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Number of Adrenaline in the server?

14 adrenaline sticks
1 adrenaline stick
No adrenaline sticks
All other classes have adrenaline sticks but not medic
Total votes : 54
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Postby Daghel » Mon Apr 23, 2012 23:07

Smadje wrote:
If you want to complain about being to slow and stuff, than please take some practice at PS#7. If you apply a good jump technique in combination with double jumps, you won't even need adrenaline.

If you complain about adrenaline then please, play at ETpro server without it.


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Postby Smadje » Mon Apr 23, 2012 23:40

A straight fast panzershot is also as a known ETpro based thing, amazing that you didn't defend another topic with such an great argument.

Adrenaline replaces the full/halfbeat speed generation trick with an temporary speed boost. It just complete removes one of ET it's challenges and therefor destroys a part of the game, at least, for me.
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Postby blazing » Tue Apr 24, 2012 0:14

@smadje well why no adre is etpro like?

it lowers the game speed without adre + people who dont like to tj are doomed to be slow?
and about the panza? this are polls for settings about PS F&O not about etpro settings all or none:)

thanks diamond:)

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Postby Smadje » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:31

blazing wrote:it lowers the game speed without adre + people who dont like to tj are doomed to be slow?

The same argument counts for everything.. People who don't like to practice on shooting headshots are also doomed to make less of them. Movement is part of the game.

Anyhow, sorry if I sound harsh in this discussion. I just am convinced about the good points of non-adrenaline. For me personally this gives more challenge to this game. I respect everyone his opinion, and if it's the case that our opinions differ on this subject I hope that the settings of the server are in line with those of the majority ;).
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henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby SpyCow » Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:57

I never lie.
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Postby sau » Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:00

blazing wrote:maps like baserace are really bad without adre

Not a good argument to be honest. You do not need adrenaline to jump faster if you know how to strafe and such thing doesn't need any wonders.

S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the

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Postby DaRkMaN » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:29

Why this is topic abaout PS FUN&OBJ, you both play on PS1 for long time, but you never tried to give that idea there?
how come?

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Postby romanek87 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:43

as for me no adrenaline or only 1 stick
let make scar it be happy on this server :D

and for real: i dont wanna this server be another ps1 rambo medics alike, if its obj make it more skill-needed server.

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Postby Smadje » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:53

Get your facts straight please.
Smadje wrote:Everyone who plays NQ knows about adrenaline; this little injection wich leads to formula 1 speed during a long time. In the adrenaline needle really lies the true point off the PS#1 rambo medic. It will make their energybar empty and removes the ability to heal others with their med-packs. Therefor this 'weapon' should be disabled instead off the akimbo's

from this topic: ... 88&start=0

Smadje wrote:Is it possibble to remove this 'double' energy bar in this mod? So that people can't insert adrenaline + using the rest off their energy.

This topic: ... pic&t=9983

Smadje wrote:I agree with flower, I think the main reason that people here still like NQ 1.2.3 is because it does not have some in my opinion crappy features from 1.2.9 (Seperate adrenaline bar, shotguns). ... ic&t=10791

Indeed. I haven't been fighting this hard till now.
A couple of reasons for this:
- The difference is that PS#1 had 1.2.3 for a long time. People who used adre in 1.2.3 at least did lose the rest of their power bar.
- PS#1 does not have single jump maps in rotation, which is a critical difference in according to adrenaline
- PS#Fun&Obj is a new server. Settings are still not fully decided, there is a lot more chance to get this setting here than on PS#1.
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby DaRkMaN » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:10

Like i said this topic is stupid becuse again we talk abaout rambo medics and not everybody is rambo medic so why would other classes suffer becuse of them???

- PS#1 does not have single jump maps in rotation, which is a critical difference in according to adrenaline

Well, all maps on PS5 had DJ on maps in past, but for you fact Smadje it was turned off on some maps becuse mayority of PS members neglected PS5 and there was much TJ shit, so it was easier to turn of DJ on some maps then to have morons who use no admin on server situations and did TJ all the time.
But since now members are more on PS FUN&OBJ dont see a problem of turning on DJ on all maps.

- PS#Fun&Obj is a new server. Settings are still not fully decided, there is a lot more chance to get this setting here than on PS#1.

just the opposite Smadje, only thing here i agree it is new server, but with old players and even "older" server owners and it was merge of PS5 and PS3 settings, so correct me if i am wrong but i am shure PS5 had andrenalin, maybe PS3 didn't?? don't know, haven't played there.

