Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby DMG_Kowi » Wed May 07, 2014 18:36

I'm ready to kick some pixel ass.
I suggest setting round time to 3 minutes maximum.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Daghel » Wed May 07, 2014 18:55

DMG_Kowi wrote:
League of Lames - crap with 3 maps. Forget it

If you can't play it doesn't mean it's lame crap. Highy entertaining, addictive and time consuming blablabla.

About WoW, i proposed private server, that's means not-legit i guess. Not a problem for me tbh. Well, if morality forbid us to start new, that's why i proposed then to buy old, already existed one.

Minecraft, CS.. i don't understand phenomen of those games honestly, buy i see some ppl like them. So best for start would be to collect some titles and do subforums, some events for kickstarts, kinda like Death said.
Chaos is the only true answer.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby -Drag- » Wed May 07, 2014 19:13

Well I myself have adapted more towards Dota 2, Arma 3, CS:GO and other games. I too try to come back and play W:ET but I can't play more than 2 maps in a row. I just feel that I have played this game to the end and since there isn't anything new coming to it either then my interest fades even further to play this game. Oh if only there would be W:ET 2....

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Toup » Thu May 08, 2014 12:25

The fact is that if we stick to Free to Play the options are minimal.

I used to play Arma I which was one of my first games on PC and recently tried Arma II which seems to have a multiplayer where people benefit from being in a community, people try to make friends in it and the playerbase is usually pretty mature. I think an Arma III server would be huge fun if some of us owned the game, but that's not the case at the moment because even I don't.

One thing is certain: we have to start playing the games ourselves, have fun and don't try too hard and with time players will come upon PS if they enjoy playing with us, the game doesn't really matter.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby davies » Thu May 08, 2014 19:48

What are the chances of a minecraft server?

I'd propose a survival style server :>.
Easy hosting as well.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Toup » Thu May 08, 2014 20:47

By the way new Unreal Tournament was just announced, haven't played the previous ones but this one is going to be free to play, so we'll see about that.

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby -Drag- » Fri May 09, 2014 6:08

Toup wrote:By the way new Unreal Tournament was just announced, haven't played the previous ones but this one is going to be free to play, so we'll see about that.

Just woke up and wanted to post this :P ... community/

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby landser » Fri May 09, 2014 11:36

both TF2 servers are now reguarly filled from 9am - 11pm. allthough i doubt we will get any people from TF2 to our forum.

the cs1.6 is empty almost all the time.

already checked the minecraft server files ... gonna try an installation later tonight, but might be a bit tricky ...

gonna look forward toward unreal tournament.

same with arma3, as soon somebody got it, i will try an server installation - if still some space free on server :P

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby Death » Fri May 09, 2014 19:20

Hehe , just saw news about the Unreal Tournament too.
Loved the game, and it being free it oculd make a great addition to PS imo.
I guess it won't come out untill late 2015 or early 2016 but wwe will have to wait and see then :p

On the topic of future games.
I have played the new "enemy territory" like game once or twice (can't really play because shit laptop, specs needed are slightly higher then W:ET but not too high afaik.)

The game is called Extraction
It will be a free game but believe it will have some pay options (should not be pay2win)
Game looked really good, good mechanichs, shooting is a bit different but think they tried to make it a little similair.
Objective based play, really looked like an "Enemy Territory 2"

Game is also being developed by Splash Damage so they know what they want/have to make.

Not sure about release date, it's in closed Beta atm.

(game was previously called Dirty Bomb , is now called Extraction)

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby egglaf » Sat May 17, 2014 15:41

Hehe smart spam bot, Warren! :D

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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby warren-the-ape » Sat May 17, 2014 16:57

egglaf wrote:Hehe smart spam bot, Warren! :D

Image :wink:
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Re: Team Fortress 2 on Prime-Squadron

Postby eLemenT » Sun May 25, 2014 14:47


i personally don't get some of the suggestions. You actually want to keep PS alive yet you choose some dated games like 1.6? CS:GO would be a logical option. Especially you could get a decent 128 tick Deathmatch server around 24-32 slots.. you could actually fill it pretty well if the setup is properly. Next to it you could setup a proper pub server.

Warrock or Dirty Bomb/Extraction are F2P model games so you can't have dedicated servers on it. Unless you wanna break the law.


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