"Same, old Henry - always cheating!".

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"Same, old Henry - always cheating!".

Postby Miszczu » Thu Nov 19, 2009 13:13

Few years ago, on all stadiums in England, fans used to sing: "Same, old Arsenal - always cheating!". Now it's a right to change that phrase a little bit, dont U think so?

I feel really sorry for all Irish fans whose team performed really well and was better on the pitch than mighty France. Better enough to get a chance in penalties. But they were robbed by referee and mr Henry, who already said that he finds nothing wrong in his hand and it's all referee's fault :o How to comment that?

Well, at least Slovenia wasnt robbed. They gave an away ticket to Hiddink's Russia in a fair compete. I'm rly curious what Platinni gonna say about it. It seems that having a freaking rule that Portugal and France cant play with hemselves cuz hey re too god wasnt enough....
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Postby DaRkMaN » Thu Nov 19, 2009 13:36

Well i didnt watch the game between Ireland and France,but can tell you something abaout Slovenia,well this time they passed,but i remember good last two qulifications,Slovenia was robbed both of those times,and preatty hard robbed,I want even ganna talk abaout my Croatia,but for our litlle countrys like Slovenia and Croatia it is really nothing new to get robbed,Fifa will always first look where is the money and France will make more money then Ireland!
So i am happay at least for Slovenia,becuse small countrys always have to put double effort to make it!
And money will always turn ourond our beutifull world,but it is nice when you see somebody like Slovenia,that can fight even if their chances are small,and say to FIFA scr.. you assho... we are going to South Africa! :)

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Postby FlowerPower » Thu Nov 19, 2009 15:15

Such a shame for Irish team, they deserved to go to penalties at least.
Yes it's referee's fault, but a little bit of honesty from Henry would be appreciated. Saying such things is a total miss of fairplay.
And I'm speaking as footbal player and not as italian supporter.

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Postby IceCreamy » Thu Nov 19, 2009 15:16

he admitted it tho, but the ref failed by not asking him. Too bad, but life is life ^^

At least Dutch team has not been defeated this year, but well... last nights game against Paraguay was rather... boring :oops:
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Postby davies » Thu Nov 19, 2009 15:45

Things like that just happen in football (and other sport). Ofcourse, a big mistake from the referee, but everybody makes a mistake sometimes. I didn't watch the game, but saw some highlights back on youtube..
Also very sad for those Irish people

But as I said things happen... Who can forget this goal?


IceCreamy wrote:At least Dutch team has not been defeated this year, but well... last nights game against Paraguay was rather... boring :oops:

yes, I was there and it was just .... rubbish :(

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Postby DaRkMaN » Thu Nov 19, 2009 15:57

Davy this everbody makes mistakes holds,but here is the question was that a mistake that happens or was it intentional mistake if you understand what i am trying too say,becuse if we take for example uefa cup,or what is the name now in english cant remeber,they where testing it with 6 judges,and on one game i saw this new 6 th judge not seeing a penaltie 3 meters from where he was standing then mistake is not always a mistake if you know what i mean,and it sucks!
Or they where talking abaout rule like in tennis so team would have one chance of overrulling the judge by demo from television,but they said NO too that rule,if i remeber good explanation was judge and his ruleing is part of charm of football,ya right,part of FIFA will decide who will go and who will not!

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Postby IceCreamy » Thu Nov 19, 2009 17:41

lool, I am a real big fan of the 4th official (who is completely useless most of the game) checking camera's, to see if smth was schwalbe/penalty, hands or not, etc.

Also 5th and 6th official look completely ridiculous, better buy some equipment and kick them...

But most of all - all Irish are pissed, but for what reason? I mean, they shouldn't be in World Championship, unless they want us to have a nice laugh every time they play :D Nah, rather have France, so the Dutch can kick their ass again with 4-1 :twisted:
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Postby fantomas » Thu Nov 19, 2009 18:00

I'm not a football fan (former college player of rugby)
But I find it shameful.......:cry:
The Irish team deserves more participants to the World Cup.
Henry acknowledge having made a hand .....(on Tv french)
WTF FIFA? :evil:
Bravo Irish team ! :wink:

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Postby FALBIK » Thu Nov 19, 2009 18:04

bah .... french -cheaters ...... same here ^^
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Postby Miszczu » Thu Nov 19, 2009 18:16

IceCreamy wrote:But most of all - all Irish are pissed, but for what reason? I mean, they shouldn't be in World Championship, unless they want us to have a nice laugh every time they play :D Nah, rather have France, so the Dutch can kick their ass again with 4-1 :twisted:

Re U kidding me? They shouldnt be in WC cuz they re not so famous as France? So for what reason that QL. re beeing played, huh? Maybe just make an sms contest, what teams will be playin in WC - fans gonna vote!

Such opinions pisses me most. France should be in WC cuz they re... u know, they re France, they ve got superstars, etc. etc. So, for God sake, let them prove it on the pitch. Im curious how French fans re feeling now. I mean, their representation was so weak, that they need to cheat to win that playoff game.

