The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

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The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

Postby Prime-Squadron » Sun Apr 12, 2009 20:29

The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum
Interview By: Davies

Hi everyone =), this is my first interview. I thought I'd do some interviews on my own, because I didn't see any new articles on the website for some time. Enjoy my first one with my Dutch friend: -|PS|- Eyebrow-Rum.

· I'll start with a few questions about your private life:
What's your real name?

Ouch, that's a difficult one because then everybody knows where my nick comes from :D Its an anagram for my name: Remy, Last name a secret ;-0

· What's your age?

Old enough: 33 ^^

· Where do U live?

In a nice flat in Rotterdam, Holland!

· Do you have pets?

Pets??? Maybe some bugs and spiders crawling around but that's it...

· What's your favourite food?

Give me some sushi and I'm happy!

· And what would you like to drink with that sushi?

Well, you have three chances... but I love whiskey :)

· Ok, now some more information:
How did you come up with the name Eyebrow-Rum?

Well, I have been thinking about a nice nick for some time. Then somehow I got the idea to figure out an anagram for my real name. And I must say that really isn't easy. But guess what: plenty of anagram generators on the internet and voila: "Eyebrow Rum" was created :D

· But, it isn't true that your eyebrows are made of rum?

Haha, well that's only reserved for some people to find out for real ;-)

· When you joined the servers, did you have the same name, or a different one?

I started with the nick "Ymeria". I don't know for how long that was but probably not that long. I don't think anyone would remember that...

· How long have you been playing on PS servers?

I have been playing on PS servers for about 2 years now. I think I registered at the forum somewhere in 2007 and since august I'm proud to wear those two letters in front of my nick.

· And it seems you really are 'in love' with this community, because you already donated $300,-. What was your reason for these great donations?

Haha, has it been that much? Well, I just guess that's my contribution for keeping up PS. I don't think a lot of guys playing around have any idea that the servers have to be up and running first before you can play. And since this is a nice hobby of mine I guess its just more than normal to contribute in this way.

· Well I think I speak for the entire community when I say: Thank you for keeping the community alive! But, if you donate that much you must be getting very poor. Have you been in any other clans/community's before?

Nope, PS is my first and only love :D

· What's your favourite PS server, and why?

You can see me playing at PS5 probably the most. But not for any apparent reason (sorry Seb). But you see me at 1 or 2 as well so I guess that as long NQ is running I am happy ^^ (its better for my lack of skill :P)

· What's your favourite ET map?

I love Venice and when I have plenty of time: Minas Tirith

· And with what weapon do you like to play?

Don't care, really. As long as my aim is OK, any weapon will do.

· What sort of players do you hate the most?

Players who knife me in the back! They are very evil :>!

· What's the nr 1 rulebreak in your opinion?

Insulting others. Sometimes I think some players take it all to serious. Its a game and just enjoy playing with others.

· My last question, what are you gonna do now? :D

First of all enjoy a little ET and then I am off to check out my motorcycle. Since the sun is back I sure want to start driving around again on my lovely bike!

Thanks Eyebrow, for spending some time for this interview =)

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Re: The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

Postby Smadje » Sun Apr 12, 2009 20:39

Prime-Squadron wrote:· What sort of players do you hate the most?

Players who knife me in the back! They are very evil :>!

Hehehe i feel so evil :P

Cool interview! Already 33 :?. What a bike do you have? My bro drive a very old sucky BMW :roll: My dad a luxurious new old man comfort BMW.
Put some pictures here!

Good job Davies :) Maybe interview also a other dutch-man :wink:
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby probro » Sun Apr 12, 2009 20:44

very nice interview i think maybe interview me soon

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Postby flow » Sun Apr 12, 2009 20:47

good that somebody started doing those after me xD

hehe nice job from both of you ^^
rum how many cc in your bike?
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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Apr 12, 2009 21:24

nice job davies, and ofc eyebrow ^^

still remember, even if i have forgot almost everything else, some of the first times when i noticed you around with name eyebrow... mlb daybreak, and i was damn sure that you cheat :P have to admit that you are good :D
Image thx for diamond :D

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Postby Dutchman » Sun Apr 12, 2009 21:28

its the rum that keeps him working :) no rum = sux in et ;p

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Postby GoldenBullet » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:50

· What sort of players do you hate the most?

Players who knife me in the back! They are very evil :>!

You broke my heart rum! Knife is my life! Waaa!
*jumps trough a window*

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Re: The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

Postby _InFeRnO_ » Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:19

Prime-Squadron wrote:I love Venice and when I have plenty of time: Minas Tirith

I love Venice too :D

nice Interview! thku Davies and Eyebrow :wink:

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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Mon Apr 13, 2009 19:33

Nice interview :>

i have waited interviews for long time ;)
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Postby icefrost » Mon Apr 13, 2009 20:50

one of the best members PS got imho (my invite hey ^^), keep it going like this, nice interview <3
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Postby Betinho » Mon Apr 13, 2009 21:14

Ohhh i more who pass the barrier of 30s :) , we are so youngs Eyebrow jeje, nice interview.

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Postby Ajit » Mon Apr 13, 2009 21:35

icefrost wrote:one of the best members PS got imho (my invite hey ^^)

lol :D

anyway nice interview

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Postby Harpix » Mon Apr 13, 2009 21:35

icefrost wrote:one of the best members PS got imho

Now that hurts icy :(

Finally another interview! It was about time :) Nice to know more about you rum :)
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Re: The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

Postby zabolo » Mon Apr 13, 2009 23:31

· What's your favourite ET map?

I love Venice and when I have plenty of time: Minas Tirith

good for u eye :P
i thought that i have to knife you in the back but i see i wont must ^^
btw nice interview :)

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Postby BOWDOWN » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:32

icefrost wrote:one of the best members PS got imho (my invite hey ^^), keep it going like this, nice interview <3

Now, you even ass lick in forum? :?

Nice one Davies, btw if you search a candid for an interview about hermaphrodites, just call icy :D .

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Re: The ''money-donor'' of PS, Eyebrow-Rum

Postby Eyebrow_Rum » Tue Apr 14, 2009 19:40

Cool interview! Already 33 :?. What a bike do you have? My bro drive a very old sucky BMW :roll: My dad a luxurious new old man comfort BMW.
Put some pictures here!

Hey hey,

Nice to read your replies guys. Missed the post on Sunday since I was busy doing 'other' things during Easter :D

But in reply to you question Smadje and Wolf: i'm riding a 750cc Honda Africa Twin. The best travelcompagnion anyone can have. Has taken me way up to St Petersburg, Russia. This year's goal is Iceland, the country where Icy comes from for real.

Btw, Icy, just like Bowie says, you sure know how to do a proper ass-licking :P

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Postby FALBIK » Tue Apr 14, 2009 19:50

BOWDOWN wrote:
icefrost wrote:one of the best members PS got imho (my invite hey ^^), keep it going like this, nice interview <3

Now, you even ass lick in forum? :?

Nice one Davies, btw if you search a candid for an interview about hermaphrodites, just call icy :D .

wheheheh as always cut riposte for ice-y :lol:

EyeBrow --- nice to read u history (horror/comedy/s-f/criminal in one ) 8)

gjob davies
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