Good bye

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Good bye

Postby assblow3r » Mon Jun 25, 2012 16:17

I decided to stop pay on ur servers, cuz of some shity nacis which country ill destroy anyway.

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Postby blazing » Mon Jun 25, 2012 16:36

sad to hear this that you leave,

but maybe you could help us by showing what you mean?
if their is any racism / insulting by someone you could make some screenshots / copy logs and report him

i'm 100% sure their is no admin around that tolerates any form of racism.

leaving isn't the solution and you know that :wink:

thanks diamond:)

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Postby St-Shadow » Mon Jun 25, 2012 17:25

In such case please contact one of the admins with an exact date so they could check the logs. You can do it yourself as well, send the log to one of PS admins and rulebreaker will be punished.

Good players shouldn't leave because of such issues, good players should help us make the server comfortable for all - especially for players.

Help us to solve the problem and don't urge on your farewell, you will be appreciated kindly.

Cheer on!
Once upon a time there was a Drum and a Bass, on first date they kissed, second date they planned to marry, then they married and became Drum'n'Bass. On they honey moon they had sex and after 9 months DUBSTEP WAS BORN !

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Re: Good bye

Postby Smadje » Mon Jun 25, 2012 17:50

assblow3r wrote:I decided to stop pay on ur servers, cuz of some shity nacis which country ill destroy anyway.

Well, I donnot know what happened, but let me (and the rest of PS staff) be clear: We don't tolerate such language and insults here on forum, and in game.
We can help and see what happened on the server, but please, please, act a little mature, like the usual polite guy that you are normally.
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby sau » Mon Jun 25, 2012 18:09

Well your decision came pretty from behind the tree but well I hope we could still play some LoL together. Hope so this was not a permanent decision.

S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the

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Postby icefrost » Mon Jun 25, 2012 18:41

ye just tell us what happend and we'll take care of it.
"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
I am very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."

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Postby assblow3r » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:53

Here is the short version of the story:

Somewhere last year:

I was studiying economy and get 2 friends. Very smart ppl.

Then we figured out in what shit we are living in.
Then we figured out that we need money if we want to clean this shit away.
Then we had some bussnies plans we made.
Cuz im freak, my imagination is wide and my assocciations are fast i created a lot of ideas.
Im person who always helped everyone with everything they asked.
Cuz i used to love all people.
I leared that i have to respect, help, honor others.
I did.
Then one night at Tadej's uni flat:
We made Ivi smoke weed with us for a first time.
He was stoned and he was on the bed when he said with hgis eyes twitching and wide smile on his face:
I see the game!
Me: What game?
I gave him papre a4 format and pen and he wrote smth on it.

In next week he explained it all and we decided that we will make the game.
In the time, time for finals came and i made my finals since i had very high average not from first semester. (9.4 from 10)
Well cuz we were dreaming a lot oin the second one i wasnt visiting classes so often so I had to learn.

Well after the first year I started to learn myself how to program an Iphone game.
This first idea was to make game called Golfie's Tale: The evolution. And it is bout little golf ball going through 4 different gameplays.
Very ql but very hard for begginer to make.

Well Ivi and Tadej are fro then on very busz with their life. And im more or like alone.
Cuz my memory is made for the stuff that hurts me. Some certain things started to burn in my head. Like that idea is from Ivi, that meanmachine (piotr) said that hell draw object for me, since he is graphic designer and he was so busy playing games and ot beliving in my visions that he made big pain in my head ever since.
But as i am strong person i ussualy keep that shit inside me to burn and to torment me just like ani skywalker did.

Well I started to expiriment with weed more. And soon I figure out that its different when i smoke alone. So i started to draw on walls, papers, computer and figure out that when im stoned I like some super human. Ok.
I read lots of religic books (Bhagavad gita the most important one. In the city i meet american missionaries and i had new year with them in their church. I never debate god with them. I also meet some senegal people Marco, Chico, Picasow they were always hungry and they were selling art on streets. And i helped them. I learned what kind of bastard animals people are.
Then i meet one religios muslim older pakistan guy. We were debating religion and he gave me his book bout religion. I never read it but i still hav it.
Both missionaries and Washim call me here and there cuz they want to hear my opinion. But i got no time never.

So in the second year i left the uni Cuz it happend that proffessors were so smart that they didnt even listen to what i had to tell to them.
so i said to myself that the game is still best option.

