TJMod 1.6.6 Now Available at PS7
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DMG_Kowi wrote:ou, nice bunch of maps there are
tjwar? what could it be?
u play Heroes 3 sometimes?
Tjwar is designed like there would be arranged a 1on1 tj race. Never seen anyone to have had such race there so dunno if it even works correctly. Anyway it's a playable map without the race stuff. The main gammas are pretty sick but there are also few easier in da house.
Offtopic: Yess, HoMM 3 rocks.

- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
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- Location: Netherlands
DMG_Kowi wrote:Hey, maybe upload Gamma Mill beta 4 on ps7. Wanna see what's new added.
It should be up there.
Diamond wrote:2nd is the button bug. When a button is pressed at any map, it stays down, thus can't be pressed again. This makes 'new_style' unplayable after the 1st jump.
Maybe it's possible to change some server cvars to make those problems disappear?
Probably related to the cvar that keeps all doors open, I disabled it a couple of months (sep.) ago already so it should be (partially) fixed, I hope?
@ Puputti
Will look at those maps later this week

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

DMG_Kowi wrote:warren-the-ape wrote:DMG_Kowi wrote:Hey, maybe upload Gamma Mill beta 4 on ps7. Wanna see what's new added.
Yeah, but I still haven't been on this map on ps7, so I can't vote it (I don't have it on vote map list). I even downloaded it to etmain, but as I expected, it didn't work.
You can also do /sv_paks (or something like that) which will list all the .bsp names (map names) that are on the server. Then just /callvote map [that .bsp name].pk3.
Btw "55th trickjump" doesnt work and some others as well.. dno bugged pk3's or smthg?
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
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- Location: Netherlands
DMG_Kowi wrote:Yeah, but I still haven't been on this map on ps7, so I can't vote it (I don't have it on vote map list). I even downloaded it to etmain, but as I expected, it didn't work.
Just call vote a random map, that way the server restarts and the map should be available (picked up by the server). Afaik tjmod shows all available maps even if you haven't downloaded them yourself.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
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- Location: Netherlands
CALLEJON wrote:there is no supply depot, can sb upload it please?
It should be up there. If more regular maps are required give me a shout

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

Hey there, I saw this map while I was looking for maps for the EC and ps1:
maybe it is something for ps#7
maybe it is something for ps#7
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 0:00
- Location: Netherlands
Don't know the map but it's from Toiletman so it could be good (aside from the toilet humour
). I'll see if I can put it up this evening.
edit: it's up.

edit: it's up.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

maps out:
[tanc]capturetheflag - too short (map lasts for 1 min)
Snakejumps - never voted
Pommesjumps_b4 - buggy
palejump - very small map, never voted
ewp_gamma3.1 - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
lost_dimension - never voted
ewp_castlejump - short, never voted.
et_headsot - can't play in tjmod
et_headshot2_b2 - can't play in tjmod
airmaxjumps - we have final version in the server
55thrickjump - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
legojump - short, never voted
Please delete them because they are a waste of space.
maps in:
indiana jones trickjump
vivijump b1
trickme v2
tj_war a1
brokendreams b1
Couldn't find links for other maps (can send them if needed).
[tanc]capturetheflag - too short (map lasts for 1 min)
Snakejumps - never voted
Pommesjumps_b4 - buggy
palejump - very small map, never voted
ewp_gamma3.1 - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
lost_dimension - never voted
ewp_castlejump - short, never voted.
et_headsot - can't play in tjmod
et_headshot2_b2 - can't play in tjmod
airmaxjumps - we have final version in the server
55thrickjump - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
legojump - short, never voted
Please delete them because they are a waste of space.
maps in:
indiana jones trickjump
vivijump b1
trickme v2
tj_war a1
brokendreams b1
Couldn't find links for other maps (can send them if needed).

- Leo_The_God
- Posts: 689
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- Location: Italy
DMG_Kowi wrote:I've made a shocking discovery:
loenajumps_b4 (axis) = luna_final (allies)
lul it's type on text when map load

GoD is DeaD
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
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- Location: Netherlands
Diamond wrote:maps out:
[tanc]capturetheflag - too short (map lasts for 1 min)
Snakejumps - never voted
Pommesjumps_b4 - buggy
palejump - very small map, never voted
ewp_gamma3.1 - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
lost_dimension - never voted
ewp_castlejump - short, never voted.
et_headsot - can't play in tjmod
et_headshot2_b2 - can't play in tjmod
airmaxjumps - we have final version in the server
55thrickjump - doesn't work (corrupted pk3?)
legojump - short, never voted
Please delete them because they are a waste of space.
maps in:
indiana jones trickjump
vivijump b1
trickme v2
tj_war a1
brokendreams b1
Couldn't find links for other maps (can send them if needed).
A bit late but thnx

You probably already noticed that those 1st bunch of maps are gone, and the other maps you linked are up there, since a couple of weeks.
Lawek wrote:Puputti wrote:Also some map suggestions:
- Piyojump2_r2
- elitejumps_rev
- tjwar_a1
- Dinijumps2_b2
- Freestyle
- Bloodydave-b3
- flexzjumps_b1
- island
- sb_chaos_b1
- bounce_b1
can u add this maps too?
I'll look into those this evening.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 0:00
- Location: Netherlands
- Freestyle
- Bloodydave-b3
- flexzjumps_b1
- sb_chaos_b1
- bounce_b1
The others were already on there. If you guys spot any errors let me know
- Freestyle
- Bloodydave-b3
- flexzjumps_b1
- sb_chaos_b1
- bounce_b1
The others were already on there. If you guys spot any errors let me know

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

ow ye, forgot. And I mixed up freestyle with new_stylePuputti wrote:Diamond wrote:habba-b2 doesn't seem to work.
Habba-b2 works with name [!]-b2 though can't see [!]-b2 in the list. Dunno why it is like that.
Yap some bugs appear in this mod e.g. flamer crashes the server and this portal bug (resets the speed).

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