Kicked out for new maps.

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Kicked out for new maps.

Postby Dr Zoidberg » Sun Dec 06, 2015 20:07


last few days, I get kicked out when trying to play the new maps. Not sure why. It seems to download the map. Then im connected for like a second then then kicked out. Error message says 'try to restart ET'... but same problem after restart. Then the error message says 'increase hunk_size to 128'... but where do I do this without being connected to a serveR?

Anyways. Hope to get this solved before xmas event next (?) week. Otherwise, thansk for having this server up and running
//Dr Zoidberg

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Re: Kicked out for new maps.

Postby RyukinOmega » Sun Dec 06, 2015 20:31

Try maybe run ET as Admin.

i had something like this when i got new pc.
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Re: Kicked out for new maps.

Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Dec 06, 2015 20:37

The second error is very likely to appear on fueldump and others have had this error lately as well.
So here is how to fix it:

Ninjadeer wrote:well this is said here like dozens of times, but lets say it once more
1. go to your et folder
2. click et.exe to run wonfenstein enemy territory
3. open console (NOTE: do NOT connect anywhere or load any mods, this is the most common fail)
4. write /com_hunkmegs 128
5. press enter
6. write /com_hunkmegs
7. you should see text like com_hunkmegs current:56 default:56 latched:128 or something
8. close console
9. press quit to exit enemy territory
10. click et.exe
11. open console
12. type /com_hunkmegs
13. you should see something like com_hunkmegs current:128 default:56
14. close (or play) wolfenstein enemy territory
15. victory!


[...(another possibility that requires more work)]

that should fix it
usually people try to set in while they are on server and some mod is loaded
that will pretty surely fail and cause confusion

If error messages appear even after this more detailed error message would be appreciated. Print screen the error and upload it as an attachment (button below message field when posting a reply, next to 'options').
Image thx for diamond :D

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