[PS1] Map Suggestions

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Sun Feb 12, 2017 15:50

Troyan wrote:
xP.Bo0m!? wrote:....it's a freking nightmare since the vote for "nexmap" doesn't work wich I understand becose you can't actually vote nextmap since we vote for the specific next map, but at least can we add END MAP in voting? It would really come in handy sometimes.

It could be kinda contradictory to our voting system imo.
there are 10 ppl on server. 3\4 is voting for 1 map and rest is voting for other maps but not one but for example for 2-3, so votes from thouse 6\7 ppl are spreaded on few maps. So less players vote can win, and many times its happening. Then, after map which is chousen you calling vote for End Map, and probably thouse 6\7 ppl who voted for different map gonna vote they would like to end map. So map which wins vote is ended.... :? and our voting system came up to bit pointless in this situation :?
That could result situation that we gonna play maps where at least half ppl want to play one map... Dunno i made my point of view clear XD

Maybe you are right, I wasn't really thinking about such situation, but most of the time when I connect I'm usually alone on the server or maybe with 1 player. In such situation if I want to skip some long map, I have to put all bots in attacking team to finish it asap. You know how annoying that shit is? xD

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby Troyan » Sun Feb 12, 2017 15:52

When you are alone, you can kick bots and do obj quickly :) Orrrrrrr you can vote for map you want :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Sun Feb 12, 2017 15:55

Troyan wrote:When you are alone, you can kick bots and do obj quickly :) Orrrrrrr you can vote for map you want :D

Yes I CAN VOTE for the map I want, but as mentioned above in my previous post, sometimes and I really don't understand how the *beep*, it loads map that I DID NOT vote for :/ and that is my friend, only time when I'm so close to RQ :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby landser » Sun Feb 12, 2017 17:03

well, there are servers which run one map the whole day. given its not that common in ET because this game is more fun with different maps ...

the map voting system on our server makes maps only eligible for voting if at least 10 other maps have been played since the last time the map was played. and you can vote for 10 maps at the same time.

so it would be possible to combat the huge voting spread by lowering the g_maxMapsVotedFor from 10 to maybe 5 or 7 ... this way only 5 or 7 maps can be voted on, not like now 10.

and to tackle the "always the same maps" issue -without removing any of the "popular" maps by increasing the g_minMapAge from 10 to 13 or 15 ... this way 13 or 15 other maps have to be played before you can vote for the original map again.

personally i like the settings currently on the server and i dont mind playing adlernest, braundord, goldrush and oasis 2 - 3 times per day, as long enough players are online ... so i would let these "popular" maps stay permanentley:

Code: Select all
1.  Adlernest
2.  Special Delivery
4.  Goldrush GA
5.  Oasis
9.  Braundorf Final
19. Supply Depot

maybe count these 2, too
6.  Italy FP2
12. Venice

and switch the other maps with maps suggested here from time to time ... but of course, in some month more people will dislike even the popular maps since its just normal to get bored with the same old same old ... so once every year / years there should be a total new rotation maybe, well, lets see where this discussion goes ...

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Feb 12, 2017 18:31

I see a lot of good suggestions and discussion here. Thanks guys!
All the wishes probably can't be filled, but we will try to include some of those at least even though it might take some time to get so me of the maps in rotation. I have a list of your suggestions and try to add all the new suggestions to the list. :)

When you are proposing multiple maps please do it as a list like many of you have done, it is easier to spot them from the wall of text. Like this:
Eric example wrote:"blablabla


more blablabla"

Troyan wrote:About some other stuff mentioned here:
Btw. Do you remember map, we played some years ago :D
When i saw 2nd pic i reminded that map, but that wasnt this... But there was also tight alleys in some old town. Many of stairs? And i think there was possibility of jumping on roofs. And at the end there was some long and large place where ppl were shooting with panzer, smth like in Minas on top... but maybe im wrong XD
Here 3rd pic is fimiliar http://et.trackbase.net/map/199. Also town\walls\map was in that climate. Maybe its even this map ...
I probably know the first map you mean, but unfortunately can't remember the name either. The second map was tested in some No Goldrush Night, the objective seemed interesting, but I think the map was unbelieveably laggy unfortunately. :(

Bo0m wrote:The worst part is, when there are no admins on server and this map got selected (Idk how couse i never vote it), it's a freking nightmare since the vote for "nexmap" doesn't work wich I understand becose you can't actually vote nextmap since we vote for the specific next map, but at least can we add END MAP in voting?
The next map vote should work exactly like that, unfortunately there is a problem with this NQ setting and it seems like the vote doesnät work at all most of the times. I think I have requested Timo if he could create a possible fix for that with WolfAdmin.

