The ape who loves unicorns, Warren!

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The ape who loves unicorns, Warren!

Postby Prime-Squadron » Fri Jun 26, 2009 19:03

The ape who loves unicorns, Warren!
Interview By: Davies

My 3rd interview, and another Dutch guy. This time Warren. After Dutchman and Eyebrow, I thought it would be nice to interview an ape ^^

· How did you come up with Warren(-the-ape)?

Well Warren the Ape, or Warren DeMontague is one of the characters in the show 'Greg the Bunny'. It's a crazy monkey, who loves sex, drugs and alcohol, and is always busy with his huge (ughm) acting career. I liked the name and the character so I started using it, after using the name Boney M for a long time.

· So you're also an alcohol, drugs and sex lover?

sex + alcohol = FTW :D ehh drugs.. not so much, never used it but don't mind other people using it. A beer is good enough for me ;)

· What's your real-life name?

I vaguely recall the name Mathijs, yes.. that must be it. Which would be something like Matheus in German or Matthew in English ;-)

· Your age?

I'm 24 years old.

· Your job is student communication and multimedia design, right? Can you tell us what that means exactly?

Lol, do I have to? :P

· Of course :D !

well first of it's not my 'job' :P and it's kinda outdated since I already finished it. But that study taught me everything I need to know about graphical-, interaction- and web-design. It's a very diverse education, so one day I was drawing, the other day animating, and the next day listening to boring anthropology classes. I currently work for an IT consultant company but it's harder these days with all the economical bullcrap.

· Hobbies & interests?

Well PS is a big hobby :P I like to watch movies and tv shows. And of course the old school hanging out with friends, if you could call that a hobby. Poker and drinking games are sort of a hobby as well, I guess ;)

· You do the drinking games together with that same friends?

Yah, with a couple of hookers in a dirty drugs shack. But no, just safe and sound at one of my friends' places.

· Best game?

hmm.. old Dutch 'spijkerpoepen' is pretty awesome :P
But I did play a lot of Max Payne and GTA in the past. I think ET and GTA: Vice City are on a similar 'awesomeness' level for me.

· Best music?

Genre? Artist? Song?

· Hey, I'm asking the questions in this interview but, whatever you like!

I like most music, but dance/club/house are my favourite genres. Daft Punk would be one of my fav's. I noticed Harpix posted the movie Interstella 5555 in the "what song are you listening" topic a while ago, not a big surprise to know that I have it on DVD.

· Is you favourite movie also Interstella 5555?

Hmm no, that would be the Matrix. Band of Brothers is another favourite but not really a movie. LOTR, Snatch, American Beauty, Donnie Darko, Memento, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski are also some of my favourites.

· How long are you playing ET?

Ehh.. 5 years or something, not really sure. I do know I discovered it while I was at school, we have these big computer rooms, and I just downloaded it and started to play, ignoring everyone else :D

· And for how long in PS?

Almost from the start, early May 2006. I believe Bow, Mill, Wensz, Rollin, Lethal and others were already clowning around at PS1.

· When was the first time you get in touch with the PS community? And how was that?

Early May as well, started at PS1, received a few levels, got interested, joined the forum and never left xD

· So you were one of the first members?

Well you had the original bastards like Landser, Rollin, Daemon, Monster, Lethal etc. Bowdown and Millenium joined a few weeks before me, and I got in almost at the same time as Wensz, I thought.

· Like every community/clan, in the beginning there are not always that much people to play with on the servers.. Did you never had a moment in this community when you thought: "this is kinda boring, maybe I can better quit"?

Well there are always boring moments but I never thought about leaving. If I don't feel like playing I just don't play but leaving is kinda drastic.

Also, in the early days, PS1 was pretty much as crowded as it is today. Back then still at ETPub which ran as solid as a Swiss watch, aah.. the good 'ol days ;)

· How many hours a day do you spend on the Prime Squadron Community?

2 hours or something, probably a little less during the week and a little more in the weekend, it varies a lot. Always trying to squeeze in a few posts, or answering some PM's if I find some time. Actually playing ET moved a bit to the background over the years.

· You were one of the people that saw how Prime Squadron grew up. Were there, in your eyes, any big problems in this community?