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Postby Smadje » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:23

DaRkMaN wrote:
- PS#1 does not have single jump maps in rotation, which is a critical difference in according to adrenaline

Well, all maps on PS5 had DJ on maps in past, but for you fact Smadje it was turned off on some maps becuse mayority of PS members neglected PS5 and there was much TJ shit, so it was easier to turn of DJ on some maps then to have morons who use no admin on server situations and did TJ all the time.
But since now members are more on PS FUN&OBJ dont see a problem of turning on DJ on all maps.

In my opinion some maps should be played with single jumps, with double jumps enabled maps like supply, delivery, frostbite will be less challenging. Even if the idea behind single jumps is for preventing TJ/DJ for objective I would like it to stay.

DaRkMaN wrote:
- PS#Fun&Obj is a new server. Settings are still not fully decided, there is a lot more chance to get this setting here than on PS#1.

just the opposite Smadje, only thing here i agree it is new server, but with old players and even "older" server owners and it was merge of PS5 and PS3 settings, so correct me if i am wrong but i am shure PS5 had andrenalin, maybe PS3 didn't?? don't know, haven't played there.

PS#3 had adrenaline as well. Of course I am aware that this server is based on the settings of PS#3 and PS#5. But it seems there are besides me and saukko also others who would like to see some more differences between PS servers. Also some old PS#2 players still seek a place to rest ;).Single jumps + reduced adrenaline make PS# fun&obj a real different gaming area than PS#1.
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby TalibKweli » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:41

DMG_Kowi wrote:
DaRkMaN wrote:i dont get it? what andre has to do with rambo medics and why would all other classes be without it?
Punishing everybody becuse of few "rambo" medics is really not the way to go.
Reduce medics HP or something but takeing N.Q. andre is like pissing in a wind, you will do the job but you wont feel happy after.

But who is this Andre? And why you'll miss him so much? But ye, I don't know what Andre has to do with rambo medics.

trolololo XD

that made my day :banana:

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Postby ckEy » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:04

Darkman wrote:Like i said this topic is stupid becuse again we talk abaout rambo medics and not everybody is rambo medic so why would other classes suffer becuse of them???

It is not only about rambo medics, though it is one of the reasons. If it were really only about rambo medics then perhaps limiting adre to other classes might be the answer, but if you read back there are surely more written already, such as getting the hang of half/fullbeat.

Darkman wrote:just the opposite Smadje, only thing here i agree it is new server, but with old players and even "older" server owners and it was merge of PS5 and PS3 settings

so perhaps with new settings it might attract some more? :) like NoCS has pointed out in the other topic (and I hate to go offtopic here, but it is a lil bit connected), with map pool votin and the more classic etpro maps, #Fun&Obj's regulars were still on, were they not? :) and then some, non-regulars or perhaps ps1 regulars ...

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Postby Oxyg3n » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:35

I doubt that lowering the amount of adre sticks will affect playing for obj in any way, that's made by players not really by settings, many of you replied there so I assume you are playing for obj. Keep on doing this and you'll see that the majority of the server will follow. Ofcourse there will be always those who just care about fragging, adre settings won't change that.
14 sticks is good, you can use it or don't, but leaves the choice to the players and doesn't forces them to play without and maybe leave for other servers. :wink:

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Postby Smadje » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:46

Oxyg3n wrote: Ofcourse there will be always those who just care about fragging, adre settings won't change that.

It won't change their attitude, but it will limit their possibilities.
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby DMG_Kowi » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:50

I think that comparison to PS#1 is out of place. PS1 is different server with less obj and more ramboing and heavy weapon madness. If adre is disabled there, many people will be unhappy, but not many will whine, cause not all have account on forum.

And yes, separate charge bar for adrenaline is a curiosity.

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Postby Leo_The_God » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:56

If ps5 and ps3 fail there was a reason... just think on it... I don't wanna have another ps1 but with less slots... and with fixed map rotation, HW party, DJ everywhere and adrenaline for all the time we just create a new ps1... think on it...

Insn't a matter of pro setting or not, it's a matter to do something different from ps1
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Postby Puputti » Tue Apr 24, 2012 13:53

What's the point of having a NQ server if the NQ features are taken away? If you want to make it more pro, would be much easier just to change the mod instead of all these minor changes.

