...for the beginners

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...for the beginners

Postby LumpiZupf » Wed Aug 15, 2012 19:20

Hi Guys,

As all of you know ET is dying slowly. When I started to play at PS there were 6 or 7 servers and loads of players. Now, if we are really really lucky we get 20 players at PS1.

If you ask the regulars they say that the game is too old, and no one starts playing it but I think there is also other reasons: if you go to ps1 as a beginner, you die all the time, and you will just loose the interest in playing the game. When I started I also died all the time, but I had some friends playing too (timoschenko and hastalabert) so I tried to become better and not die all the time. They also told me lots of things that I didn't know. When I got more into et I started to observe better players and looked stuff up on the internet and in those days I could always go other PS servers playing on a lower level.

Lately I was chatting with some of the new players I found out that many of them just don't know how to play the game. (doublejump, strafejump, healing with syringe, healing poisoned guys, gibbing...)

I hereby request a nice tutorial and some kind of NQ introduction events!!

Seriously, what do you guys think about creating a gaming FAQ that explains the gaming related moves you can do in NQ, the specific terms (dj, sk...), tutorials (or just links) on finding the right mouse sensitivity and some tactics.
Also I think it would be an idea (good or bad I don't know yet) to host some kind of introduction to the game event where only beginners and non-experienced players are allowed to play, and the more experienced players spec and help them, give them hints etc.

Any thoughts on that? Good idea or bad idea? Who would be in to help me with the tutorial?


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Postby SpyCow » Wed Aug 15, 2012 20:42

You know... I've played for a while, and I still suck...
Can I join anyhow? :mrgreen:

P.S. Isn't this supposed to be in general discussion? 8O
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Postby CALLEJON » Wed Aug 15, 2012 22:11

learn to dj? oO guess thats more a thing of learning to strafe (without dj) -> there are always some skilled trickjumpers on ps7.

and its not about learning specific nq stuff (or tactics:D:d.dD), its just about learning the basics of ET overall.

there arent any tactics for nq, a player likes teamwork, or not. its that simple.

anyways if u really try to do that, pm me on xfire, maybe i can help with anything:)

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Postby ckEy » Wed Aug 15, 2012 22:40

In all a nice idea, but I doubt very much that new players can be attracted to this slowly dying game. The grapics is far away from the state of the art technology available today etc.

But even if you put all that aside, for an introduction such as the one you propose you need newcomers, and that means you need advertisement or talk/gossip about such an introduction. It could stand a chance provided you have any way of doing that, but somehow I doubt that (I myself can't see a productive way of targeting possible new players for such an event, if you do please elaborate a bit :)).


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Postby Leo_The_God » Thu Aug 16, 2012 0:11

yo Lumpi, the Event Committee will work on it with your help if u want, send me a PM about all your ideas and stuff.
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Postby SpyCow » Thu Aug 16, 2012 14:29

ckEy wrote:In all a nice idea, but I doubt very much that new players can be attracted to this slowly dying game.

I COMPLETELY agree with this!
*Slams hand in table*

If we had acted sooner... (with this idea) it might've worked very well!
(this may seem as a joke, but I'm actually serious)
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Postby Toup » Thu Aug 16, 2012 14:36

Oh trust me, there are no new players to ET itself. To the servers maybe, but not to ET. There is nothing we can do in this particular forum.

The only thing I can see "reviving" ET is spreading the word all around, maybe someone with a big following says something about it and that's all it takes, but until then don't get your hopes up.

And I believe what you want was already here since 07.

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Postby egglaf » Thu Aug 16, 2012 14:49

Not so fast guys. With crying that it wont work you got that certain already before any attempt is made.

There are some possibilities. The point is, lately I see a lot of newcomers which try the game apparently but then they disappear. I do like the idea of setting up a day with only other newcomers so don't get served in the first place, and secondly maybe with a bunch of buddies to assist them with some tips, preferably in their own language, since I think most of those players are quite young and don't know English yet.

The real problem for this is how to get them to such a day. What I had in mind for the first instance is to build a little script which invites a player with low XP and adminlevel < 2 to such a day, in their own language. I only need a system to determine their countries since I can't get uci values, though I can read IPs.

If there are other opinions about it let us know :).

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Postby LumpiZupf » Thu Aug 16, 2012 21:43

i don't have a massive crowd i could bring to such an event nor the means of advertising it to ppl that would show up. The reason I posted this is the same as in eggs last post.
I often see new people trying the game, and they are usually cannonfodder at ps. the consequence is that most of them never show up again.
I was hoping that we could maybe come up with aome good ideas of getting those players to continue playing the game.

There are a lot of little spycows :) out there, even younger ones but not all of them are from the north and speak perfect english. I was once chatting with a kid that was playing pretty impressive but was 9 years old, from poland and could not speak a single word of english. I used google translator to explain some of the rules to him. not sure if it worked...

about the graphics: they are old, ugly but pretty fast on older hardware. not everyone has a brand new pc to play the new titles.

...and thanks toup for that link. that is an excellent post, but i never came across it. If there is another one of that quality on gameplay the tutorial part would be done. just need to put it somewhere for everyone to see.

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Postby DonaldDuck » Sat Sep 01, 2012 22:39

Some thoughts:

1. ET still survive couple more years cause bunch of seniors and also some newbies join. I personally enjoy it way it is.

2. About PS future. As we known and see PS team and regulars are made good job building it. PS have most needed structures and these work well. It mean PS has made his name and reputation. It must go on. So in my vision PS should start parallel server with some popular shooting game as well. No rush need but its necessary in long perspective. So PS tag go on. Catching new players and oldies can feel secured and sure about future. They have still their home in PS family. Sure it needs financial means and work on it but hope it will solved.