landser wrote:the map voting system on our server makes maps only eligible for voting if at least 10 other maps have been played since the last time the map was played. and you can vote for 10 maps at the same time
This is how it should work indeed, but I wouldn't be so sure if it always really works like that. Some times it seems to me that there aren't as many maps played as g_minMapAge would require. Most of the time it should be fine though.
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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Sun Feb 12, 2017 19:18

Ok, can we try this for start:

Nemorosus ----> Tank Busters

Darji ----> Library

Battery ----> Stalingrad

Delivery ----> Fueldump or Baserace .

Just try it for a change and see how it goes.


Cathedral -----> V2 factory

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby Ninjadeer » Wed Mar 01, 2017 14:35

I'm sorry it took so long, but here it is.

Surely these changes won't be everyone's piece of cake, but I hope everyone finds something interesting from the list
Enemy Territory Code: Select all
Prime Squadron's Map Rotation
1.  Adlernest
2.  Special Delivery
3.  Snatch 3
4.  Goldrush GA
5.  Oasis
6.  Italy FP2
7.  Password 2
8.  Paris Bastille
9.  Braundorf Final
10. Dubrovnik Final   ->   MML Church
11. Frostbite
12. Venice
13. TC Base
14. Marrakech at Night
15. Pirates
16. Bremen
17. Daybreak   ->   Library
18. Caen 2
19. Supply Depot
20. Battery      ->   Tankbuster
Extra Maps
1.  Axis Lab   ->   MLB Temple
2.  Darji 2   ->   MLB Daybreak
3.  Praetoria   ->   Stalingrad
4.  Nemorosus   ->   Rushers11
5.  Minas Tirith
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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby pompidom_23 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 17:12

seems fine!

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby tomsen » Mon Mar 13, 2017 21:24

Here we go, some new map suggestions from my side.

- Burg Rabenhorst Final
- Karsiah TE v2 Final
- Glider 3.0.2
- Capuzzo Airport Beta 1
- X-Posed Final
- Saberpeak Final (@lands: !saberpeak :party: )
- UJE the beast beta 3 (never played this map, but it looks nice)

I've got a lot more map in my mind, but let's start with those... we can talk about the maps ofc....

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby pompidom_23 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 23:03

Capuzzo airport YES!!! So fun map and think other regulars like it aswell.

Btw, you spoke with golden about these maps? Because sniperparadise... :)

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby tomsen » Tue Mar 14, 2017 21:10

pompidom_23 wrote:Btw, you spoke with golden about these maps? Because sniperparadise... :)

No, i didn't :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:36

I could Agree with Capuzzo and Glider maps.. For the rest, I'm not sure if I played them before. :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby pompidom_23 » Sun Mar 19, 2017 13:35

-Capuzzo airport
-Glider 3.0.2
-Karsiah TE
-Chickenbucket hehe

Prime Squadron's Map Rotation (is this the current rotation?)
These maps ALWAYS need to be in rotation, the rest of maps are removable IMO.
1. Adlernest
2. Special Delivery
3. Snatch 3
4. Goldrush GA
5. Oasis
6. Italy FP2
7. Password 2
8. Paris Bastille
9. Braundorf Final
10. MML Church
11. Frostbite
12. Venice
13. TC Base
14. Marrakech at Night
15. Pirates
16. Bremen
17. Library
18. Caen 2
19. Supply Depot
20. Tankbuster
Extra Maps
1. MLB Temple
2. MLB Daybreak
3. Stalingrad
4. Rushers11
5. Minas Tirith

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby landser » Sun Mar 19, 2017 22:20

pompidom_23 wrote:Prime Squadron's Map Rotation (is this the current rotation?)
These maps ALWAYS need to be in rotation, the rest of maps are removable IMO.
1. Adlernest
2. Special Delivery
3. Snatch 3
4. Goldrush GA
5. Oasis
6. Italy FP2
7. Password 2
8. Paris Bastille
9. Braundorf Final
10. MML Church
11. Frostbite
12. Venice
13. TC Base
14. Marrakech at Night
15. Pirates
16. Bremen
17. Library
18. Caen 2
19. Supply Depot
20. Tankbuster
Extra Maps
1. MLB Temple
2. MLB Daybreak
3. Stalingrad
4. Rushers11
5. Minas Tirith

pretty much agree with this, would also add italy, snatch3 and paris to the "let allways on server" maps

for the new rotation: also keep the 3 extra maps (temple, daybreak and rushers11) and add:
-Capuzzo airport
-Glider 3.0.2

adding too many maps can have a bad effect ... small steps

i think fueldump needs 128 hunkmegs - players would get kicked ...