Soon when i was stoned i get to the most freaky idea for the game.

And in 1 week due to my extensive programing knowledge I made first verion of Superchargers. But there was no great story like Golfie had.

So then one day i was stoned and i was drawing on my wall and i came to ide with rats.

And Soon after I draw rat on my comp cuz peeat was angry on me with that drawing for me and he is still in the deep shit with his life. And I met c Key the man who saved me. He is the best possible human in the world. Very evolved. Well he wrote me script for map designing in 20 minutes and whenever I had problam he was there to solve it for me.

Now the more important stuff:

Smth like 5 or 6 week ago

At my place i had 2 main friends they are both 17 yrs old and we were fishing, and playing games in my room togheter.

We meet bfre start of the second year cuz i went to train station to smoke joint with my cousin.

Well they are very stupid. but they were nice to me cuz they could always come to my place to smoke eat drink and play bomberman or fifa.

Well they get me to know one guy called marko. He lives like 100 m away from me.
This Marko have a sister, older one. and this sister have a boyfriend called Gorazd.
Gorazd is 32 yrs old and he is marihuana grower.

Well i visited him at his place with Marko and he visited me at my place.

They after week He called me that he hav some problems and if I can help him.

I told him that ill pick him up and drive him to my old home at the countryside.
When i picked him up he brought 100 euros, and cca 50 grams of fresh cut weed.
We drove there to my countryside. And first we came to Akcija (action) pub which is curenty hel by DLUK (community of lovers of art and culture.) we all smoke there we got stage thee and we often make some good rock metal blabla parties.

Well gorazd said that i can spend this 100 eur. I buoght gas some food and some drink.

When we came to my house we somoked some weed till we both were high as fck and then we went into forest. We were running there and blabla.
Then we came back and we drove with the car deep into forest. There it happend to me that he tried to kill me 2 times, I made him chair from wood and grass, we were acting like animals, And in my head was passing a wide knowledge of history (ancient history) and animal behaviour and nature power etc. Well then we didnt found the car.

We both though that Gorazd teleported it somewhere.

But then storm came and lightnings were strinking near us and rain wa big. But sun also shined.
We found car drove home. And he started to speak shit to e.
1 side of his was I love you and I side was I hate u.
I left him here by his girlfriend house and leave home to sleep.
Later on i heard that he is in mentaly ill people hospital. And thet whole his family is saying that it is my foult and shit. Like now im afraid that they will try to kill me or so.
then I went to countryside on my own.
with my grandmas car. (sangjong musso very nice) and we were doing shit there.
Well when i came home my father wanted to hit me with his fist, cuz my grandma said that im mad and that they need to lock me up and I lost it and I was speaking wih my auntie over fb and she came for me after I ran from the house cuz father would kill me then. (hes very unstable)

Ok 1 was 2 weeks by my retired military officer grandad. I was recording music writing books, programing game and on the weekend i came to my home town to meeet with my friends.
We went fishing but had no weed.
Then i went to my uncle and took his car and auntie gave me 10 euros and i drove to gas station.
There was this gypsie albanian young guy called Erduan. Hes 17. We went to city for weed and there he meet me with 6 small albanian guyz. 2 of them sit in the car. and we drove somwhere and get weed and we drove in forest to smoke.
After that i drove them somewhere and I went home to my grandpa.

Well this older albanian guy (18) called Ersan called me and told me that he needs my help. And I said that ill b e home on monday and I will help him.

Monday came. I was at trainstation at 7 and so 3 albanians came for me Ersan, Laidon (18) and unbknown drive (Ersan said to him that hell get money for driving us around) blabla.

At this point i was confused. Only that Unknown ghuy said that if ill *beep* they ll kill me cuz he hav home wife and 4 kids.

Well we drove to moillie operaters to make contract and take phones but it was closed.

