3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

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3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Sun Apr 25, 2021 19:32

3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

PS will be hosting a series of mini-events between May 10 and May 16, Monday to Sunday.

Part 1: Monday to Thursday: 3o3, stopwatch, a map a day
Part 2: Friday: all 3o3 players get together for 6o6 fun SW on Minas
Part 3: Weekend: event concluded with a classic funwar

Do you like 3o3 stopwatch, or just want to try a different kind of gameplay? Step up and fill in one of 12 slots available for the event. You will be added to a team, and compete in one stopwatch map with ETPro-like settings, one with the classic PS1 settings, and finally in 6o6 NQ Minas stopwatch! Reply to sign up now (or PM any PS member)!

Not your cup of tea? Join us during the weekend for a fun war!

Current player roster: 0 slots available
- Bumble
- GhostRider
- Zack (replaced Cow)
- Lawek
- tempo
- empy
- BigOgr
- Moh!?
- Dadukas
- icy
- Serkan

EDIT: if nobody will sign up for the last slot, I'll join instead

Never mind if the roster is full, you can still sign up as a backup (or we can add more teams)!

You will be assigned to a team in a way to keep the teams balanced and fun for all! Of course, you can suggest your team preference and we will try to accommodate.

If we don't get enough signups, some players can be added to multiple teams.

Part 1: Monday to Thursday: 3o3, stopwatch, a map a day

Round 1: 3o3 stopwatch, ETPro-like settings
Monday: 19:00* CEST: Team A and Team B will fight one stopwatch map with ETPro-like settings.
Tuesday: 20:00* CEST: Team C and Team D will do the same.

You can pick what map you'll play: supply, adlernest, sp_delivery_te, et_ice, sw_goldrush_te

* Time may be changed, if both teams agree.

Round 2: 3o3 stopwatch, PS1 settings
Wednesday: 19:00* CEST: winners from the previous two days will fight stopwatch with classic PS1 settings.
Thursday: 19:30* CEST: the other two teams will do the same.

* Time may be changed, if both teams agree.

You can pick what map you'll play:
- italy, tramfight, venice, baserace, caen

Part 2: Friday: all 3o3 players get together for 6o6 fun SW on Minas

Round 3: 6o6 stopwatch, PS1 settings
Friday: 19:00* CEST: (1st team + 4th team) vs (2nd team + 3rd team)

* Time may be changed, if all teams agree.

Part 3: Weekend: event concluded with a classic funwar

19:00 CEST - 19:15 CEST: shotgun mode: et_tower
19:15 CEST - 19:30 CEST: panzer war: ctf face
19:30 CEST - 19:45 CEST: LMS: monkey island and ctf halo
19:45 CEST - 20:00 CEST: sniper war: uje warzone
20:00 CEST - 20:15 CEST: gunmode: gunmode

19:00 CEST - 19:15 CEST: shotgun mode: chickenbucket
19:15 CEST - 19:30 CEST: panzer war: uje ghetto
19:30 CEST - 19:45 CEST: LMS: purefrag and goldendunk
19:45 CEST - 20:00 CEST: sniper war: sniper lake
20:00 CEST - 20:15 CEST: gunmode: king of the hill

The weekend times may be subject to change.
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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Bumble » Sun Apr 25, 2021 19:44

SIGN ME IN :D :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :banana: :banana: :banana:



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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Ryuzaki:] » Sun Apr 25, 2021 19:55


SIGN ME IN TOO :party: :mrgreen:
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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby tempo » Sun Apr 25, 2021 20:39



We all are ready to fight in the cup, and if it is possible and ofc fair (let's see how the teams-making goes), we'd like to play together as a team :) .

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby empy » Wed Apr 28, 2021 20:49

sign me too :)

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Moh » Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:08

I'm in! sounds fun and more interesting for me since it's my first time joining such an event :lol: (already informed ckey though :twisted: )

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby BigOgr » Sat May 01, 2021 12:44

I'm in as backup.

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Sun May 02, 2021 11:47

Last call for signups! :-)

I'd like to thank y'all who have already signed up, it's gonna be a blast! I'll try to split you folks into teams early this week.

SMALLPRINT: In case we end up w/ 3 teams i/o of 4, that's fine too, we'll adapt the event accordingly :>.

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Dakudas » Sun May 02, 2021 12:43

Heyo guys, sign me in too. Great to have another event coming. Let the fun begin! :D

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby icefrost » Sun May 02, 2021 22:12

alright then im in too. dunno with who i gonna play, but i'll try to be there. probably won't be available on 12.05. in the evening, the other days should be fine.
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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Tue May 04, 2021 14:27

Hey guys, so we've got our final roster.

We've tried to balance the teams so that each team is as good/as bad vs. a reference team of 3 sample PS players not participating in the event. Hopefully they are balanced now.

