problems aiming at old ps3
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problems aiming at old ps3
Hi guys,
for almost 2 years or so I am struggling with the accuracy of my aim being completly random. My acc ranges from 20 to sometimes 35.
If I have a low acc, it seems that I am shooting at ppl, but not hitting them. Even if the guy I am shooting at stands still, and i don't move my crosshair the first 2 shots often don't hit. Then it's almost impossible for me to track ppl as I don't get the hitsound feedback.
Some time ago Bergamotte told me that I have one weired aim. Sometimes I am a pain in the ass and drive him and his mates crazy, and sometimes I am cannon fodder.
I already wanted to stop playing ET twice, but after a good day, I just can't (tomsen might remember that one on tower or baserace
). Most of the time i thought that i just suck, that i have a bad day or that the days when i could actually aim at someone are finally over but days like last sunday or today speak against that.
I haven't been playing much the last couple of months because i moved. Now that I have everything set up I have been playing more the last weeks. Last Sunday I was playing here, and I had an acc of over 30 could aim at and track people. Next day, below 25. couldn't hit shit.
Today I was playing here again, and couldn't hit anything for an hour or so. Then I left for a last game on PS1, and first game 35%, second game 33%.
It seems that I can play here at Sundays, and if I am lucky PS1 is good also on weekdays.
What is going on here? What can I do against that? Any settings I could try? Anyone has any ideas?
I want my old aim back!
for almost 2 years or so I am struggling with the accuracy of my aim being completly random. My acc ranges from 20 to sometimes 35.
If I have a low acc, it seems that I am shooting at ppl, but not hitting them. Even if the guy I am shooting at stands still, and i don't move my crosshair the first 2 shots often don't hit. Then it's almost impossible for me to track ppl as I don't get the hitsound feedback.
Some time ago Bergamotte told me that I have one weired aim. Sometimes I am a pain in the ass and drive him and his mates crazy, and sometimes I am cannon fodder.
I already wanted to stop playing ET twice, but after a good day, I just can't (tomsen might remember that one on tower or baserace

I haven't been playing much the last couple of months because i moved. Now that I have everything set up I have been playing more the last weeks. Last Sunday I was playing here, and I had an acc of over 30 could aim at and track people. Next day, below 25. couldn't hit shit.
Today I was playing here again, and couldn't hit anything for an hour or so. Then I left for a last game on PS1, and first game 35%, second game 33%.
It seems that I can play here at Sundays, and if I am lucky PS1 is good also on weekdays.
What is going on here? What can I do against that? Any settings I could try? Anyone has any ideas?
I want my old aim back!
For almost 2 year?
Nq 1.2.9 happened to you
You are probably refering back to the time that when you shot at someone you would actually hit someone, this is the old beloved Nq 1.2.3 mod where the hitboxes were normal.
the hitboxes now are shit imo causing wide variety of accuracys.
Just stick to rifling like bowdown ^^ rifle nades are overpowered in noquarter anyway
Nq 1.2.9 happened to you
You are probably refering back to the time that when you shot at someone you would actually hit someone, this is the old beloved Nq 1.2.3 mod where the hitboxes were normal.
the hitboxes now are shit imo causing wide variety of accuracys.
Just stick to rifling like bowdown ^^ rifle nades are overpowered in noquarter anyway

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet
- SturmGonzo
- Posts: 358
- Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:00
Death wrote:For almost 2 year?
Nq 1.2.9 happened to you
You are probably refering back to the time that when you shot at someone you would actually hit someone, this is the old beloved Nq 1.2.3 mod where the hitboxes were normal.
the hitboxes now are shit imo causing wide variety of accuracys.
Just stick to rifling like bowdown ^^ rifle nades are overpowered in noquarter anyway
it's all connection related nothing to do with hitboxes, on hitboxes u get used to it in 2 years, it's the quality of ur i net that makes u a big fragger, the same happens to me pretty often shooting on a non moving target 1 hit yes 3 hit no.. they called packetlosts.. and that's y on ps1 the forced 100packets is the greatest bullsht i ve ever seen, if ur line cant send 100 packets at once cuz it's overloaded or whatever it will send only part of the 100 the rest goes nowhere AKA unhits and it doesnt have anything to do with low or high ping, if u have 100 ping and stable 100 packets u l hit pretty good since server compensates the delay until a certain ms time, and that's the reason y the maxpackets are settable in the game, forced 100 helps the verry good connection owners (verry less peoples imo) and forces all the rest to be "cannon fudder" as u nicely called it.
now the packets is not only for hits but for hits u receive aswell, in the time the server doesnt recieve the full amount of packets he thinks u re not moving, so even if u do left right many times ur hitboxes stay still and u get killed with 5 shots.. hope it helps u out
for the whiners getting killed by some1 using 30 maxpackets, it doesnt affect UR hit ratio, packets are like frames the higher u transmit the smoother ur shots and hitboxes move.. cant explain it well in english but i hope u got the point
Then explain this:
at 1.2.3 i could hit everything with ease.... getting 40% acc wasn't unusual and getting 20 man killing sprees was easy since when i shot at someone i could actually hit them.
Also at ETpro which i play sometimes the hitboxes are different from 1.2.3 and 1.2.9 causing me to miss more often then i want to.
And sure packet loss will be part of the problem since i can most times clearly see the difference between a polish or Fin player (no offence) and a dutch or german player, just by shooting at him.
But the fact that the hitboxes are shit in 1.2.9 is one thing that can't be denied.

at 1.2.3 i could hit everything with ease.... getting 40% acc wasn't unusual and getting 20 man killing sprees was easy since when i shot at someone i could actually hit them.
Also at ETpro which i play sometimes the hitboxes are different from 1.2.3 and 1.2.9 causing me to miss more often then i want to.
And sure packet loss will be part of the problem since i can most times clearly see the difference between a polish or Fin player (no offence) and a dutch or german player, just by shooting at him.
But the fact that the hitboxes are shit in 1.2.9 is one thing that can't be denied.

