Mafia game 25: Subscription

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Mafia game 25: Subscription

Postby xochi » Mon Dec 17, 2012 20:48

Hellow all winter is here and almost the end of the world so let's have a little mafia game!!!!!!!! This time I will try my best to host this one and will have some help of the almighty GoldenBullet ;). So here it is



What is Mafia the Game?
Mafia the Game is a variant of a game called Werewolf, Assassin or Witch hunt. It is a party game where a bunch of people are divided in two groups, in this case Innocents and the Mafia, and then try to eliminate the opposing team. The game will be played here on forums on a special section reserved for this very game.


Before the game begins, people will vote anonymously for Mayor by sending narrator a PM of a person they want to give their vote. After set amount of time, the person with most votes will receive the Mayor role. After that rest of the roles will be dealt randomly among the players. Each person may only have one role, excluding Mayor, who may receive a second one. Roles will be talked about later on this topic. After all the roles have been dealt, the game will begin.

The game is separated in two phases: Day phase and Night phase.

Day phase
: All players will debate and vote on a person who they think is the mafioso. Mafia will of course try to keep themselves alive by any means necessary, was it to vote on other fellow mafiosos or random innocents. The players will give their votes in person by writing "lynch xxxxxxxx" in the topic. The message must be written in red to avoid misunderstanding. Whoever gets the majority of votes will be lynched. If no one has majority of votes till the deadline, no one will be lynched. After the lynch or deadline, the Night phase will begin.

Night phase: Every night mafia has a chance to kill one person of their choice, which they will decide together on separated forums away from innocents. It is also the time for most of the special roles to use their abilities, such as detective. Once mafia has decided who to kill and special roles have had their time to do their things, the night phase ends and day phase begins once again. The actions will be dealt in this order: Innocent abilities -> Mafia's abilities -> Everything that kills (Mafia hit, Hitman, Vigilante)

Game over

Innocents wins when all of the mafia players have been killed.
Mafia wins if all of the innocents have been killed or if they have enough votes to prevent innocents from reaching majority.
A draw will take place if innocents cannot reach majority and mafia cannot kill the remaining innocents neither on day or night.
Mr.Gray (Special neutral role) wins if he has survived till the game over.

Example of a short game:
Roles dealt: Doctor, 2xInnocent, 2 x Mafioso

1st day phase: Innocents manage to vote out one of the mafiosos.
1st night phase: Mafia kills one of the innocents, doctor protects himself.
2nd day phase: Remaining mafioso convinces doctor to vote out the last innocent.

Notable rules
- Sending/quoting a pm from narrator telling your role is FORBIDDEN
- Decent activity in the game is required. If your posting is deemed insufficient, you may be killed due inactivity. MORE ACTIVITY = MORE FUN!
- Depending the narrator and amount of roles dealt, it may be forbidden to reveal/lie your role. If such rule is set, doing so will result in a direct elimination. This will also apply in telling your role indirectly, such as saying "You should thank me Bob for being protected last night" -> person is most likely Doctor.
- Talking about the game OUTSIDE the forums with fellow players is FORBIDDEN for most innocents. Mafia, Masons and Channeler may do so tho.
- Mafia cannot use their abilities on each other. Doing so will result in INSTADEATH. This is because mafia's ability usage is told in a night recap and targets will be revealed as non-mafiosos.
- If Mayor dies, he will be re-elected.


DO NOTE: I haven't decided the roles yet, but here are the example roles you might be facing in the game. Most likely to be in the game are Detective, Doctor and Hitman.
Innocent roles:

Side: Innocents
Ability:Protect a person from death during night time.
When can be used: Active during night, target can be switched at anytime.
Detailed description: Each night Doctor protects one person of his choosing from death, whether it was regular mafia hit, Hitman hit or Vigilante hit. To protect someone as Doctor, send the host a PM of a person you want to protect. If you do not name your target, you will automatically protect yourself the next night. If you desire to keep protecting a person you must send a PM each night or tell narrator to protect someone "until further notice." Protecting someone does NOT prevent other abilities to be used on the target, such as prostitute's STD.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Investigate a person to get his role once per night
When can be used: Only at night
Detailed description: Each night Detective can choose a person by name to find out what role that person has. To do so he must send a PM to the host of the desired person. Narrator will then send him a message of the results. If detective doesn't send narrator his target by the end of night, there will be no investigation. Investigations do not stack, so Detective doesn't get extra investigations if he forgot to make on earlier. One investigation per night. If for some reason there's a role change in detective's earlier investigations, Detective will be given the new information without need of a new investigation e.g someone becomes the Mayor.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Permanent protection from regular mafia attacks
When can be used: Passive, always protected
Detailed description: Bulletproof cannot be killed by regular mafia attack. He is not protected from hitman and vigilante tho. He can also become vulnerable to regular hits if Prostitute infects him.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Give anonymous messages from the dead each day.
When can be used: At night or day, but only once per 24h in game time (= only at night phase or only at day phase)
Detailed description: Channeler can give a dead person a chance to talk once (or as many times he wishes) more. This is done by sending a PM to the narrator about who poor soul is allowed to make the message. Narrator will then inform the dead person (if Channeler hasn't already) of this opportunity. The dead person's message will be shown as soon as possible, usually when night phase ends. Channeler can also contact any dead person off the forums as he pleases. Contacting a dead mafia player is a bad idea tho, as mafia is still allowed to talk to each other after death. How you might say? Voodoo.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Remove one vote from a person of choice each day.
When can be used: Anytime during day phase.
Detailed description: Lawyer can remove one vote from a person of his choosing by sending a name of the target to the narrator (via PM.) Rest of the players will be informed about this, although they won't get Lawyer's name. He may change target if he deems so.