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Postby xochi » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:43

DonaldDuck wrote:Some thoughts:

2. About PS future. As we known and see PS team and regulars are made good job building it. PS have most needed structures and these work well. It mean PS has made his name and reputation. It must go on. So in my vision PS should start parallel server with some popular shooting game as well. No rush need but its necessary in long perspective. So PS tag go on. Catching new players and oldies can feel secured and sure about future. They have still their home in PS family. Sure it needs financial means and work on it but hope it will solved.


Totaly agree with this point maybe if we all take a look at free online shooter games that are new and once found do like a poll which looks best and if possible for PS. To make a server on that new game so PS evolves to other games and not only is bound to wolfenstein enemy territory.

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Postby Daghel » Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:08

We already tryed it. Poll result was Team Fortress 2. It was popular for few weeks, but after that everyone came back to ET/other games. Would be cool to have PS as multigaming community, but that's a hell of the work. Not sure if still possible with the resources we've got. Plus, bringing other game into PS could make even more people to left ET for that second one.
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Postby cabrita » Sun Sep 02, 2012 13:28

dont think the tutorial will work cuz or players know game and know how to play or in this moment newbies may join cuz some freind play it too and in that case they have a freidn to teach them... i agree with duck and another opinion:
et have too many empty servers with just a few regulars... imo we should try to get attention of that ppl that plays on empty servers to come to our comunity
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Postby DonaldDuck » Sun Sep 02, 2012 15:40

I think no poll needed(it takes us nowhere cause so many different opinions). Just have to run some most popular game online(similar for ET) in these days(also have potential run long enough and have regular mod updates and stuff). Which mean that players join anyway if server run well. Just follow statistics. And after time players will be connected with each other so as PS members. And the point is that PS will be again very popular clan.

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Postby deep » Sun Sep 02, 2012 19:37

DonaldDuck wrote:I think no poll needed(it takes us nowhere cause so many different opinions). Just have to run some most popular game online(similar for ET) in these days(also have potential run long enough and have regular mod updates and stuff). Which mean that players join anyway if server run well. Just follow statistics. And after time players will be connected with each other so as PS members. And the point is that PS will be again very popular clan.

Like Dag said, we tried TF2, which is the most popular free online FPS + it's similar to ET (classes, teamplay etc). The server got crowded at times but... still didn't work.

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Postby DonaldDuck » Sun Sep 02, 2012 20:49

There should be reason it did not. It is not logical. Something went or done wrong. Think about it.

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Postby LumpiZupf » Tue Nov 27, 2012 22:37

Ok Guys, i have to bump this topic again. We have to do something!!

The overall resonance to my topic was mostly et is dead, dying and there is no new players. Ergo no sense in making a tutorial.

Last 2 month or so there were TONS of new players. There were a lot of old and really good et players (like the artyc guys) but also like 10 total noobs. Whenever i saw one of these guys i tried to help them with some basics, but it seems most are kids and don't understand english. Some of them got kicked after rulebreaking, disconnected after bad words, other ones like that tyld.. guy and some italian who is always running around with the flamer still try to play, even if they have 0 kills and other ppl are flaming.

The other issue is that there are unskilled (and i don't mean compared to yoshi) people that play the game for several years now and they simply don't know how to get better or how to improve their gameplay. They get frustrated and may quit too.

2 weeks ago i helped someone who is playing the game since castle wolfenstein times and he lost every fight at ps1. I just pointed him to the old "aiming by raziel" tutorial and next day he was back and totally happy that i helped him and his aim is now getting better.

I am going to have some spare time in december and i want to put together a basic tutorial (thanks calle for that idea). There should be stuff like the UI, Limbo, weapons, classes etc. in it. I want that tutorial then have translated in different languages and maybe we can somehow point the new players like that tyl... guy to the tutorial with something like !tutorial polish. not always ppl are around who speak the language. Maybe even a a little video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U84K55KmNJY :D but ecellent idea!

Instead of my original idea we can put a list of links to tutorials together (or maybe try to host them here at the ps site too?) for players that want to get better.

If you guys know any tutorials no matter what language please post the links here!

If you have other ideas please post them too.


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Postby Sebbel » Tue Nov 27, 2012 23:05

rly a nice step and idea, lump
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Postby DMG_Kowi » Tue Nov 27, 2012 23:32

Today I watched two tutorials for Quakejump map and thanks to them I learned one very hard jump and one that I've never done before. Oooops, wrong topic. :p

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Postby LumpiZupf » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:06

...and where's the link to that tutorial? Please post it and add a short personal statement. something like "learnd this or that jump with it" would be enough.


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Postby egglaf » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:15

Catch me for a translation in Dutch, good idea.

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Postby Luki27 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:46

i was better when i started than now xd

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Postby Ossy » Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:41

Very good idea Lumpi :D and btw that video is awesome :D

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et keyboard layout

Postby LumpiZupf » Fri Dec 14, 2012 13:45

...haven't had too much time to work on my tutorial, but since my connection to ps1 is crappy as hell these days i got a bit done.

I am at the basic movement section atm, and i want you guys to give me your non standard et key layout. I am most interested in keys for movement, shooting, selecting weapons medpacks adre etc.


...and btw, if you see a Lumpi with almost no xp on the server that's me trying to work on the tutorial. I created a new GUID for the setup part of that.

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Postby egglaf » Fri Dec 14, 2012 16:19

I new profile would have done the trick as well :). Nice work so far. Ask Smadje for cfg stuff maybe.

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