The cooking kiddo, Spycow

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The cooking kiddo, Spycow

Postby Prime-Squadron » Thu Feb 16, 2012 23:36

The cooking kiddo, Spycow
Interview by: davies

This 12 year old Danish has already been playing ET on our lovely server for over 3 years. The reason is bad parenting from his big brother, -|PS|- Ammz. Over the time this kid became one of PS5’s biggest Nabs (yes, with a capital N) and carries the family traditions by playing on the PS-servers on a almost daily basis.

I present to you, Spycow.

Spycow, or Spy, as I remember when you started playing on the servers, your first nickname was Ammzbrother2. I understand the meaning of the name, by you being Ammz' brother. But the big question is: Where was Ammzbrother1?

Yeah well... Ammz has always been playing some games I wanted to play.. and so did I. The so called 'Ammzbrother1' played too but rarely though. He stopped playing since he doesn't really hold on to the games me and Ammz played =P

So, after a while, you changed your nickname to Spycow, what was the reason you changed to this particular name?

Well, i was kinda tired of being called 'Ammzbro' (Changed my nick to that name first). One day Dutchy (Dutchman ed.) called SpyHawk 'SpyCow'. I thought of it as a great hilarious name and so I picked it :D

Haha, okay. From the time I know you, PS5 has always been your home-server. What is the reason behind this?

Well, first server I played on was *surprise surprise* PS5! :D Ammz let me try playing there first. In the beginning I couldn't talk there since my English wasn't really good by that time and So I just played on PS5 because I knew how to get there :D

Anyway... When I got older and learned English pretty well I started to keep on talking and talking, enjoying the game, meeting friends and therefore it was a server which I thought is great. I also got a tour-guide from Darkman =P. Of course I was a noob at first but learnt to aim and help people out=P (Field, medic, etc.)

Your bro is currently inactive, what brings me to your own gaming future. ET is not really gaining popularity whilst more people are leaving the game. For how long do you think you'll keep playing around here?

Frankly, I will continue playing ET until PS5 falls=P I started there. I will stop there. My friends are regulars there, my levels are there. Great days and memories are there... I have hope in the new idea about TF2 too =P And as we all know, Ammz is addicted to Eve Online xD

Okay, getting into another topic what do you parents think about you playing war games since you were 9 ?

Well... ET is full of English :D My mom though it would be a good idea learning English that way, you know, talking to people, learning new words etc. Of course.. since I'm young I have to carefully choose my words=P

So they didn't find it necessary to kick Ammz ass for showing you the game?

Ah, you'd like that wouldn't you? :D Frankly I kind of discovered Ammz playing it instead of him particularly showing it to me... And Second world war... It's like history teaching eh? :D My parents looked at it pretty positive but of course playing 24/7 ain't their intentions =P.

Well, after all, it seems like a good investment letting you play the game. Something that is really notable about you is your English language, especially for your age. Is English also your favourite subject in school?

I found English easy, but it's kinda boring. Of course I enjoy people asking me for help and I don't take the easy level of the stuff I have to make. But DANISH! yeah... That is truly a boring subject, but necessary of course.
But comments about my English compared to my age I get more often, ye =P

So you say, English is easy, Danish is boring, then what is your favourite subject?

I find maths fun. It can be difficult, a challenge is always good you know =P Oh, and cooking! Good subject : you get to eat what you make >:) And I make lovely food of course <3

I'll finish this interview by getting through some more quick personal questions..

What's your real name?

It's Samer

As you told, you like to cook, what's your favourite food?

Lasagna <3 With extra cheese of course =P

Haha, just like your brother! And what's your favourite drink ?

Hmm... Water, those in bottles, and Soda :D

And once again, the same favourite drink as Ammz, a bottle of water! Talking about a future profession. Do you also want to become pilot, like your bro?

