Ban abuse

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Ban abuse

Postby leni » Wed Nov 11, 2009 21:43

Someone just banned me without a reason:



I dont use any kind of cheat, hack or script!!!!!

If you ban me, then its without any kind of reason and that is


At least Dark Alchemy has realized that playing good
Theyre smart and let me play.
They dont get angry when I kill them, like you probably do?
They dont ban me for that.

Hey, its NOT my fault that you cant snipe!

And excuse me if I get a little angry. It kinda pisses one off when being
treated like this -.-

So, WHO banned me this time?!


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Postby BOWDOWN » Wed Nov 11, 2009 21:55

You are banned by me for using no recoil script and the ban will stay. I warned you days ago and thought that you got the message since you clearly turned it off on the next map and suddeny had a normal recoil :wink: .
But since you like kidding admins and playing the pain in the ass , you again connected PS1 with same crap you like to use and enough was enough, that s why you recieved such a ban message.

I don t realy care about what happen in Alchemy servers, it s not my buisnes at all. We think that you are using an script and you was enough warned about so need to be surprised.

Now, feel free to search for other servers with "smart" admins.


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Postby leni » Wed Nov 11, 2009 22:17

Naïve as a minor.

You saying I clearly turned it off speaks for itself. You cant tell the difference
between having a high sensitivity and a low sensitivty, an appropriate Sensi for
sniping and one thats not!


Its ridiculous!

Have you EVER tried to snipe fast? Have you ever tried to pull your mouse
downwards? Tried to actually balance the recoil out RIGHT when you +attack?
Have you? Have you?

I bet you cant even gammajump. Bet you simply cant understand why ppl are able
to jump fast and far... Do you ban these people too?? Accuse them of cheating?

Theres nothing here to turn off.
Worry about your judgement.

There must be 10000 of players banned by you, FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

Or are you trying to get attention by abusing power?
This might make you feel better. I dont know.
But what you do is simply annoying people.
And that will only make you happy, the majority will suffer.

If this is what PS does, then PS has a big problem. I dont know about the majority
of your admins...
But I think at least tomsen realized that he was too fast with his judgement.
You however are so stubborn that you actually make yourself think youre right.
You actually strive on the thought that you banned a cheater. But you didnt.

Horrible, this is what you get for being talented!!
Speakig of which, why dont you show your demos that I bet you recorded to
some people who can play this game?
I dont think a mechanic can be a judge.

BTW: I still think that the other section was the right place for this topic.

Leni - still waiting to be unbanned

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Postby BOWDOWN » Wed Nov 11, 2009 22:35

Here is the short demo befor you got banned, i can send you some more longer if there is a need but you also have few in the topic you opened about Tomsen. ... dm_84.html

Btw, nice speech, you got some talent :) .

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Postby leni » Wed Nov 11, 2009 22:44

Im not interested in seeing myself snipe. I sniped myself you know.
You do know, dont you?

So this is you trying to appear smarter.
Pushing everything Ive said aside.
Completely ignoring my post.

Its constructive criticism. Take it as a gift.

I encourage good players to state their opinion here, too.
(Not random NQ Players from your server. It says in your FAQ that you
have a clan. Are they good? Do they know the game? Seen or probably played
pro players?)

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Postby icefrost » Wed Nov 11, 2009 23:42

i'm not rly involved into this, but got to reply since u ask for pro players.

Rulebook wrote:Cheats, hacks and scripts such as; aimbots, wallhacks, multihacks, namehacks, guidspoofers, anti-recoil scripts, etc. are NOT allowed at our servers, using them will result in a permanent ban!

Allright, that's what the PS Policy says in the first step.

Now we gonna move a step more into it. At which point is scripting forbidden? what kind of scripting is allowed for a sniper-script?

