Flasche Kicked and Banned!?

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Flasche Kicked and Banned!?

Postby COOLover » Sat Nov 08, 2008 22:17

Hello together,

sorry for my bad english, I'm German.

I wrote for a fried from me.

Nickname: [ScZ]-Flasche
lvl: 2
Time: 21:00
Who: n/a
Why: massive Team Damage !?

EN: He mean to me, he have shot one time, to one. because he was team damage first and would like to show that he was is the same team.

I don't know why and who.
I accept the rules, but i mean, some Team Damage can happen. But a kick with 30min ban must not be.
And he accept the ruls.

DE: Er meint zu mir, das er nur einen Schuss erwidert hat, da dieser zuerst geschossen hat.

Ich weiß nicht wieso und wer.
Ich akzeptiere die Regeln, aber meine, dass Team Damage passieren kann. Aber einen Kick mit einen 30 min muss meiner Meinung nicht sein!?
Er akzepttiert ja die Regeln.
Greetz COOLover

Posts: 385
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:00

Postby Sleyvas » Sat Nov 08, 2008 22:25

Yea PS2 have some *Auto kick system* or don't know what it is.Many ppl got kicked reason:Excessive team damage.So wait those 30min and connect back maybe someone can told since when ps2 have this *System* Watch your teamdamage guys!

Greetings Sleyvas

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