Bots on PS#1
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Bots on PS#1
Hello guys,
A few of you might be mentioned it but at the moment Landser is playing with bots on PS#1. For as far I understood there will be at max 6 bots playing. We hope this will help the server starting up during the summer. Don't be afraid to join, as same as always more people will come when you play on PS#1.
Have a nice vacation all!
A few of you might be mentioned it but at the moment Landser is playing with bots on PS#1. For as far I understood there will be at max 6 bots playing. We hope this will help the server starting up during the summer. Don't be afraid to join, as same as always more people will come when you play on PS#1.
Have a nice vacation all!
- pompidom_23
- Posts: 1291
- Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:00
- Location: Belgium, ps#5
Maybe we need to make some advertisement and hang some posters for ET and prime squadron :)
All of my friends tell me about playing COD or battlefield, and then me say that I only play wolfenstein, they think WTF xd But when they are at my home and see me playing they think niiicee cool game! Then they installize ET, they start playing, have K/D 2/35 and they go back to their game xd
Wolfenstein is getting old, much people leave te game, but no people start to play the game...
Maybe we can try to contact old players and tell them to play back on servers ? ;)
mhh idk, I keep playing!!
All of my friends tell me about playing COD or battlefield, and then me say that I only play wolfenstein, they think WTF xd But when they are at my home and see me playing they think niiicee cool game! Then they installize ET, they start playing, have K/D 2/35 and they go back to their game xd
Wolfenstein is getting old, much people leave te game, but no people start to play the game...
Maybe we can try to contact old players and tell them to play back on servers ? ;)
mhh idk, I keep playing!!
Pompidom :)
Dont drink and drive, just smoke and fly !
pompidom_23 wrote:All of my friends tell me about playing COD or battlefield, and then me say that I only play wolfenstein, they think WTF xd But when they are at my home and see me playing they think niiicee cool game! Then they installize ET, they start playing, have K/D 2/35 and they go back to their game xd

- DennizOlof
- Posts: 57
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- Location: Sweden
Well I guess PS1 has been kind of left behind since the other Fun&Obj server is so much better with bots and all.
I don't see why PS1 couldn't bee the same as Fun&Obj server, same server version and so on, but with other maps.
I don't see why PS1 couldn't bee the same as Fun&Obj server, same server version and so on, but with other maps.
- FlowerPower
- Posts: 2605
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DMG_Kowi wrote:There have always been bots on PS1, consistently gaining their enormous amounts of XP
I feel involved in this

- DennizOlof
- Posts: 57
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- Location: Sweden
Diamond, agree.
I don't like the bots that much, but they are better than no players at all. And bots on FUN server is mostly when there are few real players. So I say the bots are a good thing.
When there are lots of players there are no bots sort of, thats how I feel the bots have been used on the FUN server, i think most ppl feel this is ok way of using the bots.
I don't like the bots that much, but they are better than no players at all. And bots on FUN server is mostly when there are few real players. So I say the bots are a good thing.
When there are lots of players there are no bots sort of, thats how I feel the bots have been used on the FUN server, i think most ppl feel this is ok way of using the bots.
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