So the unkown one was responsible to kep me in town till the morning to continiue with busines.
He wanted to drive me to *beep* to smoke weed, alco etc.
but we stoped in the city on bus station cuz they wanted to eat burgers.
I saw girl there with another dark one and I went there to ask her for weed. Bingo she was a dealer and gave me pack of very good weed.
Then Laidon said that he wants to go to casiono and i went with him.
Unknown driver went home cuz we were paying till 4 am with 10 euros =)
Well next day i wasnt afraid anymore cuz laidon i could handle.
But Then Ersan came with 2 older gypsied (one fat one perfect condition (around 30 40) and they drove me around town and I made contract for phones etc.
So i ghet 200 eur per month for 2 yrs they said that theylll paid it all etc. But i didnt giv a fck i just wanted to go home.
Well i came home with 4 contracts for 2 galaxy note, one galaxy tab, one ihpone 4g S 16 gb and on samsung galaxy S2.
Then my father wanted to hit me again cuz i accidenty crashed my holder on the floor. and i ran out and there werer 1 albanian guy Albert this perfect body one ad 2 slovenians on slim and one fat. Slim one was drivin.
Cuz i came without shoes i went secretly back in hous and take shoes and then i remember that i father will be angry he could crash my computers. Well i didnt giv a fck bout mine comps but i gav fck bout Ivo's Imac and his expensive monitor which he bought me to program the game.

Well we drove to the slovenian coast and back. They promised me that they wont took my comps but when i arrived home alone with Laidon's car cuz albert gave it to me to go to shower (cuz he wanted to go to coast in the same day again) and i
saw opportunity to escape, I lookd in trunt butt it was empty. So I lost it and was crying and my father heard me. I told him. I called albert he was aking fool of me etc. that he dont know blabla.

Well father called my uncle and cousin (35, 28)
And all of them were calling Albert and Ladion to bring me back comp and *beep* ther mothers and that well kill them all etc.
So we prepared defence line on our yard. some knifes, rocks and molotov coctails.
IO went to police but they said that i hav to come next day to speak with criminal police.
Then my cousin called Laidon owner of the car 5 times each 10 minutes and for each 10 minutes they didnt came he blew the tire or smash the car with big iron stick.

We went in bar and they were drinking and albanians squezzed their pussy.
Next day i went to criminal police and told the whole story show the places where i was etc.

And my father drove me in Croatia to his godfathers place.
I was there till yesterday.
I meet locals with whom i smoke joint of 4th day, I meet german mountain climber on second day and we made friends, I meet local same years as me and were drinking alco with them on 5th night and on 6th day my family came.

We went to that special coast where u hav cave and u can jump from 12 m into 5 m deep see very nice. And i slept on the rocks until smth like 30 germans came and started to scream and behave like animals.

I told them that they are animals and that they sould learn respect and that they dominance is flase cuz they are rich just cuz hitler stole stuff from all pll in the world and that ill kill them if they wont leave in 10 minutes and i learned them what means MARÅ  U PIČKO MATERNO. and now i started to hate germans who behave like Hans with mitralies etc.

Well yesterday i came home and went on server.
I saw meanmachine playing.
I said *beep*.
Then like some minutes someone said empty? who u refering too?
And i answer from pure evilness in my heart to all of u.
And n ext second i was kicked from the very server i love the most.
And I snaped.
I went back speaking normaly with meanmachine.
He was idiont against me again.
And then skype happend:

