PS2 - Level System Overview (NQ)

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PS2 - Level System Overview (NQ)

Postby icefrost » Wed Sep 02, 2009 22:35

    Level = 0
    Flags = a h M

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !admintest = Prints out level name and number of the current user.
    !help = Shows available commands or shows description of each command.
    !resetmyxp = Resets the XP of the player who gave the command.

    Custom Commands:
    !beer = Give's a Beer to everyone.
    !420 = Nasty Spliffrolling Time.
    !server-info = Displays Server Details.
    !teamspeak = Displays Prime Squadron TeamSpeak Info.
    !ps-servers = Displays The Prime Squadron Servers.
    !bye = Say's Bye to everyone.
    !thief = Display Covert Ops who stole your uniform.

[et_code]^gK^9nown ^gG^9uest[/et_code]
    Level = 1
    Flags = a h C M

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !time = Show current local time to the player.

[et_code]^gA^9dvanced ^gG^9uest[/et_code]
    Level = 2
    Flags = a h C M

    Level = 3
    Flags = a h C M

    Custom Commands:
    !rulebook = Displays Rulebook - Refer to !languages for available languages.
    !languages = Displays the available Rulebook languages.

[et_code]^8K^3nown ^8P^3layer[/et_code]
    Level = 4
    Flags = a h C M i

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !listplayers = Lists all players and info about each. Including their team, admin level, mute status, player slot, fireteam letter, and guid stub.

[et_code]^8E^3xperienced ^8P^3layer[/et_code]
    Level = 5
    Flags = a h C M i z

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !pip / !pop = Sprinkles pixie dust around the target player. If no players are specified, it sprinkles pixie dust around everyone. / Pops off the helmet of the target player. If no players are specified, it pops off the helmet off of everyone.

[et_code]^8A^3dvanced ^8P^3layer[/et_code]
    Level = 6
    Flags = a h C M i z P

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !spec999 = Moves players with 999 ping to the spectator team.

    Level = 7
    Flags = a h C M i z P A

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !slap = Slaps the target player or all players by a certain amount. Default is 20hp. Will not bring player below 1hp.

    Custom Commands:
    !maps = Displays the current map rotation.

    Level = 8
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m U p

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !showbans = Lists current server bans in console. Expanded from old showbans, you can now search through bans.
    !warn = Warns the named user for the given reason.
    !mute / !unmute = Mutes a player for an amount of time. If no time is entered, the player is muted for g_defaultMute time (permanent).
    !burn / !poison = Sets the target user on fire. They lose many hitpoints. / Poisons the target player or all players.
    !putteam / !put = Puts the named person on the specified team.

    Custom Commands:
    !check = !check [Slot#], Take Slotnumber from /pb_plist NOT from !listplayers for a Punkbuster Screenshot.

[et_code]^1K^8nown ^1M^8ember[/et_code]
    Level = 9
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m U p E N

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !freeze / !unfreeze = Freezes the target player in place. They cannot be shot during this time. Since 1.2.5 with some config the players are unable to leave the freeze state untill !unfreeze is called or map ends. It's quite uselfull feature to 'talk' to the player ;).
    !rename = Changes the name of a player.

[et_code]^1E^8xperienced ^1M^8ember[/et_code]
    Level = 10
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k U p E N

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !kick = Kicks target player off the server. Comes with a 2 minute ban.

[et_code]^1A^8dvanced ^1M^8ember[/et_code]
    Level = 11
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p U E N S

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !shuffle = Shuffles the teams based on XP.

[et_code]^1M^8ember ^1F^8irst ^1C^8lass[/et_code]
    Level = 12
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m d k p U T E N S

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !orient / !disorient = Orients a disoriented player. / Disorient a player, by flipping their view upside down.

[et_code]^1S^8enior ^1M^8ember[/et_code]
    Level = 13
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k d p U 0 T 2 E N S L

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !fling / !launch / !throw = Flings the named user. / Launches the named user. / Throws the named user.

    Number-Based Flags:
    0 = Player cannot be automatically kicked or put spec due to inactivity (see g_inactivity and g_spectatorInactivity).
    2 = Player will not be auto-censored or spam protected.

    Level = 14
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p b d U S 0 T 2 E N L

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !ban / !unban = Bans a user from the server. / Removes a userban from the server. Requires ban number to be removed (from !showbans).