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet
You and 20 men killing sprees... who's gonna believe that?
On topic: well, indeed, when you switch mods often it is really a carousel. When there was 1.2.3 on ps1 and 1.2.9 on ps3&5 I used to have changing expirience with aiming. Maybe not overall aim but for example scoring headshots. Once it came with easy and other time it wasn't that easy. Remember that it's also a case of your actual psychophysical condition, which varies even throughout one day.
But actually if you say that you checked it out, I mean you did aim directly at non-moving target and bullets didn't hit, it is bad and I also think it's a case of your connection.
About what Death said. I assume that you can see that Dutch or German players have better conditions than for example Poles or Fins. Honestly, I haven't noticed such thing, since at best your pings are ~30ms better (apart from Eda's 6-8ms).
On topic: well, indeed, when you switch mods often it is really a carousel. When there was 1.2.3 on ps1 and 1.2.9 on ps3&5 I used to have changing expirience with aiming. Maybe not overall aim but for example scoring headshots. Once it came with easy and other time it wasn't that easy. Remember that it's also a case of your actual psychophysical condition, which varies even throughout one day.
But actually if you say that you checked it out, I mean you did aim directly at non-moving target and bullets didn't hit, it is bad and I also think it's a case of your connection.
About what Death said. I assume that you can see that Dutch or German players have better conditions than for example Poles or Fins. Honestly, I haven't noticed such thing, since at best your pings are ~30ms better (apart from Eda's 6-8ms).
20 men killing sprees in the good old days ^^
and yes i have checked out the differences on non moving players with nq 1.2.9 and 1.2.3 and imo 1.2.3 had better hitboxes but might have been because i was most used to that.
about the difference between fe. dutch and polish players, i ment that the difference is noticable in Etpro ... havent really watched it in NQ but probably noticable aswell if you look good enough.
and yes i have checked out the differences on non moving players with nq 1.2.9 and 1.2.3 and imo 1.2.3 had better hitboxes but might have been because i was most used to that.
about the difference between fe. dutch and polish players, i ment that the difference is noticable in Etpro ... havent really watched it in NQ but probably noticable aswell if you look good enough.

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet
Thanks for the replies.
one thing is for sure, that it has nothing to do with the mod. I agree that with 1.2.9 it's generally harder to hit but it was the same at ps5 with nitmod and sometimes my aim is pretty good in 1.2.9 too.
And I also agree with Kowi that the aim is pretty dependent on your condition. I played 2 maps today in the morning, perfect condition, acc ~25. right now, around midnight, after 3 hours of quake clan arena, tired, want to go to bed, acc >30.
I was playing around with my rate and maxpackets settings a while ago (sturm was helping me checking it out) but I couldn't make much of a difference. Is there a way of setting the connection settings so that it becomes stable? Is there a way of figuring out good settings for my connection?
I am not very much in tweaking configs as it has never been really necessary but is there any settings I could try to improve that behaviour?
one thing is for sure, that it has nothing to do with the mod. I agree that with 1.2.9 it's generally harder to hit but it was the same at ps5 with nitmod and sometimes my aim is pretty good in 1.2.9 too.
And I also agree with Kowi that the aim is pretty dependent on your condition. I played 2 maps today in the morning, perfect condition, acc ~25. right now, around midnight, after 3 hours of quake clan arena, tired, want to go to bed, acc >30.
I was playing around with my rate and maxpackets settings a while ago (sturm was helping me checking it out) but I couldn't make much of a difference. Is there a way of setting the connection settings so that it becomes stable? Is there a way of figuring out good settings for my connection?
I am not very much in tweaking configs as it has never been really necessary but is there any settings I could try to improve that behaviour?
Get cable ^^
It doesnt completely solve things maybe but it definitly helps
if you cant get or already have it, alwasy use /rate 40000 or /rate 25000 and /cl_maxpackets 100 i guess
further there isnt much to do i think, make sure in ET menu your connection @system is on adsl/cable or smth like that.
It doesnt completely solve things maybe but it definitly helps

if you cant get or already have it, alwasy use /rate 40000 or /rate 25000 and /cl_maxpackets 100 i guess
further there isnt much to do i think, make sure in ET menu your connection @system is on adsl/cable or smth like that.

<icy> seems a guy i know from seeing gave it to me on the mens toilet
- SturmGonzo
- Posts: 358
- Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:00
Death wrote:Get cable ^^
It doesnt completely solve things maybe but it definitly helps
if you cant get or already have it, alwasy use /rate 40000 or /rate 25000 and /cl_maxpackets 100 i guess
further there isnt much to do i think, make sure in ET menu your connection @system is on adsl/cable or smth like that.
did u actually read my post?? always 100 maxpacjkets is bullsht m8

If I aim at something but am not hitting it it kills the fun for me.
...and another weired thing: I was just playing 2 maps with a ping of ~100 I was thinking bad connection, but I was hitting really good. apart from the completly unpredictable movement and the connection interrupted message i got all the time I could really hit something.
Maybe someone has an explaination for that...
...and another weired thing: I was just playing 2 maps with a ping of ~100 I was thinking bad connection, but I was hitting really good. apart from the completly unpredictable movement and the connection interrupted message i got all the time I could really hit something.
Maybe someone has an explaination for that...
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