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Funny news,

Postby blazing » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:27

every1 knows about the awarness of having a to high weight,
so a dutch friestand holder had the best idea ever:

Deurne, 19 November 2009 - going to a snack barand leaving with less calories than then you came in? It is possible all in Deurne, where snack bar holder Kenny of pine settles up birch wet mortar with the preconceptions against eating a frie with sauce. ' I was fed up as a plug myself every time to have defend when it concerned my products. It proceeds nowadays only healthy, overweight and to slim. The mediums reported also yesterday massively concerning healthier food in snack-stern, but I feel myself totally not addressed. Nicely justified is possible it snacking has I so-called ' frieness' developed'. Patrons of cafeteria ' Snackbar' in Deurne do their order, but instead of waiting on a chair, they step the hometrainer on! During cycling their snack is served and kicking is already consumed entirely. Even the menu card gives everywhere to how many minutes ' frietness' there compared with which snack stands. ' two students have let consume researches that my customers more calories than that them in my matter to eat, therefore it is a terrible concept! ' , thus of pine birch wet mortar. Because of the success of frietness the number of home coaches in the matter is meanwhile of four to ten vast and further adaptations in quick tempo will follow. ' I have 2 rowing machines and crosstrainer in mind, but perhaps must I a bit of our storage for this to sacrifice'.

we dutch surely know how to snack:)

post here also you're funny news about everything you can imagine:)

thanks diamond:)

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