I don't use adre but I don't care if someone use it. To my mind adre is just 'take or leave it' advantage (for noobs) as well as double jump. No one forces you to use double jump if it is enabled. You can play in a pro way if you want. NQ is a mod with more advantages and it's up to you whether you use them or not. NQ servers has always had noobs who don't want to bother to improve their practical skills so removing the non-pro features would make it a bit unfair. Furthermore, I don't consider NQ server as the best place to show off your skills.

Never understood the point of whining about adre junkies anyway. As said, that's a part of NQ. People should practise their patience skills instead if being owned by adrenab is such an obnoxious experience.

I voted for 14 needles to prevent the etpro takeover. In my opinion the difference to PS1 is not just a matter of settings, it's the atmosphere.


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Postby DaRkMaN » Tue Apr 24, 2012 14:04

PS#3 had adrenaline as well. Of course I am aware that this server is based on the settings of PS#3 and PS#5. But it seems there are besides me and saukko also others who would like to see some more differences between PS servers. Also some old PS#2 players still seek a place to rest .Single jumps + reduced adrenaline make PS# fun&obj a real different gaming area than PS#1.

I didnt say there are not people who would like to see change, Smadje if so much people want that change don't get me wrong, change it, I just replay here becuse i dont agree thats all.
Because giving me reasons for change like rambo medics, which then effects 80% of other classes is just funny.
Now abaout "PS2" players or we can just go ahead and call them ET pro players right? seek home, what kind of home are they seeking? ET pro server or N.Q. server with et pro settings, we can exclude ET pro server becuse it is not ET pro but N.Q. right.
Abaout N.Q. sever with ET pro settings well Smadje i think you know even better then me how that story went. :(

ckEy wrote:

so perhaps with new settings it might attract some more? like NoCS has pointed out in the other topic (and I hate to go offtopic here, but it is a lil bit connected), with map pool votin and the more classic etpro maps, #Fun&Obj's regulars were still on, were they not? and then some, non-regulars or perhaps ps1 regulars ...

so perhaps with new settings it might attract some more?

yes, it might, but what if it doesnt attract and make those who are now on server go away? And it is not like new ET players are made like in past.

with map pool votin

like i already said voting was on PS5 and yes on beginig players where on server, only problem was they where not for long time there :( so that is fact.
It is not the problem of voting for maps ckEy, I was first in line to support Sebbel with voting system on PS5, problem is people start to argue abaout what should have been voted next, and then they leave server becuse it is not their way.

more classic etpro maps

what is that? and even if there are such maps as ET pro maps this is not ET pro server but N.Q. server. And with ET pro settings how will you get new people on server, by kicking their newbie ass? :D

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Postby sau » Tue Apr 24, 2012 14:44

Leo_The_God wrote:If ps5 and ps3 fail there was a reason... just think on it... I don't wanna have another ps1 but with less slots... and with fixed map rotation, HW party, DJ everywhere and adrenaline for all the time we just create a new ps1... think on it...

Insn't a matter of pro setting or not, it's a matter to do something different from ps1

This is actually one of the reasons why I made this topic.

Puputti wrote:What's the point of having a NQ server if the NQ features are taken away? If you want to make it more pro, would be much easier just to change the mod instead of all these minor changes.

This statement is unstable since map voting system is also a No Quarter feature and it was taken out of use. Same goes with bullet reflection. Why isn't that on use?

Puputti wrote:I voted for 14 needles to prevent the etpro takeover.

Is ETPub ETPro, no. Is JayMod ETPro, no.

Though I have no time to make this post to the end, busy day today.

S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the

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Postby FlowerPower » Tue Apr 24, 2012 15:56

Well, i opened the same topic in the past in PS#3 (you can look on archive, it was called Shield and adre), and the debate was argumented in the same way you are doing now.
I think 1 adre stick would be the right compromise, limitate the all-time adre users, ramboing everywhere, and still give the possibility to other classes to use it when needed.

By the way, if you look at the votes, actually there's a mojority of people that want to reduce the amount of adre sticks (12+8 ). I'm sure that 1 adre stick would be the compromise accepted by everyone...

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Postby Betinho » Tue Apr 24, 2012 16:05

FlowerPower wrote:
By the way, if you look at the votes, actually there's a mojority of people that want to reduce the amount of adre sticks (12+8 ). I'm sure that 1 adre stick would be the compromise accepted by everyone...