PS Rulebook says, anti-recoil scripts are not allowed.

okay, sounds clear in the first moment.

but... at all what does it mean? am i allowed to set a different m_pitch or a different sensitivity to sniper at my weaponbank (what's kinda normal and pro players are used to do it what's also fine with PB).

do i got to set my m_pitch to the PB forced values (0.015-0.022), since PB is not enabled at our servers? how will we be able to punish all these kind of "bad or not allowed scriptings", since some are not that easy or even impossible to catch, if u can't proof it (by PB) / see the player config itself. will we force ppl to have the PB forced values? how will that work?

as u can see, we are now at the grey-zone, since it's not exactly explained in the rulebook, what kind of scripting is still okay and what kind is simply forbidden and not allowed. that anti-recoil-script is not allowed just doesn't explain, what kind of settings are still fine at all. u can't say, scripting is forbidden completly, since any bind / setting is kinda 'scripting' at some point tbh.

questions over questions, at all it's still a grey-zone and prolly needs a more exactly explanation in our rulebook, what's also not that easy as well.

just my 2 cents, didn't watch the demo tho.

i don't blame bowdown or anyone tho, it's just the grey zone and the rulebook simply says NO anti-recoil-script (without any further explanation), so he acted right in the first step to ban u (if the demo proofs that).

i also believe to saw some discussions about recoil-scripting in the past at, but ye, at etpro it usually get's forced by enabled punkbusters anyw.

someone with access might also should check, if he got yawn'ed in the past.
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Postby leni » Thu Nov 12, 2009 15:27

Im sorry, but your post really didnt help.

What I asked for, was someone who knows the game to spec me... someone
who has seen good players snipe and someone who might have seen someone using a script, because if one has ever seen an anti-recoil-script, he could easily
tell that Im not using such a thing.

But what you did was just philosophising about punkbuster values and settings.

However, Bowdown accuses me of using an anti-recoil-script, and thats a clear

I dont use an anti-recoil-script.

I use m_pitch 0.022 and m_yaw 0.022 when sniping. Thats the thats the DEFAULT,
isnt it?

Skill? Hellooooooo?



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Postby fUnner » Thu Nov 12, 2009 17:06

which sens do you use for sniping?

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Postby leni » Thu Nov 12, 2009 19:05

sensitivity 2.6, m_pitch 0.022, m_yaw 0.022

mx518 (those break a lot!), dpi 800

windows vista 7th point from left

no setpoint, no mouseacceleration

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Postby fUnner » Thu Nov 12, 2009 19:19

haha ok, its done....

2.6 sens without mouseaccel...

recoil script, thx

and your mouse doesnt make your downmove faster, just smoother compared to shit mouses.

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Postby leni » Thu Nov 12, 2009 19:33

loooooool? ridiculous

I mentioned my mouse so you know it can handle my very own, human acceleration

Unlike cheap standard mouses that suddenly stop moving the cursor at a certain speed.

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Postby fUnner » Thu Nov 12, 2009 19:50

human acceleration hahahaha best part :D

you know what mouse acceleration is? you cant have it human style, if its disabled.

its like having no binds in cfg and your human keyboard smashing style makes a bind out of nothing :D

ok for me its done, im out of this, useless anyway, i agree with the ban and what i posted before and said to other members.

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Postby leni » Thu Nov 12, 2009 20:06

fUnner wrote:im out of this


EDIT: acceleration = quickening

Didnt know I need do speak in simple words. Sorry.

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Postby icefrost » Thu Nov 12, 2009 20:35

leni wrote:I encourage good players to state their opinion here, too.
(Not random NQ Players from your server. It says in your FAQ that you
have a clan. Are they good? Do they know the game? Seen or probably played
pro players?)

leni wrote:Im sorry, but your post really didnt help.

What I asked for, was someone who knows the game to spec me... someone
who has seen good players snipe and someone who might have seen someone using a script, because if one has ever seen an anti-recoil-script, he could easily
tell that Im not using such a thing.

well... actually u asked in your post above about opinions, and not to be specced. u simply asked for a opinion which i gave... u didn't ask about a specific opinion.

anyway, watched the demo right now, it's a nice recoil-script for sure and not allowed.

leni wrote:no mouseacceleration

nice selfbust tho.

i'm pretty sure bowdown or anyone else won't lift this ban, so hf playing somewhere else instand of trying to be a smartass while failing with the knowledge yourself.

leni wrote:fUnner wrote:
im out of this



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Postby lis » Thu Nov 12, 2009 22:04

so true.

and whats so skilled about running around on a random nq pub and sniping for highest fragger? do you even understand ET? try quake deathmatch or something :-)

pretty skilled wnb stuff tho, i gotta say, all this posing. you're obviously a smart and literate person :-) use it properly!

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