Panzer Speed: final poll
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- FlowerPower
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Panzer Speed: final poll
Here is the poll to decide how you want the panzer in PS#1.
Since Spynab isn't able to do a balanced poll, here it goes.
Here's the options:
- Faster rockets, slower recharge time
- Faster rockets, lower damage
- Leave it as it is.
Of course, the first 2 options will be sum together to count all the people who want to change. If the sum of 2 first option will be higher than the 3rd option, we will change the panzer into the option that has more votes.
The poll will run 7 days.
Since Spynab isn't able to do a balanced poll, here it goes.

Here's the options:
- Faster rockets, slower recharge time
- Faster rockets, lower damage
- Leave it as it is.
Of course, the first 2 options will be sum together to count all the people who want to change. If the sum of 2 first option will be higher than the 3rd option, we will change the panzer into the option that has more votes.
The poll will run 7 days.
You wanted serious poll, but your answers are also far to be serious....
I want faster rockets with higher recharge and higher demage, but i can't see the option... If You want to do it right, make a poll about only one change per time, like speed. Then options should me - yes, no, i don't know. You already forced possibilities in poll answers becouse You don't want to change panzer.
I want faster rockets with higher recharge and higher demage, but i can't see the option... If You want to do it right, make a poll about only one change per time, like speed. Then options should me - yes, no, i don't know. You already forced possibilities in poll answers becouse You don't want to change panzer.
Last edited by Daghel on Fri Sep 07, 2012 20:40, edited 1 time in total.

Chaos is the only true answer.
- FlowerPower
- Posts: 2605
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- Location: Italy
Daghel wrote:You wanted serious poll, but your answers are also far to be serious....
I want faster rockets with higher recharge and higher demage, but i can't see the option... If You want to do it right, make a poll about only one change per time, like speed. Then options should me - yes, no, i don't know. You already forced possibilities in poll answers becouse You don't want to change panzer.
Sometimes I just think you're here to annoy people. I looked the other topic and how the people wanted to change the rocket. I didn't invent any answer because i just report what other guys answered. Lowering the recharge time or lowering the damage is the compromise to keep the balance (your post, huh, do you remember?), otherwise the soldier will be overpowered. The discussion went to this point, so i don't see why I have to invent options that haven't been never discussed.
FlowerPower wrote:
Sometimes I just think you're here to annoy people.
I am. You especially.
I looked the other topic and how the people wanted to change the rocket. I didn't invent any answer because i just report what other guys answered.
Not really. You just think all think like you think, well this time seems not.
Lowering the recharge time or lowering the damage is the compromise to keep the balance (your post, huh, do you remember?),
No, i don't actually. Show me where i wrote that.
otherwise the soldier will be overpowered. The discussion went to this point, so i don't see why I have to invent options that haven't been never discussed.
Why You have to make it so complicated? In Spycow's topic i compared nades and panza, simple arguments. You answered with silly comments about skills. If having own opinin about settings You calling "annoy everyone" i'll love to annoy You to my last breath. Anyway i don't know why You are making from discussion about game options some personal warfare, and on public section.

Chaos is the only true answer.
- DennizOlof
- Posts: 57
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Naaa, I would rather see the soldier (panza, mortar etc) class to RUN all the time, they should have the same speed in normal mode as others like medics etc, when they hold down key to get running speed.
If that is possible to do for the panza would be great as it is so slow compared the the others, like medics etc.
But if that aint possible, perhaps increasing the speed to double normal would be nice, and keep the damage as it is. Why not try that, there is still only one player at a time on each team who can use the panza.
If that is possible to do for the panza would be great as it is so slow compared the the others, like medics etc.
But if that aint possible, perhaps increasing the speed to double normal would be nice, and keep the damage as it is. Why not try that, there is still only one player at a time on each team who can use the panza.
DMG_Kowi wrote:I want faster rockets, but with bananas instead of rockets.
Monkey kowi would like that eh?