Side: Innocents
Ability: One free kill of his choosing.
When can be used: At night
Detailed description: Once in the game, Vigilante can kill a person of his choosing. All he needs to do is send a pm to the narrator who will execute it once the night phase ends. The attack will go trough bulletproof, but not trough doctor's protection.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Communication between other masons allowed off the forums. Can make one additional person mason.
When can be used: Communication allowed at all times, invitation can be done at anytime of day or night.
Detailed description: Each game with masons has two of them. They are allowed to contact each other off the forums as much as they please. In addition, they can choose to invite one more person to their ranks. Inviting a person won't reveal that person's role and it won't be announced to the rest. The invited person will however get the names of the remaining masons. This special ability cannot be removed by the prostitute, as it would make the game EXTREMELY complicated.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Can talk but not vote after death.
When can be used: Passive
Detailed description: When Ghost dies, his role will be revealed and marked as dead. Ghost however may continue to talk on the forums, but not vote in the lynching process. This special ability cannot be removed by the Prostitute.

Side: Innocents
Ability: Plain innocents have no special abilities. They only have their wits and gut feelings.

Mafia roles:

Side: Mafia
Ability: One free kill of choice
When can be used: Only at night.
Detailed description: Like vigilante, but on mafia's side. Hitman can kill one person of his choosing per game. This attack will go trough pretty much anything. Only doctor's protection can save the target from death. Hitman doesn't need approval from his fellow mafiosos to do this attack, but it is highly suggested to talk about it before going on a killing spree. The attack is commenced by writing about it on the secret mafia forums or PMing the narrator about the target.

Side: Mafia
Ability: Remove special abilities from the target once in the game.
When can be used: Only at night.
Detailed description: Prostitute can infect a targeted player, causing the target to lose all abilities, if he had any. To do so Prostitute must send a message to the narrator via the secret forums or pm about the person he(she) wants to infect. Needless to say, Prostitute must target by name, not the role. There are some roles that cannot be infected, such as Ghost, Mr.Gray and Masons. Narrator will also tell if Prostitute has used his(her) ability on someone and even tell who that person was, but not what roles he had. It is a double-edged sword, but most of the times well worth it.

Side: Mafia
Ability: Can find out one person's roles once in the game.
When can be used: Only at night.
Detailed description: Torturer can, just like the detective, find out a persons roles. This is done by sending a message via secret forums or pm the narrator about who he wants to target. Narrator will then give all the information about the target regarding to the roles. Unlike detective however, this ability can be used only ONCE. If there's a change in Torturer's target's roles, Torturer will be informed.

Side: Mafia
Ability: None. Just a regular bad guy trying to take over the PSville!

Special roles:

Side: Either Innocent or Mafia
Ability: One extra vote in the daily lynch process
When can be used: Only at day.
Detailed description: By sending a pm to the narrator, Mayor can give additional vote in the lynching process. The forums will be informed about him using the vote, however he will remain anonymous. Mayor can also name is predecessor if he wants to.

Side: Mafia
Ability: One extra vote in the nightly mafia kill process
When can be used: Only at night.
Detailed description: Boss is optional role that can be given among the mafia if they wish so. Boss's vote is counted as two when mafia is deciding who to kill. The only reason for this is to secure mafia reaching majority in their kill, in case someone goes unexpectedly inactive. Boss can only be elected on the first night and if he dies there will be no re-election.

Side: Neutral
Ability: Protection from one regular mafia kill, Extra vote in the lynching process.
When can be used: Protection only at night, Vote at day.
Detailed description: Mr.Gray is neither a mafioso nor an innocent. His game goal differs from the rivaling sides: All he need to do to win is to survive till the end of game. Just like Mayor, he has one extra vote to use via PM. He can also survive ONE mafia regular mafia hit (not Hitman or Vigilante tho).


