Is there any future for etpub ?

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Is there any future for etpub ?

Postby Spyhawk » Mon Oct 20, 2008 18:52


As all of you know, since a few months PS Community turned from a Community with a variety of server mod into a community with NQ mod only, with the only exception of PS4 (and a TJ mod on PS7).

But facts are here : PS4 is empty most of time - almost dead.

And yes, I'm getting tired of NQ more and more (even if I like some features of it) / no, i'm too bad to play etpro only and don't want to play competition match.

So, I'm asking a few questions to the PS4 regulars / ex-regular / future-regular ;)

- If you prefer etpub over NQ, why ?
- Do you want to see some features of NQ into etpub ? If yes, which one ?

By "features", i'm talking here about all type of features (gfx, gameplay, weapon, hud enhancement, skill levels, admin features - if you are a PS admin and enjoy some features, talk about it - etc.).

I'm asking all of this because, I really enjoy the quick/simple gameplay of etpub, I like the 100% symetric teams, I really like the stats based system (And NO, XP whoring is NOT a valuable stat :P)

ETPub is no more under developpement since ~1.5 years. The ETAce project work to do something on the basis of etpub, but I don't believe in their main goals (doing a 100% cheat free mod - which incorporate some AntiCheat features ) - because I think it's just impossible to create that (even EvenBalance can't, so.. ).

I've played with etpub source code some weeks ago (etpub 0.9.1 branche, which was never officially released) just to see how it's hard to code something, and to play a little with my C editor. And yes, I believe it's possible to continue etpub developpment (coding a little + adding some features developped by other coders).

I'd like personaly to see a mod aiming more on _teamplay_, for exemple by giving more health to soldier and less to other class (like ETQW, no more rambo medic).

So, the main question :
- Is there any place between NQ (fun mod) and ETPro (pro-teamplay mod) for another mod ? Is there any demand for that ?
- If yes, what should be the main goals of this mod ?

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Postby flow » Mon Oct 20, 2008 19:51

yea, i would like to see etpro in PS#4 , because almost all ps servers are NQ and ps#4 is usually empty so maybe turning it to etpro it would maybe bring up some more players and etpro is good mod too because killing there needs skills...
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Postby Harpix » Mon Oct 20, 2008 19:55

we got PS#7(6?) for pro and its allmoust allways empty too so that wouldnt resolve anything Wolf... I like etpub spy, i dont requier any special features i just need people... I hope sincerly you ll find a way to turn ps4 in a more attractive place. If i can help you in any way i ll try to do my best...
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Postby Sebbel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 20:03


= most similar to etpub (imo)
but with some fun features (3 kind of mines, molotov, poison gas and the uberpowered shotgun^^)

that was what i thought to try at ps4 :D
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Postby W4RL0RD » Mon Oct 20, 2008 20:06

Sebbel wrote:jaymod

= most similar to etpub (imo)
but with some fun features (3 kind of mines, molotov, poison gas and the uberpowered shotgun^^)

that was what i thought to try at ps4 :D

3 kinds of mines...good ideas ive seen in other games like smoke mines tear gas mines etc...If u do introduce these kind of things id gladly join ps4 it wud be UBERfun x)

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Postby flow » Mon Oct 20, 2008 20:07

Sebbel wrote:jaymod

= most similar to etpub (imo)
but with some fun features (3 kind of mines, molotov, poison gas and the uberpowered shotgun^^)

that was what i thought to try at ps4 :D

poison throwing knifes :roll: :roll:

well maybe i prefer more etpub or jaymod than etpro... :)
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Postby Harpix » Mon Oct 20, 2008 20:12

napalm? 8)
cluster bombs!
Flying unicornes with lasers as eyes!
a fluffy pet that sings whole the time and keeps you company!
& offc the harpix is sexy song as end of each map...
Now THAT would be fun! :D
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Postby Daghel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 21:13

Harpix wrote:we got PS#7(6?) for pro and its allmoust allways empty too so that wouldnt resolve anything Wolf... I like etpub spy, i dont requier any special features i just need people... I hope sincerly you ll find a way to turn ps4 in a more attractive place. If i can help you in any way i ll try to do my best...