wtf have u done ?
[25.6.2012 16:18:45] Peeat: and why the *beep* u didnt call me or anything
[25.6.2012 16:18:56] Rok Pikl: Ur not my bro
[25.6.2012 16:19:01] Rok Pikl: and im not talking to u anymore
[25.6.2012 16:19:06] Rok Pikl: Cuz everybody fuvcks me
[25.6.2012 16:19:09] Rok Pikl: at the and
[25.6.2012 16:19:11] Peeat: and ur writing shit like this in public
[25.6.2012 16:19:12] Rok Pikl: using my kindess
[25.6.2012 16:19:13] Rok Pikl: and trust
[25.6.2012 16:19:16] Rok Pikl: Go fck urself
[25.6.2012 16:19:24] Peeat: o really?
[25.6.2012 16:19:42] Peeat: and what have i done, im bad like the rest of the world yea?
[25.6.2012 16:20:10] Peeat: i see i used ur kindness to much too
[25.6.2012 16:21:38] Peeat: ur only problem is that u think u r so smart, and u r not listening anyone, ur parents are stupid im stupid nad u r *beep* genius..i told u that u shouldnt do anything with this dirty *beep*
[25.6.2012 16:21:42] Peeat: but u had 2
[25.6.2012 16:21:46] Peeat: *beep*
[25.6.2012 16:21:52] Peeat: and now its my foult
[25.6.2012 16:22:02] Peeat: and ur writing stuff like this to me
[25.6.2012 16:22:10] Peeat: wtf have i dont to u????
[25.6.2012 16:22:36] Rok Pikl: im not writing just to u
[25.6.2012 16:22:39] Rok Pikl: To all
[25.6.2012 16:22:46] Rok Pikl: I hav to kill destroy burn
[25.6.2012 16:22:48] Rok Pikl: alll
[25.6.2012 16:22:56] Rok Pikl: Who put me in depression
[25.6.2012 16:22:58] Rok Pikl: in pain
[25.6.2012 16:23:00] Rok Pikl: and suffering
[25.6.2012 16:23:09] Peeat: no u need to *beep* calm down, ur futher should bit u like hell u know
[25.6.2012 16:23:25] Peeat: and lock u in some room
[25.6.2012 16:24:34] Peeat: that u calm down a bit, beacouse u r behave like little boy...and i dont *beep* like it, ur big guys so behave like one, or noone will be listening to u...u understand ?
[25.6.2012 16:24:57] Rok Pikl: Wholl bewat me u?
[25.6.2012 16:25:03] Rok Pikl: I kill u like *beep*
[25.6.2012 16:25:12] Peeat: lol
[25.6.2012 16:25:25] Rok Pikl: For just puting arm is up to engage me
[25.6.2012 16:25:34] Peeat: *beep*
[25.6.2012 16:25:34] Rok Pikl: I would slay u like a pig
[25.6.2012 16:25:39] Peeat: *beep* u with that bullshit again
[25.6.2012 16:25:48] Peeat: lol ur speaking stuff like this for too long now
[25.6.2012 16:25:54] Peeat: u should go to doctor m8
[25.6.2012 16:26:13] Rok Pikl: Do u want to know why i left the house?
[25.6.2012 16:26:14] Rok Pikl: twice
[25.6.2012 16:26:26] Rok Pikl: Cuz my father wanted to put hands on me
[25.6.2012 16:26:33] Rok Pikl: U know how is to be alone for days
[25.6.2012 16:26:36] Rok Pikl: Without nothing?
[25.6.2012 16:26:38] Rok Pikl: Do u*?
[25.6.2012 16:26:39] Rok Pikl: No u dont
[25.6.2012 16:26:46] Peeat: u just wrote to me that i should *beep* myself
[25.6.2012 16:26:50] Rok Pikl: Cuz ur just one big shit doing nothing qwith his life
[25.6.2012 16:26:53] Peeat: jes i know couse im all days alone
[25.6.2012 16:26:58] Rok Pikl: Ue poisoning me
[25.6.2012 16:27:02] Rok Pikl: slowing me down
[25.6.2012 16:27:15] Peeat: tthats our last convers
[25.6.2012 16:27:16] Peeat: cu
[25.6.2012 16:27:21] Rok Pikl: sure
[25.6.2012 16:27:39] Rok Pikl: I hope ur ssoul will burn inside u
[25.6.2012 16:27:48] Rok Pikl: For betraying my love
[25.6.2012 16:27:55] Rok Pikl: I found out 1 thing
[25.6.2012 16:28:09] Rok Pikl: That the one who loves is hated the most
[25.6.2012 16:28:14] Rok Pikl: Everybody hates me
[25.6.2012 16:28:26] Rok Pikl: So there is no difference to me if u hate me too
[25.6.2012 16:28:36] Rok Pikl: How much hav u draw for me
[25.6.2012 16:28:39] Rok Pikl: I know
[25.6.2012 16:28:41] Rok Pikl: how muzch
[25.6.2012 16:28:43] Rok Pikl: Nothing
[25.6.2012 16:28:48] Rok Pikl: Cuz i mean meant nothing to u
[25.6.2012 16:28:54] Peeat: jee i know that, but noone said anything so ugly like u did
[25.6.2012 16:28:57] Rok Pikl: just some crapy 20 yrs old stupid kind
[25.6.2012 16:29:00] Rok Pikl: thats me in ur eyes
[25.6.2012 16:29:04] Rok Pikl: I know that
[25.6.2012 16:29:12] Rok Pikl: U rly think that im, so stupid
[25.6.2012 16:29:13] Rok Pikl: OR smth
[25.6.2012 16:29:14] Rok Pikl: ?
[25.6.2012 16:29:28] Rok Pikl: U didnt say
[25.6.2012 16:29:35] Rok Pikl: U read mein kampf?
[25.6.2012 16:29:36] Rok Pikl: Rerad it
[25.6.2012 16:29:44] Rok Pikl: that ull see what german ppl thinks bout u
[25.6.2012 16:29:51] Rok Pikl: Or some other good book
[25.6.2012 16:29:55] Rok Pikl: ow u dont read books
[25.6.2012 16:30:03] Rok Pikl: cuz ur too distracted with playing games
[25.6.2012 16:30:06] Rok Pikl: And hating me
[25.6.2012 16:30:21] Rok Pikl: 1 thin g is final now
[25.6.2012 16:30:28] Rok Pikl: Now my family understands me
[25.6.2012 16:30:32] Rok Pikl: And will support sme
[25.6.2012 16:30:39] Rok Pikl: I will sucfced with my plans
[25.6.2012 16:30:45] Rok Pikl: And I will convert u all
[25.6.2012 16:30:56] Rok Pikl: fro the devil which is taking ur miserable lives from u
[25.6.2012 16:31:07] Rok Pikl: And that ull see who was ur best freaind
[25.6.2012 16:31:15] Rok Pikl: and who was fake all the way
[25.6.2012 16:33:24] Peeat: now right now i dont give a shit about ur stupid or smart, and from today its not ur *beep* business what am i doing ar whats going on at this side of c0omputer, beacouse u little *beep* dont have right to write stuff ur writing to me now, and REALLY rok go *beep* urself ur sick and need some talking to u, beacouse i need to go to play
[25.6.2012 16:33:58] Rok Pikl: And i still love u
[25.6.2012 16:34:00] Rok Pikl: Remeber that
[25.6.2012 16:34:19] Rok Pikl: And about hospitalisation
[25.6.2012 16:34:28] Rok Pikl: I was in the hospital for sick minded ppl
[25.6.2012 16:34:36] Rok Pikl: adn *beep* wanted to puit me inside
[25.6.2012 16:34:42] Rok Pikl: in the locked stuff
[25.6.2012 16:34:48] Rok Pikl: And fill me with some pills
[25.6.2012 16:34:59] Rok Pikl: Yeah thats what u wish for ur brother
[25.6.2012 16:35:02] Rok Pikl: Good
[25.6.2012 16:35:11] Rok Pikl: Hope that ull be sorry one day
[25.6.2012 16:35:13] Rok Pikl: As I am
[25.6.2012 16:35:18] Rok Pikl: Right now
[25.6.2012 16:35:33] Rok Pikl: But it was nesseccery to get straight with you
[25.6.2012 16:35:51] Rok Pikl: And if u cant stand up to it its not my problem

