windows Vista strikes again

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windows Vista strikes again

Postby Nemesis » Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:10

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Postby Oma_Hans » Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:53

yep yep vista rulez xD and its so easy to handel yaya nice vid ^^

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Postby addshore » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:37

lol i was so close to rolling on the floor laughing then though.

It is still quicker to type :(

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Postby Nemesis » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:06

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Postby Pancake » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:25

I wish me this too :rofl: :rofl: :loller:

Greetz Torte
stopped playing et. now lurking csgo. find me on steamcommunity with /id/pancookie1

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Postby Frodo » Sat Apr 28, 2007 23:43

AAaaaa! Stop! I can't stop laughing :lol:

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Postby Kakashi » Sun Apr 29, 2007 13:53

how many here is going to buy this VISTA :idea:

i will buy it to me now PC :P

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Postby Mobius » Sun Apr 29, 2007 17:58

Windows vista sux ass, don't buy it.

Windows XP is much better(my oppinion!)
I just like the regular windows, not the ''shiny bright new Vista''.

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Postby Kakashi » Sun Apr 29, 2007 19:41

yeah i don't think so i gonna buy it because i have been heard there is bugs in that 8O so i think i don't

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Postby Alkohol » Sun Apr 29, 2007 19:47

the problem with vist is (only windows user) that u need the new directx 10 (only for vista not for xp) for new games like crysis, so u can not play this with a really good winxp comp!

this is a fu*king good gambit of Bill gates...

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Postby Mobius » Sun Apr 29, 2007 23:21

En3my_TErr!tory_4Ev3r wrote:yeah i don't think so i gonna buy it because i have been heard there is bugs in that 8O so i think i don't

Lol bugs in what?
The ''Windows Vista''?

Impossible theirs bugs in it...

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Postby Frodo » Mon Apr 30, 2007 0:26

Hmmm, i propose you to wait 1 year for buying Vista. That is because, the real games which can use DirectX in 100% will be not Crysis or Assasin's Creed, but, the games which will be 2 years later than actual year. Do you people remember how it was with shaders? When first graphic cards with shaders showed up, there was no game for it. After few months, there was, but fully bugged, full of graphical glitches etc. and finally after 2 years there were cool, 100% shader using games.

Lol bugs in what?
The ''Windows Vista''?

Impossible theirs bugs in it...
I guess Microsoft thinks Vista is:
- 100% comfortable
- 100% no virus can get in
- 100% no bugs
- 100% everything is in Vista
- 100% works
- 0% crashes
- 100% only DVD needed
- 100% Frodo-owning-Vista proof
- 100% no porns
- 100% no cracks
- 100% no way to f*** Vista
- 100% etc.
- 100% Alkohol :P

By the way: do you remember Windows Millenium Edition? If you bought it, you were experimental rabbit. Why? Microsoft made that Windows and named it as 100% ( :P ) "sequel" of Windows 98. But it was just lie, Windows ME was a Windows with many bugs, Microsoft needed to know what is needed, what bugs are needed to fix and all, and finally made Windows NT. There are many people such as me, who thinks that Vista is the next experimental system where we come, experimental rabbits to post bugs and all. Because Microsoft told everyone that next Windows (Windows Longhorn or something) will come in 2 years after Windows Vista. That is why we shouldn't buy Windows Vista - when the real 100% using DirectX games come, there will be new Windows - and if we bought Windows Vista, there may be no money for new Windows. And we will have to stay in Vista, bugged, not completed, which can't stay normal with new games, and we are going to just look and be NOT happy, look at Longhorn users which ARE happy.

I propose you to wait for next Windows or you just throw your money away, be patient, you CAN wait those 1 year more for playing Crysis game. It's not very important, important is, which operating system will you use. Don't you want use more elaborated operating system? Or you want just look at system status and see Vista is taking more RAM than the newest system?

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Postby jarski_1516 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:23

Longhorn was microsoft´s codename for vista, that means that vista was before called longhorn.. Damn, Ill have to defend Vista again, this is almost a work for me (and I dont work for Microsoft) :) You´ll have to be one of a jackass if you cant install Vista, just put CD in and it does all by itself. I dont want to write somekind a book now, I´ll just say that I havent have any problems with Vista whatsoever, Its damn nice looking and works like a toilet of a train. (I have Vista Ultimate) And they say that theres coming new Windows soon, but its not true.. They made Vista almost 7 years, so if this windows is shit, then howcome they can make better for couple of years..? Just try Vista, dont listen what other people are saying..

