreciate any kind of comment/help. Thank you <3
tracert.JPG (137.98 KiB) Viewed 7154 times
lagometer.JPG (20.64 KiB) Viewed 7154 times

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby BigOgr » Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:54

Hmm... maybe try some German VPN? I'm using NordVPN (not for gamming though). Just find something reliable and that allows you to test it for free.

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby tempo » Thu Jan 14, 2021 14:50

I've already used VPN software once, long time ago, with no results. I guess i can give it another try, thank you :good: . Btw last night i met RapidHail ingame, and he said that these lag problems were probably caused by issues with the connection between Telia and Hetzner' servers during holidays, and at the moment they were solving them. Yesterday, for exemple, i made few matches and ping were great, just only few random freeze and fps drops (i still don't get what is wrong with that), so maybe it's just temporary thing :banana: .

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Re: lag.. :(

Postby Bumble » Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:09

Hey tempo,

Maybe is your connect not high enouhg to connect to to german server
If u play on wifi its sometimes more struggles to play because of the higher ping.
If u play on Cable thats much better because you have instant acces to your modem.



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