+1 :good:

I was waiting for this topic soo long!
Imo there's no future for "clean" ETpub servers. Too less funny things, too less options. Ofc i would love to see my homeserver back on feets, but for now i really can't see a chance for it with this mod (and lack of ppl). For me there's 5 options:
-Turn it off ^^
-Wait for miracle and maybe one day server will be full again (ye, right)
-Change it into Jaymod (like Seb said most similar to ETpub)
-Change it into Fun Server (crazy maps, maybe low gravity, fun sounds, maybe funny skinpacks, crap commands etc)
-Change it into clone of PS#1 or 5 (becouse those two servers are most popular for today).

For last three options server owner is necessary.
Fomoksland was a place with so kindly pople and so friendly atmosphere that is hard to find today :? And there i discovered the true meaning of word "teamplay". It's easy to say "Hey! Let's make Jaymod". Ok, but who will menage it? If i will see that something is moving there i will be the first to help. But for now this server is not almost dead, it's dead. :(
Last edited by Daghel on Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Spyhawk » Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:10

Fomoksland was a place with so kindly pople and so friendly atmosphere that is hard to find today.

You're so right, the old days were so incredible hum... :roll:
Sadly, seems I'm getting too old actually :P

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Postby deep » Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:29

i remember when all admins went to ps5 and only tappo and falbik visited ps4 once in a while. all regulars went to ps5, and i have not figured out why. etpub imo is the perfect mod, but without players i think the best solution would be deleting it, cuz its been empty for so long now, and no one cares about it anymore. no changes in server, no active admin- should be mentioned also.

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Postby Mefisto » Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:30

Ekh ekh

Dagy wrote:
there's 5 options:
-Turn it off ^^

I promiss You someday i will find You in Warsaw and ......... for that ideas 8)

-Wait for miracle and maybe one day server will be full again (ye, right)

This miracle have name : : LANDSER , when he was regular on server there was a lot of people, and we all knows that. But what we know also, now He isn`t very often PS servers.

But for not this server is not almost dead, it's dead. Sad

Until i live there will be one person whitch will gona try play there, and thats mean the server is ALMOST dead :X

Once more et pub is not fun? Its only my small opinion but its more fun than nq, why? because its quicker than nq. I talked with Tekken last time and we think that last chance of this server is turn on bots, like a befor. A lot of ppl went to this server only because they trained on bots.
No more nq and pro servers, if PS4 will gona die then think about new mod, but pls dont give up so quickly.
Thats all from my side.
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Postby Daghel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:41

Mefisto wrote:Once more et pub is not fun? Its only my small opinion but its more fun than nq, why? because its quicker than nq. I talked with Tekken last time and we think that last chance of this server is turn on bots, like a befor. A lot of ppl went to this server only because they trained on bots.
No more nq and pro servers, if PS4 will gona die then think about new mod, but pls dont give up so quickly.

Quickly? Lol, Mefisto, wake up mate! Its one year long problem!!! :x
The bots was the one of the reasons why this server is dead. Imo is dead becouse i see someone there once per two weeks maybe. C'mon, be serious. Bots will not bring new players to PS#4. Maybe few ex-regulars, but not so many to fill it.
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Postby deep » Mon Oct 20, 2008 22:49

like i said no admin cares. this topic wont get nowhere

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Postby -Neji- » Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:05

Old Fomoksland i think its the only way to bring it back I thought this will be without any discussion but i see someone think about it...

What First:

All Players like funny things on servers just saw some on other Jaymod servers the people like music in game and sounds and also cool skins..


They like servers without lags.. so what we seen on PS#4 there was no lags before the Fomoksland Dead.


We need people who will make some adversitin... to come and play on PS#4 because this is great server :x

For fourth:

All of you if u dont care about old Fomoksland? Why you doesnt care? I've remember that was great server before...Fantomas and Memnoch just give up and stopped playin there all just forget about that but not Me and Dag we just wanted to bring it back...but how?! if Landser doesnt give answer...Maybe he died Oo?... All now is in our hands we need to bring it back to old form...and make the server the best just before dead Fomoksland..
So i just want like you...To bring it back And WE NEED MORE PEOPLE... to bring Fomoksland and our second Home ;]
Maybe we will give back the server name Fomoksland? :D
Hehe So if u wanna bring back old Fomoksland I deal with that and COUNT ME IN :)
Greetz Old -Neji- From Old Fomoksland and back to the future :) SO lets bring it In and make some party in OLD GOOD FOMOKSLAND :P :)

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Postby BigRat » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:27

Correct me if I am wrong, but there was a jaymod on PS4... (or it was on PS2?) ah, nvm :>
The main thing witch could help PS4 is an owner on-line. It's the best way.
And about the mod: lol , the jaymod is fun imo, and for sure , I think we don't need another NQ server. I agree with Spyhawk. After a long while, it's just boring.
PS4 with jaymod would be a 'fresh' experience.