Errr, nah. I don't really find that exciting. I would like to work with technical stuff, fixing stuff, installing, making programs and stuff like that =P

Spycow, Ammzbrother2, Samer, I want to thank you a lot for this interview and hope we can play along for a long time. Is there anything else you want to say or share?

Yes! I really enjoyed this interview =] Some lovely questions ^^ Oh and everyone who reads this interview is awesome !=P

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Postby FlowerPower » Fri Feb 17, 2012 0:11

hehe nice job Davies :)
The cooking Cow :D

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Postby deep » Fri Feb 17, 2012 0:33

Nice interview.

i found your dA profile: :D nice pics :).

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Postby Viduus » Fri Feb 17, 2012 0:38

Nice to read!

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Postby FALBIK » Fri Feb 17, 2012 0:55

buahahah Captain N

Davies :good: Spy :loller:
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Postby Leo_The_God » Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:16

nice one :D:D Since now u become the CookyCow
GoD is DeaD

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Postby Smadje » Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:23

I am hungry. Make me food.

I have even helped with designing your name! I recommended white and black as the colors of a cow it's skin. :coffee:
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby Montame » Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:57

Nice interview.
It has been ages ago i met you and your brother on PS. It was always fun! But when you visit The Netherlands, you may cook for Smadje, me and all the other dutch :D

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Postby SpyCow » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:02

Diamond wrote:Nice interview.

i found your dA profile: :D nice pics :).

Who the hell is that. 8O
Thanks guys. :D
Image :wth:

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Postby Dre_of_chaos » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:48

What the... you are only 12? Some older PS members could learn from you when it comes to speaking English :D

Nice interview mate

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Re: The cooking kiddo, Spycow

Postby BigOgr » Fri Feb 17, 2012 13:34

Spycow wrote:Oh and everyone who reads this interview is awesome !=P
Yes, I always knew this, thank you.

btw, nice interview ;]

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Postby xochi » Fri Feb 17, 2012 14:35

very nice , also good to read :D and pff where is ammz goddamn :D :p

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Postby Montame » Fri Feb 17, 2012 15:10

xochi wrote:very nice , also good to read :D and pff where is ammz goddamn :D :p

Ammz is addicted to Eve Online, he won't come back :P

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Postby SpyCow » Fri Feb 17, 2012 16:00

He'll show up... Someday.. No worries. :D
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Postby Toup » Fri Feb 17, 2012 17:31

Serious Samer 3 :D

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Postby DaRkMaN » Fri Feb 17, 2012 23:48

i am still in, bah you couldnt find it even on map. :)
but after all day working great text for relaxing.
only there is one thing wrong in this text ;)
his FIRST name was SamerPC :) hahaha
damn Spy that was long time ago :)
you know what map was when we first time meet and had imediatly our first fight? :)
goldrush :) hahahaha
yap, i am proud on you, long way for you on ET and happy too have you for my freind
Davy great job, cant wait for next article ;)

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Postby SpyCow » Fri Feb 17, 2012 23:52

DaRkMaN wrote:his FIRST name was SamerPC :) hahaha
damn Spy that was long time ago :)

Psst! Dark! That was supposed to be a secret. :oops:
No errr... Yes. It was... Didn't remember that when Dave interviewed me. :D
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Postby davies » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:01

SpyCow wrote:
DaRkMaN wrote:his FIRST name was SamerPC :) hahaha
damn Spy that was long time ago :)

Psst! Dark! That was supposed to be a secret. :oops:
No errr... Yes. It was... Didn't remember that when Dave interviewed me. :D

Haha, indeed. I remember that now you say so! SamerPC :P

Everybody, thanks for the comments ;)

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Postby SturmGonzo » Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:49

Dre_of_chaos wrote:What the... you are only 12? Some older PS members could learn from you when it comes to speaking English :D

Nice interview mate

just take out the italians on ps1... eample eltoreros unban request xD

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Postby Sidor » Tue Feb 21, 2012 13:36

nice interview Davies
and SpyCow is Nab ofc:>

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