[et_code]^1E^8xperienced ^1A^8dmin[/et_code]
    Level = 15
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p d b U S 0 T 2 E N Z L

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !pause / !unpause = Pauses the current match. / Unpauses the current match.

[et_code]^1A^8dvanced ^1A^8dmin[/et_code]
    Level = 16
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p b d S U 0 T 2 E N Z X n L

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !resetxp = Reset the XP of the tager player.
    !nextmap = Moves to the next map in the cycle.

[et_code]^1A^8dmin ^1F^8irst ^1C^8lass[/et_code]
    Level = 17
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p b S d U 0 T t 2 E N Z X n L W f 3

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !pants = Removes the pants off target player. If no players are specified, it removes the pants off every player.
    !news = Plays the news audio for the named map. If no map is given, the current map is used.
    !finger = Gives the current level, IP, and guid of the target player.

    Number-Based Flags:
    3 = Player can run commands silently in the console using /!command.

[et_code]^1S^8enior ^1A^8dmin[/et_code]
    Level = 18
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p b S r w W N U d 6 8 0 T t 2 E Z X n x 5 f 3 L

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !reset / !restart = Resets the current match. / Restarts the current match.
    !swap = Swaps the allied and axis teams.
    !nade = Drops nades around the target player or all players. This usually causes a gib.

    Number-Based Flags:
    6 = Player can !kick or !ban without a reason. The player still requires the k and/or b flags.
    8 = Player can !ban without a time limit, the ban is a perma-ban. The player still requires the b flag.
    5 = Player can switch teams at any time, regardless of team balance.

[et_code]^sM^qaster ^sA^qdmin[/et_code]
    Level = 19
    Flags = a h C M i z P B A R m k p b S r w W n N d K U 6 8 4 5 9 0 T t 2 E Z X x L f 3 g

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !lock / !unlock = Locks a team, allowing no one to join it. / Unlocks a team, allowing people to join it.
    !disguise / !gib = Disguises named player. / Gibs the target user or all players.

    Number-Based Flags:
    4 = Player can see Allied and Axis team chats as a spectator.
    9 = Player can do the shrubbot commands via the team and fireteam chats.

[et_code]^|H^gigh ^|A^gdmin ^|S^gtaff[/et_code]
    Level = 20
    Flags = * ( J c D e o I V G v s u 1 7 )

    Shrubbot Commands:
    !ammopack / !medpack = Gives ammo pack or medic pack to named user.
    !cancelvote = Passes the current vote.
    !dw = Forces a player to drop primary and secondary weapons (Note: Since NQ 1.2.5).
    !give = Gives something to target player. This replaces the old /give command/cheat.
    !glow = Makes the target glow red (Axis) or blue (Allies).
    !listteams = Lists explicit Team Informations.
    !passvote = Passes the current vote.
    !readconfig = Reloads the shrubbot config file to load any changed made manually to the file.
    !revive = Revives the target dead (but not gibbed) user. If there is no target specified, works on player who gave the command.
    !setlevel = Sets the level of the named user to the given number.
    !uptime = Shows uptime of the server.

    Custom Commands:
    !knifewar = knifewar On (soldier only, since extra weapons cant be disabled in NQ)
    !knifeoff = knifewar Off
    !pistolwar = pistolwar On (medics only cause of NQ limitation)
    !pistoloff = pistolwar Off
    !shotgunwar = shotgunwar On
    !shotgunoff = shotgunwar Off
    !spreesound = Play spreesound: dominating, firstblood, firstheadshot, godlike, headshot, holyshit, humiliation, killingspree, ludicrouskill, megakill, monsterkill, multikill, nicecatch, potter, rampage, ultrakill, unstoppable and wickedsick.
    !owned = Displays the last guy you killed while playing the nicecatch Spreesound.

    Number-Based Flags:
    1 = Player cannot be vote-kicked, vote-muted, or complained against.
    7 = Player can call vote at any time. Disabled voting or voting limits do not apply to the player.

[et_code]^cS^7exy ^cH^7oney ^v<3[/et_code]
    Level = 21
    Flags = *

[et_code]^0Server ^vGoddess[/et_code]
    Level = 22
    Flags = *

    Optional Number-Based Flags:
    ! = Player is immune to all shrubbot commands. This must be given explicitly, * does not include it.
    @ = Player is shown as a level 0 with no AKA output in !listplayers. This must be given explicitly, * does not include it.
    ? = If an adminlevel has this flag, it is NOT allowed to call votes (Note: Since NQ 1.2.3).
"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
I am very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."

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