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Postby Ninjadeer » Tue Oct 21, 2008 18:00

when i read all these posts, it makes me wonder... okey truth is that people like funmodes and all that (crappy)stuff. many of you suggest changing it into fun-server, but please read again what spyhawk said... he likes about teamplay in etpub... and think about NQ, is there really teamplay in center of all those multihypergalacticsupermegaüber explosives? bymyself im not very active at ps4, but when i visit there i really enjoy playing etpub... im not sure, like nothing really is, but i think that all we need is active members. :) ps2 rised up from the dust, and ps3 is doing the same. maybe we can still make it :)
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Postby Harpix » Tue Oct 21, 2008 18:09

I just want to point out that allthough fomoksland was awesome, we still didnt had that much regulars there. I personnaly believe that most people just dont want to play it anymore... Everyone is used to nq now and when i once tried to hold a ps4 party (just inviting everyone online to play ps4), people came but left very soon since they had a hard time getting used to pub i guess... (Probably it was because of the lame admin who organised it but that is an option i would prefer to neglect :) )
I say put fomoksland settings back, maybe even use its name, get some active owners, steal some members from the other servers and organise some wicked "party's"... I dont really think jaymod will make that great difference...
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Postby nick » Tue Oct 21, 2008 20:39

lol first of all: what the hack means fomok??? ive heard it a couple of times now and im getting curious...

secondly, i cant remember last time i played jaymod (or any other mod besides nq) only that its less... with less options whenever you get you're ass owned : in nq you simply go fld ops or mortar to get some kills always have the idea its different with etpro and stuff

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Postby Evil » Tue Oct 21, 2008 21:48

nick wrote:lol first of all: what the hack means fomok??? ive heard it a couple of times now and im getting curious...

secondly, i cant remember last time i played jaymod (or any other mod besides nq) only that its less... with less options whenever you get you're ass owned : in nq you simply go fld ops or mortar to get some kills always have the idea its different with etpro and stuff

Fomok is just ppl from ps5 or ps4 like falbik daghel dunno more called themself fomoks but what it means hell knows ;)

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Postby deep » Tue Oct 21, 2008 21:59

the fomoks team doesnt consist only from 2 ppl. its a big group.
and evil why u post in orange everywhere, u got new hobby or u wanna stand out more? seriously nothing personal, but its idiotic imo.
fomok|hunter :D

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Postby Daghel » Tue Oct 21, 2008 22:27

fomok - all right reserved. It's a secret. Only old ps#4 crew now what it means. You can be even High Admin or Queen and never recive the social status of fomok :P

ye Evil... it makes no sense with orange, my eyes hurts.


EDIT: nab hunter mixed colours ^^
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Postby deep » Tue Oct 21, 2008 22:47

sv_pure 0 would be nice again on ps4.

@dag ill explain: fomok|hunter = fomok|diamond (reflection from the old name)

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Postby Edhell » Tue Oct 21, 2008 23:23

Diamond wrote:sv_pure 0 would be nice again on ps4.

@dag ill explain: fomok|hunter = fomok|diamond (reflection from the old name)

I don't know if im right, but.. older ETpub version was kind of "slow motion" in compare to NQ (same as NQ is "sm" to JayMod, and JayMod to TC... ). New ETpub is "faster" it changed style of this mod imo.. Im not sure if its about server config or jsut mod coz i have never played with ETpub..

If it's possible to "slow" it back again, and do :vote botout commands (like in ps3) this server for sure can come back to life :oops:

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Postby Sebbel » Tue Oct 21, 2008 23:35

fomok is a female god we praise every day to have long life luck

theres nothing more to know about



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Postby -Neji- » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:56

Fomoks 4ever that what we can say Fomoks are the best childs...born to be wiiiiiiiilllllllllllld by Our Mother :P

Lets back to to old Fomoksland and all will be great :)


Edit : 1


:D :P Yeah Dag sayin truth nobody now doesnt know what means fomok xD :P Our Crew still standing on feets and waiting for orders from Mother to bring hell :_: For all of you! If you're not a Fomok=We gonna mess ya. :P


Old Fomoks FTW! :P That was the best thing in the world :P (Maybe Dag our dreams comes trough?;> :D :P Our PF Wars was the best :P )



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