Haha ow yeah, we've all had our fair share of drama in this community xD Every month someone else is the black sheep, so to speak. But community wise we always had to adjust. For instance, back in the days PS had around 11 servers which were owned by each and every one, it was just 1 big mess. Also, organizing the server owners always has been a big challenge, since it requires a lot of time and energy from the people who take the 'job'.

· There are already something like 80 members & admins (+ a big list of inactives), did you expect it when you joined PS?

Well I started out as a member, just like everyone else, so I didn't really bother about it. Later, when I joined the other HA's, it became more of an issue. Just like with the servers in the past, the invitations got a bit out of hand as well. Over the years we worked hard to tweak our invitation process, and try to make players actually work for their membership.

· What was, in your eyes, the weirdest thing that happened in 3 years of PS?

Lol, hmm.. not sure. Probably Icy leaving PS all of a sudden, apparently I had something to do with it but it seemed a bit of a mix-up ;) Fortunately we were able to work things out in the end. The asstard re-joined PS about a week later xD

Ow, and of course all those weird little kids, that were banned from the servers and started spamming the forums, resulting in some nice perm bans.. we had a lot of those little buggers, I guess it has something to do with ET being a free game..

· On you're the biggest forum spammer, with an average of 4.16 posts a day. How come you post that much?

Before I joined PS, I already posted on other forums quite a lot, so I was familiar with the concept. I like helping others as best as I can, and there happened to be quite a lot of tech/help posts on PS. We also chit-chat a lot in our Admin Forum, so those posts are added to the total as well, sorry for that :P

· Where does the name Prime Squadron come from exactly?

You ask me? I wasn't there when it was picked. But Landser did say that he was drunk while they were talking about the name. Someone said something like 'Prime bla bla', another 'bla bla Squadron', and Lands' crazy drunk mind just put the 2 together, which became, tadaaa... Prime Squadron xD

· What new things would you love to see in the Prime Squadron future?

More unicorns, on the servers, the forums, just unicorns everywhere :D

But anyway, a big website overhaul is still on my agenda but you know how those things go, 1 step at a time ;)

We're nearly at the end of this interview, just a few questions left..

· Your work for PS is quite impressive and inspiring, what would be your advice for people that are starting their own community?

I'm not sure how impressive or inspiring it is, every member does what he/she can, me included. I know most of us have high standards and do everything we can to keep those standards up. We stand for Fun but also Quality gaming after all :)

I do think it's important to have a group of people who trust and help each other, know what they're doing. Setting up some goals you'd like to achieve with each other helps a lot as well. And you need to be willing to invest quite some free time into it of course. It's not a walk in the park, that's for sure.

· What do you think about the new Wolfenstein?

I have my doubts, like the rest of the ET community. It's kinda strange there's still no multi-player footage but I hope for the best.
I do have to upgrade my pc though :P

· Is there anything left you want to share with us?

Well, the 6th birthday of ET was a few weeks ago, and it still amazes me how much people are still involved in this ancient game (in PC/Internet terms). Not only a lot of clans and communities but also a lot of mappers, coders and developers.

It's just a game with endless possibilities.

[/philosophy mode off] :P

Thx for the time you spend on this interview Warren!

I can tell you all for the future, that Scary and I want to try a new thing, but don't expect to much from it.. We will try to make some ''refreshes'' in the Articles and Interviews -corner!

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Postby jord » Fri Jun 26, 2009 19:20

whaaaa, nice intervew man. it is cool to learn a bit of our old HA's hiding in his AF :P.
Nice one :)

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Postby FALBIK » Fri Jun 26, 2009 19:30

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· Where does the name Prime Squadron come from exactly?

You ask me? I wasn't there when it was picked. But Landser did say that he was drunk while they were talking about the name. Someone said something like 'Prime bla bla', another 'bla bla Squadron', and Lands' crazy drunk mind just put the 2 together, which became, tadaaa... Prime Squadron xD


nice one .... :wink:
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Postby Ajit » Fri Jun 26, 2009 20:02

FALBIK wrote:
· Where does the name Prime Squadron come from exactly?