The topic will run to next Saterday(22.12). After that the game will start with a possible Mayor voting. Anyone who doesn't vote the Mayor will be left out even if they are subscribed.

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Postby blazing » Mon Dec 17, 2012 20:52

Im in , Im in, sjalalalala in im in :)

if this wasnt clear, count me in ^^

thanks diamond:)

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Postby SpyCow » Mon Dec 17, 2012 21:59

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Postby Sidor » Mon Dec 17, 2012 23:04

never played i should try?
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>

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Postby davies » Tue Dec 18, 2012 0:14

Sidor wrote:never played i should try?


Leaving my subscription blank yet. Don't know if I have time.

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Postby Sidor » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:10

davies wrote:
Sidor wrote:never played i should try?


Leaving my subscription blank yet. Don't know if I have time.

ok so im in:D
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>

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Postby GoldenBullet » Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:43

We are having a slow start or what?
Come on don't let xochi down here!

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Postby xochi » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:28

Well they have untill saterday ;) so if untill then not enough players are in ,then no mafia game for this year i guess. :(

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Postby Daghel » Wed Dec 19, 2012 13:38

Im not really sure that starting new game right before christmas-new year breake is a good idea.
Chaos is the only true answer.

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Postby ckEy » Wed Dec 19, 2012 18:24

Count my sexy buttocks in. Time to wreak havoc on mafia.

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Postby GoldenBullet » Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:05

Guess people just aren't that interested at the moment.
I suggest we postpone the game till next year.

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Postby Mefisto » Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:18

Don`t see sense play on it whitout Dag-lynch possibility
take this as compliment Sragel

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Postby xochi » Fri Dec 21, 2012 13:48

yes it will be postponed so lock and then next year when we have time again unluck it again ;)

greetz xochi

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Postby St-Shadow » Sun Dec 23, 2012 20:01

during xmas will have some time to participate.

you can count me in.
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Postby Sidor » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:35

uh uh we have 2013 mibbe we can play mafia game?
Nothing xD
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>

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Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:44

I'm still here so if Xochi wants to restart the topic I'm all ears.

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Postby SpyCow » Sat Jan 12, 2013 23:23

If you're going to restart the Mafia Game, I'll have to say... I want to resign. :wink:
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Postby ckEy » Sun Jan 13, 2013 23:53

SpyCow wrote:If you're going to restart the Mafia Game, I'll have to say... I want to resign. :wink:

It hasn't even started yet. How can you restart something that hasn't even started? It is like - to put it in a way you might understand - trying to milk a cow before she can give a milk (being a spynabcow and all that for instance). There you go. Just as you can't do that with a cow you can't do that with a game, and therefore I submit that your whaling is completely unfounded and as such a perfect case of you being a cow. No pun intended. No hard feelings. C u evil later.

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Postby SpyCow » Mon Jan 14, 2013 15:27

You're such a cow-racist...

I don't want to play the Mafia Game, IF it should get back on its feet. JUST A REMINDER TO REMOVE ME FROM THE LIST!

cKey's these days...
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Postby xochi » Fri Jan 18, 2013 13:56

Hi all,

Yeah for mafia game atm I almost have no time because of work and a lot of traveling so :s. But once I am a bit more settled I can try to do again an effort to do a mafia game or somebody else who wants to try.

Greetz xochi

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Postby Sidor » Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:48

omg someone can run that game? if winter will ends, my free time will end too:C I wanna play :D
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>

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Postby GoldenBullet » Tue Feb 05, 2013 15:57

Busy with life. Maybe someone else can host, I dunno.

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Postby GoldenBullet » Fri Feb 08, 2013 13:09

Well alright I have a suggestion:
I can host you a "quick" mafia war, which will last a couple of hours or so.
Here's what we gonna do:

1) Get a couple of people, 8 to 10 or so
2) Agree a spesific time when everyone is online.
3) Everyone joins irc on agreed channel on that time
4) We play one game
5) ???
6) You win!

It will be much more fast-paced that your usual forum-based MW and hopefully just as fun.

How does that sound? Is anyone even reading this?

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Postby Sidor » Fri Feb 08, 2013 16:24

hehe i have better and faster solution Goldy
can we do only point 6?
I won :D
KaboOM!!! you are dead now :>

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Postby davies » Fri Feb 08, 2013 18:18

GoldenBullet wrote:Well alright I have a suggestion:
I can host you a "quick" mafia war, which will last a couple of hours or so.
Here's what we gonna do:

1) Get a couple of people, 8 to 10 or so
2) Agree a spesific time when everyone is online.
3) Everyone joins irc on agreed channel on that time
4) We play one game
5) ???
6) You win!

It will be much more fast-paced that your usual forum-based MW and hopefully just as fun.

How does that sound? Is anyone even reading this?

I do read this but I have no time.
3 jobs, finishing high school, girlfriend, social life etc. Have fun lads ;)


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