then I wrote to my savior c Key:

[25.6.2012 16:36:04] Rok Pikl: U got some porblem with me too?
[25.6.2012 16:36:28] Rok Pikl: From now on im getting straight with everyone
[25.6.2012 16:39:27] whoopie: A problem? What kind of problem? What are you talking about? (worry)
[25.6.2012 16:59:47] whoopie: Well ... fight is sacret only to a point. Anyway, most people always do "lies pain shit dishonor disrespect", but that does not mean everyone does. You shouldn't close yourself off, or shouldn't feel down because of this. As I like to remind myself in situations such as this: life is not shitty now that you know, life was shitty when you didn't know, now you can feel liberated, reborn with this knowledge that they cannot *beep* with you anymore.
[25.6.2012 17:01:06] Rok Pikl: tnx chestmir.
[25.6.2012 17:01:19] Rok Pikl: those words mean lot to me
[25.6.2012 17:02:34] whoopie: No problem, now get up and head for the stars again! :)

thats it.

Ow and nacis came from carebears smartness and Nut's comment: If he will still use bad words ban him. Thats when it snaped. and i wrote here decided whatever.

I wrote it just cuz some people i love asked to wrote it like all of u who responded.
Ur part of my family too now. ANd i will kill for you.

Ass out.

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Postby CALLEJON » Tue Jun 26, 2012 19:27

cool story bro

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Postby Ajit » Tue Jun 26, 2012 20:54



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Postby Luki27 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 0:49

bye dude !

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Postby Lurtz » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:11

haha xDDDDD @ 3 above me

Didnt understand shit ...

bye bye

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Postby pompidom_23 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 18:32

Man what shit :s
Know life isn't that easy..
Smoke some weed mate (pls dont do other shit toomuch)..
Enjoy life man you are only living 1 time..
peace man <3

Pompidom :)


Dont drink and drive, just smoke and fly !