But anyway i think sebby and Bowdown are discussing stuff like this anyways. To make the closure of PSfun&Obj less of a big change to those players. And they probably also want to keep the essence of the current PS1 so no of the ps1 players will be lost.
So i would just give them some time to figure stuff out

More speed whit it and reload, more dmg as a real panza schould be. Maybe try low down number of ammo, then soldier will gonna have to faster start fight whit 2nd weapon (or fields will be more usfull).
& Dag - i agree whit Your point about own opinion, but remeber that not always You can get what You want. If all will be decided in full democracy method i will choose that option ---> panza setting as was in old good PS4 (Landser panzawar mode), thats mean no limit on ammo, 1 sec reload, normal running speed whit it and huge wall of rockets when u pull the triger.
Try play on that setting fev map and u will loose all hairs even from ass and back
& Dag - i agree whit Your point about own opinion, but remeber that not always You can get what You want. If all will be decided in full democracy method i will choose that option ---> panza setting as was in old good PS4 (Landser panzawar mode), thats mean no limit on ammo, 1 sec reload, normal running speed whit it and huge wall of rockets when u pull the triger.
Try play on that setting fev map and u will loose all hairs even from ass and back

`` I`m not full of fear 'cause I`m not really here I`m nowhere near here ...`` ... iia/simple come back to WoW Dagtard

- FlowerPower
- Posts: 2605
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- Location: Italy
I am not making a personal warfare, you are doing that.
If you think this poll isn't seriously done, erase it, i don't mind. I did it with all the good intentions after reading the other topic, I'm not forcing anyone to vote like me.
If you think this poll isn't seriously done, erase it, i don't mind. I did it with all the good intentions after reading the other topic, I'm not forcing anyone to vote like me.
Stupid cockfight ... lets the vote finish and we will try to find a compromise which will satisfy (at least try to) both sides. The only point im strongly against is the increase of panzer damage. All PS1 weapons have default settings and they are well balanced for me, dunno for Seby but im not fan of hazardous changes

- DennizOlof
- Posts: 57
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Would be fun to see reload time ZERO on the panza, so you could just fire off all 5 rounds in a row.
Crazy panza mayham
BOWDOWN I agree, don't touch panza damage. Reloadspeed, running speed, or increase or decreas ammo for panza. Changes to that I say is ok for me and most other people I think.
Crazy panza mayham

BOWDOWN I agree, don't touch panza damage. Reloadspeed, running speed, or increase or decreas ammo for panza. Changes to that I say is ok for me and most other people I think.
Well as old ps5 and psfun&obj nab i'd like to see these things changed (i know u cant change all so dont worry bowwy
- Increase panzy missle speed
- Decrease missle damage
- Decrease all nade damage (or just all explosion damage in general)
- When u get ressed less protection time thing
annoying medics hiding behind it
- Only covies able to spot mines (makes the covy class more usefull and gives it strategic uses)
Think these are the main points
just to point out.. Know u just cant change everything to keep balance on the server.

- Increase panzy missle speed
- Decrease missle damage
- Decrease all nade damage (or just all explosion damage in general)
- When u get ressed less protection time thing

- Only covies able to spot mines (makes the covy class more usefull and gives it strategic uses)

Think these are the main points

BOWDOWN wrote:lets the vote finish and we will try to find a compromise which will satisfy (at least try to) both sides.
i think this is the best solution...about that, i vote for:
-same damage (as it is in ps1)
-same recharge (as it is in ps1)
-more faster (i dont know how much, maybe as ps fun&obj)
- DennizOlof
- Posts: 57
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- Location: Sweden
Dutchman no increase NADE damage.
Granades should hurt more etc, as it's harder to use them and to score hits.
Granades should hurt more etc, as it's harder to use them and to score hits.
Pasglop wrote:- Only covies able to spot mines (makes the covy class more usefull and gives it strategic uses) Smile
Why not soldiers too ? provided they'd got speeder shots with panza ?
Engies have to spot them too.
Anyway,i voted "let it as it is"
imo soldier is more a support class do collateral damage to many enemies and rest of team finish them off

Covy more sneaky and spot mines

The title is clear but seems not for all, the topic and the poll are about panzer, the rest is just off board comments/requests i wont even read ...
I ve doubled up the panzer speed and the recharge time is now 2.5x more longer , so most be a fair compromise for all
The damage will not change since its way enough for a skilly panzerman to go on rampage with default one (those who have doubts, just follow the faouse Flowernaab with panza).Try to gain more skill and aim better instead of asking to increase the panzer damage (message for Daghel
I ve doubled up the panzer speed and the recharge time is now 2.5x more longer , so most be a fair compromise for all

The damage will not change since its way enough for a skilly panzerman to go on rampage with default one (those who have doubts, just follow the faouse Flowernaab with panza).Try to gain more skill and aim better instead of asking to increase the panzer damage (message for Daghel

Is it possible to lower the speed a bit, for me personally I think it is a bit overpowered. You cannot not really avoid it or dodge it, and it is to easy to defend objectives with it like it is now. I do not mind if for compensation the recharge will be a bit faster. But a slight decrease with 300 or 400 would be reasonable I think.
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