Henry just blame himself as an player and as a person. What is worst: Irleand can do absolutely nothing about it. Some1 robbed them, they know who and they've got millions witnesses and they can do nothing.

In sport generally, so in football too (or maybe at first), there is an major idea to compete with each other in a fair and clear rules. Mistakes happens, so as cheats. But that cant be any excuse for cheaters. Henry wont be punished, furthermore he still got defenders of his action. Cuz he is Henry, cuz that is France and better have them than some dumb Irish in WC, cuz every1 is cheating, bla bla bla. When a football star that won almost everything in this sport, and is an example and idol for so many youngsters, is cheating like that and he dont even feel guilty, then i am disgusted. And no, i havent born yesterday, im fully aware about money in football and how many cheats we've got these days. Just that yesterday match pictured so clearly how awful things re happening in international football now.
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Postby BOWDOWN » Thu Nov 19, 2009 18:58

I m french and as a real fan of football i most be glad to see my country qualified for the Worldcup 2010 but i have to face it : looking to both matches, Irland deserve more than France to be qualified, what Henry done is a real shame (i was the only one to insult him when all my friends was jumping in da room yesterday night :D ) and the fact that Platini still did n t opened his usual big mouth is even more shameful. I realy feel sorry for irish people but that s unfortunatly a part of football. The problem is also from FIFA itself, it s not first time that such a shit happen and those Fifa fat ass authorities still do nothing to stop it : cameras which can give the refree a live help, a second refree etc ...

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Postby IceCreamy » Thu Nov 19, 2009 19:02

Whatever your opinion is, you must admit that Ireland has way less chance of playing an important role as football nation then France does.

But, I also agree that the way it went was not fair at all, but well - it's just a sport, come on...
+ the ref is just a person, who can make mistakes as well.

+1 for camera's :)

@Misz: Henry said straight after the match that it was a handball. If the ref would have gone to him and asked him - he would have admitted to playing a handball :)
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Postby FlowerPower » Thu Nov 19, 2009 19:30

Ireland has important players like Keane, Duff, Given. I think they could have done well at World Cup, no matter if they're not planetary known as french players. ;)

Anyway, I think the 4th official should have the possibility to look replays like in rugby, in important mathces like these.

And i think I'm going to be a Slovenja fan, since Italy is playing so bad :?

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Postby Miszczu » Thu Nov 19, 2009 19:54

Whatever your opinion is, you must admit that Ireland has way less chance of playing an important role as football nation then France does.

What does it to do with whole situation? To the World Cup should qualify teams who won the eliminations and playoff games on the pitch. Not these which re more famous or have more important role (whatever it means).

@Misz: Henry said straight after the match that it was a handball. If the ref would have gone to him and asked him - he would have admitted to playing a handball

U seems to not see where the real problem is. Henry should go himself to ref and said about handball, cuz it wasnt an accident. He did that handball with all premeditation to score the goal. He does not even feel guilty at all. In his thinking u can cheat during the game unless referee catches U. No catch, no cheat - all was fine. Kinda devastating to what football and sport should've mean.

This is a real problem of football today. Top players re cheating - so the kids re doing it. It's immoral and I as a football fan has a damn right to criticize it.

The problem is also from FIFA itself, it s not first time that such a shit happen and those Fifa fat ass authorities still do nothing to stop it : cameras which can give the refree a live help, a second refree etc ...

That is another story, but i fully agree with U on this. Both FIFA and UEFA lost their authorities to me long time ago.
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Postby IceCreamy » Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:21

well - looks like we can't agree :D No prob, but about Henry not going to referee:

Suggest you would have been him, and you would have the chance of playing in the World Cup. You can be honest and lose your place, or lie and go cheerfully to the World Cup. Sorry, but I would know my choice... even though my conscience would eat me from the inside.

@Flowy: All Italians were doing against Dutch were some hard tackles, and Camoranesi constantly failed in playing balls with his heel :D That was big lol every time :P

Anyways, I am glad that its France in WC and not Irish, regardless of the way it went. As football supporter, I also have full right to say this :wink: But, I have to agree that the way it went wasn't really good.
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Postby icefrost » Fri Nov 20, 2009 16:45

ye well, that's soccer, referee makes the decisions and he made a wrong decision, but he didn't act against the FIFA rulebook, he just made a mistake. of c it's sad for irland but ye, that's soccer as well, luck by referees.

i watch a lot of soccer games in the 4th german league and there the referees are even worser and u'll simply get annoyed at some matches, but i doubt it will change, it's a part of soccer as well and i also doubt they will ever have a look at videos for proofs, as long the decision is fine with the FIFA rulebook.

lucky france, bad for irland, but they made a good game and showed that they can play soccer as well.

will be a interesting worldcup, can't wait for it!
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Postby BOWDOWN » Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:28


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Postby Ajit » Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:51


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