Team A: law, serkan, empy
Team B: tempo, moh, zack (replaced cow)
Team C: icy, bumble, ckey
Team D: daku, ryu, ogr

Shout out to cow for helping me collect statistics from the PS site and the partitioning.

And so...
Team A vs Team B: Mon 10th

Team C vs Team D: Tue 11th
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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Mon May 10, 2021 22:14

1 replacement needed for a player in Team B.

EDIT: No longer needed and the spot's been filled.

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Tue May 11, 2021 20:46

And so the event continues ... with:

Team B vs Team C: Wed 12th 8PM CEST
Team A vs Team D: Thu 13th 8PM CEST

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby icefrost » Wed May 12, 2021 19:23

wheeeeee <3
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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Bumble » Thu May 13, 2021 21:46

wanna thank you everyone that participate on the event of the last days!! THANKS FOR THE PEOPLE on the background of making the event came through !! well done all! was fun
now hoping for the weekend ;) LETS PANZAWAR BEGIN :hyper: :hyper:



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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby ckEy » Thu May 13, 2021 22:18

Today, the 3o3 part of the event just finished, and it looked like this (green - winners):

Day 1: adlernest (ETPro): Team A (law, serkan, empy) vs Team B (tempo, moh, cow)
Day 2: sp_delivery (ETPro): Team C (bumble, icy, ck) vs Team D (daku, ryu, ogr)
Day 3: et_ice (ETPro): Team B (tempo, moh, zack) vs Team C (dakudas, icy, ck)
Day 4: caen (NQ): Team A (law, serkan, empy) vs Team D (dakudas, ogr, bumble)

For the final day, we'll all get together for 6o6 tomorrow (Fri), 8pm!
The teams are given by the 3o3 ranking: Team A + Team C vs Team B + Team D.

Tomorrow's the last stopwatch this event and I'd appreciate to hear your thoughts. Players. Do you prefer 3o3 or 6o6? Should we host mixed events -- ETPro-themed as well as NQ-themed stopwatches, or just one? Some of you already expressed interest to see more maps a day, e.g., best-of-3, as well as preference for a weekend rather than workdays. Spectators, please chime in as well; if you had to wait in SPEC, was it doable for yall? Please let me know your thoughts!

Last but not least, I'd like to give a huge shoutout to dakudas, bumble, zack, yaya, and GoldenBullet for being ready to replace missing players so that we could play a nice series of 3o3s this week. You were a great help guys! :good:

EDIT: Lest I forget, there's a funwar concluding our little stopwatches. Join up @weekend! Not only for signed up players, everyone! :>

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Dakudas » Fri May 14, 2021 1:45

Simply I'm up to whatever kind of event. It was really good and I was enjoying every single game. I personally feel better in NQ obviously, since I've almost never played other mods, but it was refreshing for me to play something else and tbf it has pretty different gameplay than NQ, so I was excited to try something let's say "more competetive" in this game. Also 3v3 Is fine for ETPro settings, 4v4 even better and 6v6 ideal for NQ imo. I'd also like to mention that I really appreciate all of your work for this community guys, so thanks to all of u, who worked on this event, was really enjoayble. :D
PS: Please allow Lawek only to use Luger next time, if he is in enemy team, thank u. :lol:

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby BigOgr » Fri May 14, 2021 18:56

Bumble winner joiner ;)

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Bumble » Fri May 14, 2021 18:58

BigOgr wrote:Bumble winner joiner ;)

thanks to the TEAM fun part :party:



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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Bumble » Sun May 16, 2021 20:55

once again thanks for the event of today!!! :DDDDD

hope for the next event :D:D:D:D:D



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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby empy » Sun May 16, 2021 21:03

Could not attend today guys. Big thanks for this event week to our players that participated, and to all event organizers, well done. :beer:

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Moh » Mon May 17, 2021 1:02

So, I really enjoyed the event, from first day to last, from the SW 3o3 to the last gunmode map, so many people!! and the fun! so much excitment! :D I really loved playing with you guys and please, bumble, next time hax off please ;) let others kill too :party:
Thank you Ckey, Stephan and Ninja and all others who contributed to making the event happen with all settings and maps and everything, thanks for other players for joining the fun aswell, hope to see more of such events in the coming future ;)

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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby Bumble » Mon May 17, 2021 12:26

Moh wrote:So, I really enjoyed the event, from first day to last, from the SW 3o3 to the last gunmode map, so many people!! and the fun! so much excitment! :D I really loved playing with you guys and please, bumble, next time hax off please ;) let others kill too :party:
Thank you Ckey, Stephan and Ninja and all others who contributed to making the event happen with all settings and maps and everything, thanks for other players for joining the fun aswell, hope to see more of such events in the coming future ;)

sawry haxor bee was to hyped of the event :D



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Re: 3o3 stopwatch, or panzer war? We want you!

Postby BigOgr » Mon May 17, 2021 18:44

Great event - thank you so much for organizing it!

You guys are the best!

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