IRC chnnel for ps1?
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- Sidor
- Posts: 690
- Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:00
- Location: nowhere and everywhere at the same time
IRC chnnel for ps1?
ps33 than f&o had a IRC channel setted by Stephan.
Can sombody make the IRC channel fo ps1
would be great to talk with ppl on server without connecting by ET
ps33 than f&o had a IRC channel setted by Stephan.
Can sombody make the IRC channel fo ps1
would be great to talk with ppl on server without connecting by ET
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>
- Sidor
- Posts: 690
- Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:00
- Location: nowhere and everywhere at the same time
yeah IRc is cool
but concact with Steph is hard this nab is afk all the time. When i catch him i ask him about this and than i write post what i will know
but concact with Steph is hard this nab is afk all the time. When i catch him i ask him about this and than i write post what i will know
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>
Sidor wrote:yeah IRc is cool
but concact with Steph is hard this nab is afk all the time. When i catch him i ask him about this and than i write post what i will know
lazy bunch of ignorant people...
i am always reachable via mail(granted you dont hit my spamfilters), via IRC, phone, text, mail in a reasonable timeframe... even reasearching my phone/text/address doesnt take a hudge amount of time...
It was about 70 minutes after Sidor PMed me that i am writing an answer, and that just due to the fact i was watching TV all day and not infront
of my pc...
But now back to the context:
basically inventing a irc chan for ps1 means running eta on ps1, also theres currently no way of running without it(yeye lazy me could write an LUA component... just chatting is not that hard but ye ya know, i am always afk etc, maybe a weekend worth of programming maybe somewhen in the next days/weeks).
The eta is pretty easy to setup granted we got a current NQ.
We can disable eta commands so it wont get into normal stuff onto the srv.
We need logs(a few cvars) and changing paths.
Running eta shouldnt be an to big impact.

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