Yawn! hacked - change your password

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Yawn! hacked - change your password

Postby warren-the-ape » Sat Jan 12, 2008 17:30

Posted a week ago on January 5, 2008;

Crossfire wrote:

The popular GUID matching website YAWn! has unfortunately had its database compromised, and as a result everybody is strongly urged to change all of their passwords if they are the same as their YAWn! password, should they have an account there.

Earlier today you may have noticed a couple of strange things on Crossfire, such as the 'Fusengate 08' article disappearing and the 'Cheaters' forum thread being defaced, among various other things. This was caused by a few of our members having the same passwords here as they do on their YAWn! accounts, and inadvertently allowing the individual to login to their Crossfire profiles and disrupt the website.

We have identified who is responsible, and it is some random peon from the recent bust, unsurprisingly. Despite what you may hear elsewhere this person is not affiliated with any cheat website, nC had nothing to do with this. The YAWn! admins have been informed, who have taken necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen again. It should be noted however, that the guilty party still has a copy of the old database and can continue to cause certain people problems if they do not change their passwords.

A general rule of thumb is to never use the same password on different websites, as obvious as that may sound it is surprising how many ignore it. You should also use an alphanumerical password with upper and lower case.

Unfortunately, this has already affected one of our members quite seriously, so we strongly urge you not to take this lightly. This will only affect those who have an account on YAWn!, with the same password to it used elsewhere. Despite that, this is a good oppurtunity for those of you with weak passwords to change them to better ones.

The YAWn! website is still fully functional and should be safe to use, provided any members have changed their passwords.

And; http://www.yawn.be

Yawn.be wrote:
Unfortunately due to recent events and issues, we urgently advise all YAWn! users to change their passwords. Please do not re-use passwords from other websites (or communities)! If your old password was the same for other websites (or communities), change them all, but do keep them different.

To change your YAWn! password, you can use the Forgot Password function, or just login and change the password in the profile section.

Thanks for your understanding.
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