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby landser » Fri Mar 31, 2017 23:59

new rotation with minicampagins has been setup for testing:

Mini Campaign, it means: you vote for the first map and the other two will follow without map vote.
this has been setup to mainly introduce new, unpopular maps - to give them a shot.
Please post your feedback about this new map system.

1. Adlernest
2. Special Delivery
3. Snatch 3
4. Goldrush GA - Saberpeak - Oasis
5. Capuzzo airport
6. Italy FP2
7. Password 2
8. Paris Bastille
9. Braundorf Final
10. MML Church
11. Frostbite
12. Venice - Glider 3.0.2 - Pirates
13. TC Base
14. Marrakech at Night
15. Bremen
16. Library
17. Caen 2
18. Supply Depot
19. Tankbuster
Extra Maps
1. MLB Temple
2. MLB Daybreak
3. Stalingrad
4. Rushers11
5. Minas Tirith

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby pompidom_23 » Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:33

Will you only see Venice or Goldrush in votingsystem? Or will you also be able to vote Saberpeak/Oasis/Glider/Pirates ?

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby Ninjadeer » Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:49

Pompi wrote:Will you only see Venice or Goldrush in votingsystem? Or will you also be able to vote Saberpeak/Oasis/Glider/Pirates ?
Unfortunately you will only see Goldrush/Venice, and not the maps that will follow them.

The rest were available for voting as single maps (not in a set of 3), but this feature was removed and currently they are available only by playing Goldrush/Venice.
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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby landser » Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:40

added / removed some maps:

1. Adlernest
2. Special Delivery
3. Snatch 3
4. Goldrush GA - kerkyra - Capuzzo airport
5. Oasis
6. Italy FP2
7. Password 2
8. Ammodepot
9. Braundorf Final
10. Arctic Gun
11. Frostbite
12. Venice - western - Pirates
13. Wolfsrudel3
14. Marrakech at Night
15. Bremen
16. Wurttemberg
17. Caen 2
18. Supply Depot
Extra Maps
1. Minas Tirith
2. Saberpeak
3. Rushers

Plz test and post feedback.

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby Ninjadeer » Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:45

Updated maplists both here on forum and on server.

New maps seemed cool, haven't seen some of those in years. :)
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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:43

Ok, just spent nearly 2 hours to check ALL NEW MAPS ADDED . All maps are great and nice refreshment, I think most of them I played years back. Few of them are bigger, but on all of them objective is pretty simple, so I think people will like them. Western mapcould be awesome for some event (for shotgun war imk).

But also I have to mention 2 things:

1. There are 3 maps "bot's free" !
-Holy Grail
- Wolfsrudel
- Wurttemberg B1

2. There are two same maps in rotation, only different versions (with and w/o bot's)!

-Wurttemberg B4 (bot's enabled)
- Wurttemberg B1 (bot's free version) --> I mentioned this map above.

So, all in all really great maps for a change, just remove one of those same maps and maybe add another new map instead! Cheers! :)

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby SpyCow » Fri Apr 14, 2017 15:43

They seem nice, but we all know it's not like I'm going to be playing. :loller:
Western seems nice for LMS as well as Shotgun War. :P
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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Fri Apr 14, 2017 15:46

SpyCow wrote:They seem nice, but we all know it's not like I'm going to be playing. :loller:
Western seems nice for LMS as well as Shotgun War. :P

Noo, if you will host some gameday pls put western for shotgun. I wouldnt put it for LMS as there are too much roofs ingame for nub campers :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby SpyCow » Fri Apr 14, 2017 15:47

xP.Bo0m!? wrote: as there are too much roofs ingame for nub campers :D

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby xP.Bo0m!? » Fri Apr 14, 2017 15:57

SpyCow wrote:
xP.Bo0m!? wrote: as there are too much roofs ingame for nub campers :D


You really want me to start ragequitting, don't you? Put some bigger map for lms, western is too small for that.

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Re: [PS1] Map Suggestions

Postby SpyCow » Fri Apr 14, 2017 16:01

xP.Bo0m!? wrote:
SpyCow wrote:
xP.Bo0m!? wrote: as there are too much roofs ingame for nub campers :D


You really want me to start ragequitting, don't you? Put some bigger map for lms, western is too small for that.

Nah, it's almost too big. :P
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