Greez Jarski <3

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Postby X-avier » Mon May 14, 2007 2:30

** ..What jarski said.. **

i tottaly agree i got vista on 1 of my pc's weird enough my other pc can't handle vista so it still running xp , what is fine with me because its great too :). i got a apple pc too and i love that pc too but its for bussniss only but its really great pc but vista is great in my opinion because of the looks only imo ;) all ppl try too say negative things about it..

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Postby jarski_1516 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:36

Heh, I was sure that I´m not alone in that war, xavier joined my group :) <3

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Postby Repta » Mon May 14, 2007 12:26

jarski_1516 wrote:Longhorn was microsoft´s codename for vista, that means that vista was before called longhorn.. Damn, Ill have to defend Vista again, this is almost a work for me (and I dont work for Microsoft) :) You´ll have to be one of a jackass if you cant install Vista, just put CD in and it does all by itself. I dont want to write somekind a book now, I´ll just say that I havent have any problems with Vista whatsoever, Its damn nice looking and works like a toilet of a train. (I have Vista Ultimate) And they say that theres coming new Windows soon, but its not true.. They made Vista almost 7 years, so if this windows is shit, then howcome they can make better for couple of years..? Just try Vista, dont listen what other people are saying..

Greez Jarski <3

but did vista give you anything more then just eye-candy???
vista is way over priced. It s not worth it now.

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Postby jarski_1516 » Mon May 14, 2007 12:48

Well.. Its very important to me that windows looks good, because I watch it like 6h a day. And if you upgrade from xp to vista home basic, which is normal version, it cost 120e in Finland, I dont think thats too much but ofcourse it depends on you is it too much or not. Ultimate is more expensive, but you can do well with home basic too. You can decide it by yourself. But every1 says that Vista has much more bugs etc. and I cant understand it. Why my vista dont have bugs? I have used it 6months now and it has chrashed 2times! When I had Xp, it chrashed like every other day. I sound like I was working in Microsoft and selling Vista and I dont like that :) Just try it, Im pretty sure you wont regret it, but if you dont want to because all other says bad things about it, then dont try, I dont lose anything :) They must have done something right in 7 years..

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Postby Repta » Mon May 14, 2007 15:24

jarski_1516 wrote:Well.. Its very important to me that windows looks good, because I watch it like 6h a day. And if you upgrade from xp to vista home basic, which is normal version, it cost 120e in Finland, I dont think thats too much but ofcourse it depends on you is it too much or not. Ultimate is more expensive, but you can do well with home basic too. You can decide it by yourself. But every1 says that Vista has much more bugs etc. and I cant understand it. Why my vista dont have bugs? I have used it 6months now and it has chrashed 2times! When I had Xp, it chrashed like every other day. I sound like I was working in Microsoft and selling Vista and I dont like that :) Just try it, Im pretty sure you wont regret it, but if you dont want to because all other says bad things about it, then dont try, I dont lose anything :) They must have done something right in 7 years..

you are starring 6hours to your desktop???
if i am on my PC i play games watch movies etc. You can pimp XP also so it looks nice. i am not gonna pay 130-280€ for some eye candy
my hardware doesn t support DirectX 10 so it isn t worth it. As i said it isn t worth it now when i buy a new PC with hardware that supports DirectX then vista becomes useful.

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Postby jarski_1516 » Mon May 14, 2007 15:30

Anything else looks better too, than just desktop and its much easier to chance between windows when those are transparent and when theres 3D window chancer. Better to use, looks also better. So much little things, youll have to try yourself, if I make a list it takes all day.. Just try please, when you use it about an hour, its equalent to million words.

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Postby Frodo » Mon May 14, 2007 15:41

Well, on my XP i've got Zune theme, for me it is enough. And:
I cant understand it. Why my vista dont have bugs? I have used it 6months now and it has chrashed 2times! When I had Xp, it chrashed like every other day. I sound like I was working in Microsoft and selling Vista and I dont like that
Well my XP didn't crash for 1 year (before it i had old PC where it crashed few times because i was too stupid to understand why... Vista wouldn't run on it), and because i've got new pc for almost 1 year it didn't crash on new pc :)

It is impossible that you don't have bugs because many people have for example, problem with search option in start menu, it just doesn't search correctly.

You people should wait for Service Pack 1 etc...

But i'm not going to buy Vista because it is eye-candy. If i buy it now i will waste my money because until i use it for new games there will be new, more experienced and advanced operating system.

Jarski do you work in Microsoft? ^_^

Just search on some PC-News sites and you will have found news about... Microsoft plans, that MS is planning to make new system until 2 years after Vista.

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