:loller: Flower! in my point of view...27 votes for keep adre...only 8 for no more adre :D..and 15 for adre stay as it is and 12 for reduce :D .
So win keep adre stay as it is :D

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Postby Daghel » Tue Apr 24, 2012 16:30

I wanted to answer here after work, didn't expect that i'd have to quote nearly whole page ;x

Smadje wrote:A straight fast panzershot is also as a known ETpro based thing, amazing that you didn't defend another topic with such an great argument.

Stright, with low recharge (which is not, currently on PS#F&O). Amazing that you forgot to add that to your great argumentation.

Im reading this topic and i can't find any arument that would convince me to remove adre. PS#F&O is too much like PS#1? If it's that bad why server is preety full? If that would be only about similarites ppl would stay on PS#1 where they have more xp and levels than trying something like you say - very similar.

More challenging and jump training? Perhaps. If you are playing more serious, and care about improving your sills/ abilities. Imo majority of old PS#3 and PS#5 however don't. Fun>Pro.

Rambo meds. As it was pointed before, adrenaline is useable by all classes. So again- not a real argument. None force anyone to use it.

Not a good argument to be honest. You do not need adrenaline to jump faster if you know how to strafe and such thing doesn't need any wonders.

Not a good arument either. "IF you know". Imo majority don't. And it's not so funny to most of ppl in my observations (personaly i don't care), to be owned by"pros" whole of the time.

PS#3 had adrenaline as well. Of course I am aware that this server is based on the settings of PS#3 and PS#5. But it seems there are besides me and saukko also others who would like to see some more differences between PS servers. Also some old PS#2 players still seek a place to rest Wink.Single jumps + reduced adrenaline make PS# fun&obj a real different gaming area than PS#1.

Again, similarites... I already answered that. Where was those PS#2 regulars for last eee 2 years? Why they didn't try to make some changes for example on PS#3 when it had preety low amount of regulars? Or PS#5 for last month when it was more a bot server? Again i have to sound lika an ass, but PS#2 regulars had their time for changes. Ofc, we are happy that everyone (exept cheaters and retards) can play on our servers. Just the matter of server tradicion and "constans line" of same ppl who like to play on similar (to old PS#3 and PS#5, not to PS#1!!) settings.

In my opinion some maps should be played with single jumps, with double jumps enabled maps like supply, delivery, frostbite will be less challenging. Even if the idea behind single jumps is for preventing TJ/DJ for objective I would like it to stay.
.... on those maps ". With that i could agree. Not becouse it's more "challenging" but simple more fair. On maps like delivery, making objective is way to easy for attackers. I like to whine about no dj, but ye it's true. :P

And now the most important line in this whole topic:
It won't change their attitude, but it will limit their possibilities.

On this point we will never agree. I'm always fighting with both my hands and feets to maximalize the possibilites of gameplay. Less possibilites = more boring game.

But best of all is:

If ps5 and ps3 fail there was a reason... just think on it... I don't wanna have another ps1 but with less slots... and with fixed map rotation, HW party, DJ everywhere and adrenaline for all the time we just create a new ps1... think on it...

Insn't a matter of pro setting or not, it's a matter to do something different from ps1

That is just lol. Haters gona hate. :)
Someone could ask why PS#2 failed, much sooner in fact?

But bleeh, it's not about whos server is cooller, funnier, more pro or more newbie.
Point is to attract players to it when in the same time to not scary away old regulars.

What's the point of having a NQ server if the NQ features are taken away? If you want to make it more pro, would be much easier just to change the mod instead of all these minor changes.

That's actualy a good question.

FlowerPower wrote:. I'm sure that 1 adre stick would be the compromise accepted by everyone...

Im sure not. :)

I never lie.

Please... :rofl:
When i made my first post and voted it was 1/4/4. I checked topic 1h later and it was 2/4/4. And you was the only player to that time who voted for 14 sticks. So where is your accidental click? Doubleclick - doublelol
Last edited by Daghel on Tue Apr 24, 2012 16:42, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby egglaf » Tue Apr 24, 2012 16:39

I guess it depends on they way you see this vote, for me 1 stick and no sticks are pretty the same compared to 14 sticks.

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Postby deep » Tue Apr 24, 2012 16:53

I have an idea, why not enable adre so that it's on all the time? With g_speed or something, like in TJ mod :). Everyone happy? :P

The problem with adre for me is that it's inaccessible to noobs, so they get butchered by adrefags. Also it'll bring out individual skills (the real skills, not adregambling - "I hope that my opponent doesn't have adre like me, so i could have an advantage").

Pretty much make it as even as possible.


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