-internet prob ?lag lag ive no idea need help ;)

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-internet prob ?lag lag ive no idea need help ;)

Postby Red0x » Mon Aug 08, 2011 20:50


for few weeks now ive strange lagg problems every 2-3 sec its lagging for a click or 2

ive a new graphic and my fps are at 125 ... no drops

have a new monitor 21" widescreen 1920-1080 ( maybe thers a prob too )

but i think its internet related

cant get more then 6k atm here in my home but this shouldnt be the prob bcs few month7years ago it workes laggless with 3k
now i need sometimes 10 sec to connect to a server
internet-sites are loading normally
reinstalled et nothing changed .....
working with windoows 7

so my aks for help ..?
any ideas ??

maybe its cfg related too if ull see ?

seta b_popuptime 0
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seta s_wavonly "0"
seta cg_autoaction 7
seta b_fireteamalpha "0.66"
seta b_fireteamlatchedclass "1"
seta b_backupcvars 0


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Postby mem » Mon Aug 08, 2011 21:07

You're sure it's lag, not freeze ?

Lag : have you also a new network card ? if so try to get newest drivers. If not, wired or wireless ? If wireless, check all computers connected and see if you don't have a neighbor who's eating your bandwidth ^^ (doubting about since your problem seems to happen every 2-3 sec, but check more than less...)
Anyway, need more info, like : happens only with ET ? only with games ? only with youpor... oops, sorry :p
Have you checked your provider problems page ? have you tried a bandwitch tester to see if all goes well ?

If it's freeze : uninstall properly your old graphic card drivers, uninstall the new ones too and install again after this cleaning, also check your directX. And while you do all this test also your RAM ^^

Edit : nothing seems wrong in your config

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Postby Red0x » Mon Aug 08, 2011 21:38

lag freeze hm dunno .. its like im stuck for a mom
hm for better explanation :

it starts if i start et : even the first lines u see if u go connect to server
show the same laggs as i feel ingame ..
even my start monitor show sowetimes strange colours
no virus or such found ..

k ill check my direct .. up to date

speedtest said :



but down up wasnt better anytime ..

thx ;)

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Postby mem » Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:10

Red0x wrote:lag freeze hm dunno .. its like im stuck for a mom
hm for better explanation :

it starts if i start et : even the first lines u see if u go connect to server
show the same laggs as i feel ingame ..
even my start monitor show sowetimes strange colours

This problem only happens with ET ? Could you try another game ?

Since you have this strange colors screens, i guess it's about graphics (drivers not properly uninstalled or ET config broken, perhaps also a problem with RAM)

If this only happens with ET, the easiest way to solve it is that you rename your game folder to something like ET_old, then reinstall and get from the old folder all you need to save.

If you get this with other games, my advice : get this "old" but still free version of Drivers Cleaner (check it with your antivir, always check files, no matter where you got them ^^) and clean up all your graphic drivers, old and new, then restart your comp and install again the drivers for your new graphic card.
If this don't solve the problem, check your RAM with memtest.

Hope this will help

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Postby Red0x » Thu Aug 11, 2011 19:03

first sry for late reply ..

than thx for ur fast answers (mem)

prob isnt really solved BUT its in work ;)

main prob was provider based
soo after 2 days big blablabla they promised me to give me the same line as i had with my old provider

never checked it before but the conecction was much more fluctuating now (someone told me after 1 day and 5 different numbers) :P
so bandwith was mostly same but for playing the line wasnt stable enough...

2nd prob with start graphics was solved with reinstall
by that i took my 2nd cfg out and only copied the one i now choosed playing with
... so sth there seems to cause the prob
(but isnt the last cfg uve played with auomatically loaded if u close and reopen et ??)my prob is solved dont get why exactly but ... lets go :lol:

big butts for our forum its working ;)
and monsterous mammut trees for all apes ;)


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Postby mem » Thu Aug 11, 2011 19:29

About config, no, the last that you loaded isn't loaded again if you loaded it manually, you have to modify you autoexec.cfg to make it perm.
But if you changed your autoexec or main config accordingly, i don't understand neither...

Anyway, nice to see that your problems are solved, and yw :)

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Postby Red0x » Fri Aug 12, 2011 19:54

ye ?! :P

ivnt changed my autoexec nor do i know how to .. to make it perm
(would be nice)

seems more like its choosing randomly .. (maybe thats causing some probs too)
sometimes i connect and start with an 4 year old nick but graphic settings look like nowadays

so till laggs started i thought who cares bout startgraphics if playing workes fine
but maybe its all combined (tested some new settings last time )
new monitor ....

ull tell me how to do it correct .. (implement cfg)

me nababan


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Postby mem » Sat Aug 13, 2011 17:13

Red0x wrote:ull tell me how to do it correct .. (implement cfg)

me nababan


Here comes my way of managing configs, perhaps a bit maniac but the better imho since you don't have to search in big and crapy files :

since i have a lot of configs files (some that i load in game with binds), for each game mod that i play (etpro, nq, ...), i create a new folder inside the mod folder that i call configs (but in you case you could skip this part and just change the code that will come later by removing the configs/ part ^^)

then in this new folder, i create at least 2 files : binds.cfg and config.cfg (personaly i use a third file, so i can manage hardware dependent and independent settings separately, since the second ones are rarely changed it's easy to copy/paste the entire file. plus i'm on the way to separate mod dependent settings but hadn't time so far... a bit maniac yeah :lol:)

no need to explain what you need to put in this 2 (or more ^^) files i guess, names are quite explicit...
then, in the mod folder, just create an autoexec.cfg file that will be loaded when the mod will launch, and put lines like this ones in it :

Code: Select all
exec configs/binds.cfg
exec configs/config.cfg

you can also put here what you would change easily, like your name and such

Code: Select all
set name "^7blabla"
setu hp_nogreeting 1

if you need some advices about binds and scripts, just take a look here and here :wink:

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Postby Red0x » Sat Aug 27, 2011 22:34

can be closed

main prib solved

pb caused the strange laggs
i just did deinstall my pb and manually download new client from pb side

laggs are gone
start monitor is stilla bit strange

but thats not a big deal ;)

thx for ur help mem

cy on server

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