You ask me? I wasn't there when it was picked. But Landser did say that he was drunk while they were talking about the name. Someone said something like 'Prime bla bla', another 'bla bla Squadron', and Lands' crazy drunk mind just put the 2 together, which became, tadaaa... Prime Squadron xD


nice one .... :wink:

i was also laughing at this xD

anyway, it's one of the best interveiws what i have read.

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Postby Daghel » Fri Jun 26, 2009 20:27

Hehe, warren was the last person i expected to to see intervew about :P :oops:
Really good one Davies.
And nice answers Ape, but Your music taste hmmm... :wink:

oh, and more of unicorns:
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Postby BOWDOWN » Fri Jun 26, 2009 21:29

Nice, now we know the apy a bit better, personaly all i will remember is that apy is an alcoholic sexual pervert :D :P

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Postby Viduus » Fri Jun 26, 2009 21:37

Hmm, there is only one monkey ... I always thought there were three little ones each working a shift of 8 hours a day ...

Nice interview :good:

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Postby Ammz » Fri Jun 26, 2009 21:39

FALBIK wrote:
Code: Select all
· Where does the name Prime Squadron come from exactly?

You ask me? I wasn't there when it was picked. But Landser did say that he was drunk while they were talking about the name. Someone said something like 'Prime bla bla', another 'bla bla Squadron', and Lands' crazy drunk mind just put the 2 together, which became, tadaaa... Prime Squadron xD


nice one .... :wink:

Landser got his ass kicked by Fragger and we were all bullying Landser with that "stupid" Prime-Squadron name... Who thought it would be like this? I didn't that's for sure!
Imho and with my experience from the communities and clans I think this is one of the communities that will be here for a long long time :)

Oh and Matthew ... I will see you on the servers ;)
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Postby deep » Fri Jun 26, 2009 21:53

dance and house ftw, and dnb too ;P and art and gfx too..

nice interview.

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Postby IceCreamy » Fri Jun 26, 2009 22:14

cool interview :)

i must agree with Warren, spijkerpoepen rocks :rofl:

But you still must explain your love for unicorns for me... thats (imo) the only part missing in this interview :wink:

But well done, if you dont mind i might just steal a few questions :D
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Postby paco » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:06

WoW :D

nice, I didn't know that you like Daft Punk :party:
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Postby flow » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:43

Great interview daviessss :D
and this is maybe best interview what i have seen too :> warren didnt answer to most of questions as "joke" which i have seen many times :>
great job guys ^^
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Postby on1 » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:01

very nice interview dude :P and ape big tnx to u and all the hard work u do :D :P

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Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:55

About time to read about warren :D
Nice interview once again!

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Postby -Drag- » Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:05

So now i know where did u got the name Warren and the name of Prime Squadron :P
Nicely done Interview :)

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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:46

Haha really nice interview :P

Can't wait next one. This was the best interview for now xD
I had lot of moments when I laughed.
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Postby Mefisto » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:05

Hmmm very interesting and inteligence Monkey :D :banana:

Drugs & sex & rock and roll !!

Good job ! :twisted:
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Postby Spyhawk » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:17

NIce to know a little bit more of the old ape ;)

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Postby probro » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:34

really nice interview

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Postby Harpix » Sun Jun 28, 2009 18:05

wauw! I ve been mentioned in a interview! Mentioned by big ape himself! Now you ll never be able to remove me from PS history! Hoeray!

Nice interview boys;)
Btw I love unicorns too!!! I ve got a picture of a unicorn smoking some pot on my room! Unicorns are awesome! And they aren't girlish at all!
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Postby wardew » Mon Jun 29, 2009 21:46

Greetz Warren nice interview! :D (God.. but i don't like GTA.. :? )
i know that you are a NoQuarter contributor.. Good job and thx :wink: bb

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Postby Evil » Tue Jun 30, 2009 0:31


nice interview and also nice to know something bout u :P

keep going at the work

hopefully iam invited for an interview once too ;)

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Postby Samuraii » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:13

Good job! :D . Always funny to see how he did that or blabla :lol: :o

And yes i agree with warren about that its still amazing so much players for a very basic-looking game. 8)
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Postby TeddY » Tue Jun 30, 2009 22:03

wow, nice statements. thanks a lot for that interview!

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Postby _InFeRnO_ » Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:34

eheh Warren.
Nice Interview :P


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