Start maps with even team

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Start maps with even team

Postby Shenkyen » Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:22

Many times, during the warmup, teams are uneven.
When I see that I spam my !teams bind but admins reacts too late, the map starts or they didn't reacts at all ...
It is possible our dear admins try to even teams before the map starts ?

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Postby egglaf » Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:41

Well the problem is that !teams doesn't not really work if a is just started. I will try to not sound to technical. If the game is initialized, everyone's xp is zero, until you gain xp (by for example: a kill, heal someone, constructing, etc). But on the other hand, we have a 10k xp llimit. So ppl with less than 1ok will not be switched. This results that the script returns the "There is no one to be putted" message if !teams is used just after the map start.

I'll look to solutions if I have time for it. But that will sadly enough not be the case in the coming two weeks.

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