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Postby assblow3r » Wed Jun 27, 2012 19:31

again that we are living once is only ur hypotesis mine difers a bit.

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Postby icefrost » Thu Jun 28, 2012 17:31


Hm assblower, i got no idea what u r talking about. what exactly happend on our servers? can someone maybe copy/paste some log-files? i didn't get the point as well...
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Postby DMG_Kowi » Thu Jun 28, 2012 19:54

He probably had smoke-dreams about PS.

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Postby SturmGonzo » Thu Jun 28, 2012 21:14

pompidom_23 wrote:Man what shit :s
Know life isn't that easy..
Smoke some weed mate (pls dont do other shit toomuch)..
Enjoy life man you are only living 1 time..
peace man <3

the problem is he smokes too much weed, hey "hole" i l blow ur s if u dont stop talking crap ^^ ;)

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Postby Sidor » Thu Jun 28, 2012 21:39

SturmGonzo wrote:
pompidom_23 wrote:Man what shit :s
Know life isn't that easy..
Smoke some weed mate (pls dont do other shit toomuch)..
Enjoy life man you are only living 1 time..
peace man <3

the problem is he smokes too much weed, hey "hole" i l blow ur s if u dont stop talking crap ^^ ;)

+1 always

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Postby Samuraii » Fri Jun 29, 2012 16:57

icefrost wrote:Image(blabla)

i didn't get the point as well...

get off drugs bro :p
Last edited by Samuraii on Fri Jun 29, 2012 19:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good bye

Postby SpyCow » Fri Jun 29, 2012 18:46

assblow3r wrote:which country ill destroy anyway.

LOLWUT?! :wth:

Anyway, It's sad to hear... Have a nice life and Uhm... Stop smoking weed? :mrgreen:

And whats up with all that doom and destruction talking.. Cool down. :roll:
Image :wth:

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Postby carebear » Fri Jun 29, 2012 21:26

Yes im from german and ofc i must be nazi. " Read "Mein Kampf" and you know how all germans are thinking about other ppl." Yes easy one, judge about other ppl is so easy! This words sayin more than enough about your mental constitution and your maturity. Normally im sorry about every guy who leaves this community, but for this moment i can not say so. Sorry for this hard words, but when i read such bullshit i could spew.. :roll:

In my eyes you should maybe think about means advice (Going to Hospital)! Joining a server and insulting other ppl is not very kind. Maybe some day you get the point why you have been kicked...

Im a guy who has nothing against drugs and also love to consume them to have fun and get to another world. But you guy definitely took too much!!! I have allready a history with a couple of years hanging around with freaking out guys, consuming many different drugs and i also saw how ppl throw their life away. Sounds crazy but i have seen situations that are more unbelievably than any stoner movie i have ever seen. The best advice i can give you: Its time to get the Turning Point in your life or this story will get sooner and end like you, your family and the ppl around you want!

Good luck to you and a last one insulting ppl who have nothing done to you is not right!!!

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Postby BOWDOWN » Fri Jun 29, 2012 21:56

Jeez, what a damn incomprehensible mess :?

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Postby DMG_Kowi » Fri Jun 29, 2012 23:58

Now I've read whole text. Man, it seems that you made a lot of weird things and it seems that you made them with guys you were smoking with. And also weed made you do all those crazy things, which normally you won't do. You didn't think twice and now your problems are effects of those crazy actions. Even though you might somehow get hurt and there are reasons to be angry, you have no right to attack people that are not involved (f.e. random ppl on PS server), no right to as you say "hate everybody, kill everydoby". What is more fearsome you sound like saying that for real, which means you have a problem yourself and be a problem for others. And as I said - weed might be the original cause - it is main background of your story and with every person you've encountered it was "we were smokind weed, doing shit, blabla".

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Postby assblow3r » Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:56

Its still better for me to say it and not do it then not say it and do it.

And the rise of the old Republik is near. And no1 will stop that.

And about mental health well talk in 50 yrs to see that.

and original background is starting to live for my dreams not weed.

Weed is better then anything else ur doing.

And i Like german ppl just not the ones which thinks that they are more important than everybody else. Those i have for what they are.

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Postby icefrost » Sun Jul 01, 2012 21:30

to prevent further spam and insults...

"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
I am very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."

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